
About the author: currently transcending the astral plane

I cried while running this morning.

It is good to get that emotional release. It happened when I was listening to M83. If you’ve never listened to them before, you can think of their music as epic movie score shit. The crying was partly because of the emotional song “Outro”. The other part of the reason I was crying was because of how proud I was of myself. These past few days I have felt like a new person almost, or better yet—a better version of myself.

Not long after I was feeling proud as if I was in a movie scene, it began to rain. It didn’t bother me though—it was exciting! Some are turned off by rain, running or not. I love the rain. It’s funny how much we let the weather dictate our emotions. I might have said something to myself in the past like, “it’s raining, I’ll just run tomorrow.” Having an anchor in my mind makes it easier to know what I’m doing that day. It’s easier to know my goal and just do it.

It has been a while since I have actually pushed myself like this. I feel like I am slowly but surely becoming someone I can respect and hang my hat on. I’m not anywhere close at all yet, but the point is that I am trying. This is why I love the notion of personal development and growth so much. It feels like I always have something to come back to and use to my advantage. If something sucks in my life, I always have the opportunity to expand and better myself—whether that’s easy or difficult to do so.

Now, it’s not all about me at all. I don’t want it to be. When I am a better version of myself, I have more to give. I have more to share. More to write. More to create. Better thoughts. More empowering feels. I feel more connected to reality and the Universe. I feel more connected to my fellow humans. Or at least trying to be ;) As an introvert this isn’t exactly easy. But I do want to provide stronger social value—even if that is behind a keyboard.

Falling Asleep and Failing

As I type this now it is 12:37a. This means I have technically failed the 365-content creation portion. I could say that it is not past midnight in another timezone and not put the failure tag upon myself. I am not going to do that since I want to learn and discipline myself with time management. I am definitely waiting to long to write something and publish. I need to learn to focus more and not spend all day essentially. To clarify, I don’t mind spending long hours on pieces—just as long as I’m putting in the work and not procrastinating until it’s too late, I get tired, feel under the gun and run the risk of falling asleep. This happened for the last post too and just made it. Today, I didn’t. The good thing is this is a “soft launch” with the official start date being June 1. And I am still putting this out before I go to bed, so I can’t be mad at myself too much here—it’s just a minor setback.

Recalibrating and Becoming More Disciplined

This post starts out by saying “I cried while running this morning.” This morning is now yesterday morning. This is no good and bothers me. How can I become more disciplined? I can put “write article” on my to-do list with a hard deadline. I could have a time where I want to get them out. I can just start and finish earlier. I am being careful to not be too rigid here either, as I like to go with the flow of inspiration as well. I just need to learn to focus and become more structured. I am learning to do this. I can recalibrate as I become more disciplined.

The fact that I am a bit upset with myself is a good thing. This means that I care and don't want to let myself down. I don't want to let others down either. I want to prove to myself and others that if I say I'm gonna do something that I will.

Beating Yourself Up

We have a tendency to to be hard on ourselves when we fuck up. This only makes things worse. It's important to remember to be kind to yourself and not beat yourself up if you make a mistake. You're going to make mistakes. You're going to fuck up all throughout life. Setbacks are apart of life. Humans are resilient and we are great at dusting ourselves off and bouncing back. This just adds to your story.

Sometimes things get so stuff we want to give up. We may crawl in bed and get in the fetal position. We may want to cry ourselves to sleep hoping and wishing the problem would just go away. The key is not give up no matter how tough it gets. Be proud of your failures and battle wounds. Embrace the fact that you are only human. Learn from your mistakes and do better next time. Grow from the experience.

Tomorrow is a New Day

I am excited that tomorrow is a new day. It is a chance to try again. It is a do-over. It is a an opportunity to progress. How can we help others? What more can we do? I am looking forward to seeing what we can accomplish tomorrow. I am excited to keep going and create more a pure, honest place. Tomorrow may never come, so live for today.

It’s almost deadline.

I made a promise to myself I would publish something every day. It’s almost deadline and I have nothing to show for it. I don’t want to let myself down. So no matter how tired or fat I feel I feel from the pizza I just had, I am staying committed.

I am staying disciplined because it’s important to me. I am not making excuses for myself anymore and just going to do this. No matter how much I procrastinate or slack off during the day — this thing is getting done and up. So here I am, alone with the computer. Alone with the screen. My thoughts and my breath. A lemon-lime hiball to wake my ass up.

The cool thing about being under pressure is that it forces you to commit and get something done. Having the goal of 365-days of cardio and content creation is really disciplining me thus far and provides an anchor in my mind — especially, the content creation part. With knowing I need to get a piece of content out, it forces my brain in a healthy way to think in positive ways. Knowing I need to write, edit, then post — it’s like my mind can focus easier. It’s funny how that works because it’s so easy to want to slack off and put it off until tomorrow. There is essentially no tomorrow. Tomorrow is just another excuse.

I think the lesson here is becoming more focused and disciplined, especially when it comes to time management. I know that I like to write most in the morning, and I do on the weekends. During the week, I have been good with waking up and getting my yog in, but still there is more room to be disciplined with writing. I don’t need to be so rigid though. I am learning to adapt and be flexible with my writing. The important thing is enjoying it and pushing it out, and getting it published.

There is a sexiness to discipline. By disciplining yourself, you are strengthening that part of your brain that won’t quit. Quitting is easy and it’s lame. Pushing yourself to do something outside of your comfort zone is sexy and cool af. You are giving a story for your character — a story to share with others. I am learning as I go and refining my approach every day. I am finding my voice and learning to not be so scared. Posting something online requires vulnerability. You are offering up a piece of yourself and putting yourself on display. Some people may not like what you have to say or your style — but some may love it, and do. One does not simply exist without the other.

Life is continually asking, what do you want here, what do you want to say. By staying in control and being conscious of your actions, you are stepping up your standards. This raises other people's standards too. By uplifting your own sense of pride and determination through grit and glamour, you are shifting the consciousness. You’re shifting the consciousness of yourself yet simultaneously shifting the consciousness of those around you. I want to see what I’m made of. I want the same for you. I want to learn, grow, and adapt. I want to better myself and better you. We’re all in this together and are here for each other. As corny as that may sound, it’s true. Through others we are able to see sides of ourselves we wouldn’t be able to see otherwise. By sharing your thoughts, ideas, and expressions with people, you are bouncing energy that they will bounce back to you and others throughout their day.

This is why I think it’s so important to start the day off right. By starting the day off right, you are creating a unique positive energy that will affect those in your circle — however wide that may be. Going for a yog or run in the morning has been doing wonders. Combining this will a cool score or soundtrack to listen to keeps the good feelings flowing. I also combine this with waving at people. This just makes me smile and makes the other person smile too. I don’t care how corny this sounds lol — you oughtta try it and see how you feel.

So this post isn’t the most concise or polished or focused. I’m proud of myself for still getting it done — just in time. I’m ending the day on a high note.

Sleep well ❤

Don’t Obsess Over Money

It’s so easy and fun to see your money coming into your accounts. It’s enjoyable to watch the number go up and scary to watch the number go down. Does the number in the database care about you? Is it watching you watch it? Don’t obsess over money.

If you’re like me, it’s pleasurable to look at your account(s) and see what’s going on there. You set financial goals and feel more at ease because of it. This is very easy to do with a bank called Simple. There, you have a “Safe to Spend” telling you just that. By being organized with it, you set up your expenses and goals and the rest is pretty much on auto-pilot. This gives you a relaxed sense and feeling about the money sitting in your bank account.

There is nothing inherently wrong with doing this and becoming financially responsible is super important. That’s not what this post is about.

Is checking yr $ account the new checking yr E-mail?

I am not sure how many times per day I check all of my accounts. It’s good to have a sense of what’s going on over there, but it’s important to not let it control you. We often give our power away to things such as money. When we give our power away we are saying that this number in this database defines me. The same can be comparable to a job you may have. You may think to yourself, this job is me — it defines my character. When people say to you “so, tell me about yourself”, quite often our first response is our career. This is somewhat normal, but it’s really only just one piece of the puzzle.

What’s the first thing that you check in the morning? Is it your social media? E-mail? Your bank account? Crypto wallets? It’s healthy to provide some separation of these things. It’s okay to check them because you’d be deemed as insane if you didn’t these days, but try not to let them consume you. It’s so easy to obsess over things such as money. I know I am guilty of this a lot. I sit on my laptop looking at where my money is coming and going — even if that money is a trickle or a full-on waterfall.

The Emotional Rollercoaster of Money

If you are into crypto, it’s fun to check the price of bitcoin and your favorite alts every day. It’s so easy to get caught up in the emotional rollercoaster of money. Money and emotions aren’t always a match made in heaven. When you get more money, you are happier, less stressed, and can buy more things — you can enjoy life a little more. When you lose money, are in debt, and can’t pay your bills — you are more stressed about life. These are all important factors but not 100% true. Could you live life regardless of the number in the database or on the blockchain? Of course, you can! If you lost all your money today, what would you do with your life? How would you live? Would you become a vagabond and travel the World? What skills could you gain regardless of income or having a stash of cash? What would become most important to you? This is a super interesting thought exercise to explore in your mind or written down as well. If money was no longer a source of power for you, where would you choose to center your life?

Wanting More Money

Is it okay to want more money? I think so. It’s probably human on some level. And maybe everyone is a little greedy in their own right and just likes to have their own. Money opens doors, or can at least. But it’s important to note, different doors can still open with a lack of money — albeit in different ways. It comes down to being creative. If you are struggling right now, I certainly empathize with your situation. It’s never fun not having money. It fucking sucks. I have been broke countless times before and there is no guarantee it won’t happen again. What’s different now is that I’m learning to understand money more. How does it work? What purpose does it serve? Why does it exist in the first place?

Where to Focus Your Efforts

Wanting to make more money is boring af. When you set your goals to just make more money that is really just a yawn fest when people express this. It doesn’t exactly ignite something inside of you. You are just a doge chasing its own tail. Yah look like a damn fool! And by doing so, you will behave in ways that just don’t align morally or spiritually really at all.

I think it’s best to focus your efforts on more interesting things. Focus on your story and what you are contributing rather than the money it will bring. For me, that is focusing on content creation. I want to put out quality stuff to share with you all. I want to put aside my own needs and just really create something of value. Am I perfect? No. The important thing for me is when I get distracted by the almighty dollar, to turn my attention elsewhere. To focus on what really matters. To care about things that actually mean something to me. I want to steer my mind away from money and towards the fun. Writing is fun. Writing is interesting. Writing is my mind and thoughts gathering together to create something new. It is very exciting to me to speak to reality when writing — to better understand it. I plan to write to reality every day to form a stronger bond with our relationship. I also am very excited to further comprehend the relationship between cardio and content creation. I can’t wait! This is going to be a hell of a fun year experimenting with this and seeing where it takes me! The emphasis being on contribution and helping others.

Money Stays Here

When you die, the money stays here. Let that sink in. Your money doesn’t define you. You aren’t your money. Money flows through people. If you want to better your money situation, work on your social interactions. With that said, don’t just work on your social interactions so that you can then receive the money. That’s defeating the purpose and point. Do this: create from a pure place. Create with the sole intention of helping someone. You may or may not know this person. Just focus on helping and healing. Let the words and thoughts flow through you. Learn as you go. Enjoy the process. Trust the process. Trust the Universe. Let go. Connect. It’s just you and the Universe. What do you want to say?

👋 Is there apart of your life you wish you could transition out of or into? Do you not see a clear path out? Is it difficult to see the forest amongst the trees?

Bridge Building 101

One way out of this stuckness feeling is by building a bridge. A bridge is essentially a transitionary period. It’s some length of time dedicated to getting to the other side. Whatever it is you’re going through, whatever it is you’d like to change — there is always a way out.

Feeling stuck is a very normal feeling. It is a feeling that is very common. Being unhappy in a current situation — whether financial, spiritual, career-wise, or a conflict between someone close to you — you are always free to go a separate route. Whatever needs to happen to get you un-stuck is all you really need to know and do. However elegant or painful that looks like, where you currently stand isn’t permanent. Life is constantly in flux and so are you. Unless of course, you choose to stand pat. There is nothing wrong with this either, as long as it’s what you want. If you’re having trouble knowing if it’s right for you — if you’re questioning it, it’s a no.

Building a bridge doesn’t have to be pretty. In fact, some bridges can be downright ugly. The point is to GTFO of whatever it is you’re dealing with at the moment ASAP and step into a new reality. Freeing up the energy by leaving the old behind will get your mind thinking in new ways where you have to think differently and adapt. This is an extremely intelligent way of living your life. Your bridge can be made of cardboard and duct tape. As long as it gets you from point A to point B then that’s all that matters.

Fast vs Slow Bridges

Some bridges need to be fast while others are better for more methodical transitions. As far as fast bridges go, it really is sometimes a better solution to just rip the band-aid off and figure it out from there. When making a change you don’t need to have everything figured out before you go through with it. By doing so, this will only stagnate your progression and you will remain stuck. By leaving the old, you are allowing for the new. This may not always be easy, and will often be downright difficult, but if it’s necessary and will make you feel better in the short term and long run then that’s all the really matters.

Some of your bridges will be long and slow. Some will require more brain power and grace. Just be careful to not confuse long transitions with not actually progressing. Basically, don’t kid yourself. Be honest with yourself. Perhaps there is an easier or shorter bridge you could take. But sometimes, you may have to fail repeatedly and learn from your mistakes over and over again until you finally reach an epiphany. This is when long and slow bridges pay off in the end.

Burning Bridges

It is best to not burn bridges in your moments of change. You don’t really want to create negative energy leaving something behind, especially involving other people. Even if your bridges are quick just to get the energy moving in a more positive direction, doesn’t mean you have to be a bad or evil person in the process. Although, sometimes this is just the nature of the beast. Feelings get hurt and things get ugly. This is just how life plays out sometimes. If burning a bridge is the only way you see fit, then make your peace with it. No sense in dwelling and delaying the inevitable.


Do you need to have a blueprint for building a bridge? While it is helpful to have some sort of idea in mind, it is not necessary. You certainly don’t need a masterplan. As stated earlier, this will only perpetuate the stuckness. If you’re currently unhappy in your situation then any direction other than the one you’re in is a win. The thing here is to focus on what would excite you. If you could snap your fingers and be in the new reality now, what would you want? What would light you up inside? Let that be your focus — not the fear, uncertainty, and doubt. Stay in the present moment as best as you possibly can.

Your Story Needs a Bridge

My favorite part in movies is when the character is going through that transitionary period. You can practically see their growth on screen. The score is playing some badass music and something epic is unfolding. What’s your bridge to a more interesting, courageous future? What epic song is playing? They say it’s not the destination, it’s the journey. I would agree. How is your story unfolding? How could you consciously play a part in that unfolding process? This is what life is all about. Do something bold, scary, and fun. What’s the memory you want to create here? Does your movie have people falling asleep or on the edge of their seats? You’ll look back and either smile, laugh, or cry at what you did. Make a masterpiece.

I have 2 new goals wrapped into 1 🏃🏻‍♂✏

Why am I doing this?

I’m doing this because challenges are important. More specifically speaking, I am doing this to get my mind-body-spirit more aligned. I feel these two, cardio and content creation, are a perfect marriage — and I aim to better understand the relationship between them.


The cardio I will be doing will be running. If I get bored with running I will mix it up with something different. Running is a solid choice though; it is simple and travel-friendly. My goal here is at least 45 min./day. Currently, I am only able to do approximately 10–15 min. of light yogging. I have been consistent with this for the past few days when I got the idea in my mind. I have no problem waking up early at around 5:15–5:30a in the morning and heading out the door — that part is relatively easy. The challenge here is building up my stamina enough to where 45 min. is easy. This is a good mini-challenge inside the bigger challenge right now.

Reaching 45 minutes is exciting to me because I know that once I reach the 45 I will reap the mental benefits from cardio. The mental benefits are really why I’m doing this. I would say that is my number 1 motivating factor with all of this. I want to really feel what that feels like. I know it must feel amazing. Even with the amount I am able to do currently, I am noticing a positive thing unfolding. To make things more enjoyable and fun, listening to music, an audiobook, or anything positive helps. Running without headphones is also nice if you want peace and quiet. Today, I listened to the Moneyball score. I know I will reach 45 minutes in no time. It’s a process.

Content Creation

Content creation goes hand-in-hand with exercise. If my mind is right, if I have clearer thoughts, then my creativity will be in tip-top shape. Without giving my mind a workout, my thoughts are sluggish and not really there. I like to write in the morning right after I shower. When I do this (minus the exercise) it feels extra hard to come up with ideas on the spot. A lot of the time I am just sitting there staring blankly at the blank document waiting for something to happen. Letting go helps some, as well as writing from a pure place. This isn’t what I want entirely though. What I want is to for my words to flow easily and effortlessly onto the screen. I want that artistic, natural flow where my words are just pouring out of me. Coming up with ideas and having something to say out of thin air should be a thing of the past. If I am treating my mind right then my imagination oughtta run wild and free. There is a wholeness and pureness I am seeking. Where my thoughts and words are in a symbiotic relationship with each other. I want to be able to hear my thoughts clearly and for it to not feeling I’m just churning and grinding gears up there.

A couple of days ago when I started this yogging, I noticed an immediate difference when I got back to my desk and started typing. It felt so much easier to come up with things to say and I was more in that effortless state. I want to have to pull back from typing like a mad man rather than sitting, thinking, and brooding over what to say.

I am not limiting myself to just writing with this challenge either. There are many mediums I am free to explore: videos, audio, podcasting, interviewing, public speaking. I have always thought of myself as a creative-type. I have made some interesting things in the past, but when I’m honest with myself, I don’t see much creating happening. When I do create, it is for my own private archive or library. Where’s the fun in that? Thoughts and ideas don’t really do much if they just sit idly in your mind or in a document for your own viewing. The fun and magic happens when you are vulnerable and share your thoughts with the World. This is so easy nowadays with the Internet and everything. Of course, there are some things you want to just save and have for yourself. But, I know I can do better, try harder, and simply do more. I want to see what I’m made of exactly. By sharing content you have the ability to help someone as well. It is truly exciting to inspire others and spread positivity in the process. You never know what people are going through and if they need what you have to say at that exact moment. I know many people who have helped me in various ways. So I am myself, how am I providing value? What am I doing to help? Am I adding to the story?

Soft Launch

I officially will begin this 365-day challenge on June 1. I still am going to run and create content up until this date though. So consider this a soft launch à la a startup company.

Pushing Through

It is very important to remember to push through when things get tough. Our minds have a tendency to be a little bitch sometimes. For example, before writing this, my mind was firing off this lame whiney excuses as to why I can’t write this. It would say things like “it’s too late to start now”, or “your best writing is in the morning”, and “just wait until June 1st”. My mind would also tell me things to make it easier too like “the article doesn’t have to be too long if you don’t want it to be.” Sometimes it’s best to just not listen to your mind, tell it to stfu, and start. I am here to tell you, that by pushing through I am able to get this article written and published to share with you all. 😊

This article is about how everything will work out in the end…but really it’s about planning your day with the end in mind first.

Planning your day with the end in mind first is the best way to plan your day. By starting with the end in mind, you can focus on what’s most important. Let’s do a thought exercise. Focus on the feeling of how you end your days — is it something you can hang your hat on or is there something left to be desired? Would you say you are more empty or contented?

The satisfaction you get from having a full day is such a wonderful natural high. You can rest your keppy knowing that you did well that day. You can carry those feelings and thoughts into dreamland and be proud of yourself. Knowing that you accomplished something of value can really do wonders for your self-esteem, confidence, and well-being.

Your day and daily activities can be seen as a microcosm of your life. It is 1 bit of information that is now a memory. What kinds of memories do you wish to create here? Which do you wish you could forget and delete? I’m not saying that everything needs to be all rainbows, narwhals, unicorns, and puppy doges. What I’m really getting at is just being proud of yourself and the character you are playing in this life. Is what you’re doing enough, or are you playing it too safe and too small?

With that said, I do feel like it’s good to not be so harsh on yourself and to not act so drill sergeant-y about it. I don’t really favor that approach, but for some things, it could be useful. I don’t want to act like the only reason you are here is to check more things off of your tick list. There are big rocks you can move that will move you along in the ways you’d like. Big picture stuff is important while the smaller stuff is still significant too. In the stream, there are big rocks, yet pebbles too.

Starting off Right

The best way to start your day is with exercise. You want to start your day early af to reap the mental and physical benefits that carry you through your day. The best exercise is cardio — 45 minutes at least. I have been starting at ~5:15/5:30a the past couple of mornings. I am not at the 45-minute mark yet because I am starting small and working my way up. I have been averaging ~10–15 minutes of yogging I’d say, with the rest just walking.

The less thinking the better here — just fucking go. Seriously, thinking of reasons to weasel your way out of exercise is the exact opposite of what you are looking for. The ironic thing is that if you exercise, your mind will thank you for it later. And like anything else, once you get going, it’s really not that bad and you will actually start to enjoy it. If you feel you are getting too caught up in your mind and struggling to even get out of bed, I recommend using the 5-second rule. The 5-second rule simply is just counting backward in your mind 5–4–3–2–1-BOOM! On “BOOM!” you rip the covers off and get out of bed immediately. Or if it’s the getting out the door to go for a run, try the same method. It really works because you don’t get caught in your back-and-forth line of thinking. Try it on for size and see how you like it ;)

One Thing

One thing per day is a nice approach. What is that one thing per day that will give you that sense of accomplishment by the end of the day? For example, that would simply be me writing, editing, and publishing this article. Writing feels good because it helps me focus on what’s important in my life. Just knowing I got one article done gives me a great boost that I can really call my own and feel so good about. It’s something personal and creative and gets my mind going while also challenging me — as long as I maintain the habit, I’m golden.

Getting Out of Your Head

One of the struggles I have with my days is the ability to get out of my head. If you spend too much time alone, indoors, and behind a screen then you can resonate with this I’m sure. Being an introvert, I love being by myself and collecting my thoughts. I love expressing them as I am here now through writing or another creative medium. I enjoy the rhythm of it and how I connect with who I am and who I want to become. The struggle I have is by relying too heavily on these solo activities and not stepping outside of that comfort zone enough. This has a negative effect and comes at a cost. It leaves you with this disconnected feeling and the opposite of calm.

When I am in my head too much it is not good for my mental health. I think it’s sort of about finding the right balance here — especially being an introvert. I think the big thing to remember here is to use your voice. You have a voice for a reason. Yes, being creative and sharing something online is one form of communication. This way feels most comfortable to me because I can be alone with my thoughts and type things on a computer screen and share. But, there is another part of me that is longing to wake up more — even if it hurts sometimes or makes me feel not as confident.

I really don’t need much socialization to make me feel somewhat whole though. There are ways to connect, even in small ways. For example, making a phone call is a simple act that does wonders for your mental state. Another is just taking a walk to clear your mind. Walking alone is okay, but I prefer it with headphones. Walking while chatting with someone is better.

Another thing to note with socializing is to just remember by sitting on the sidelines you rob people of getting to know you. And in turn, this robs you of getting to know yourself. Is it really something to cry about if a social gathering is awkward, uncomfortable, difficult, or doesn’t meet your expectations. It’s best to just take it in stride and learn from it. You are always free to leave. The part that has tripped me up is varying communication styles and not feeling safe. It’s important to remember what feels good to you. If something doesn’t feel right, it might be wrong. For me, it comes down to safety. Do you generally feel safe connecting with others so you can be yourself with room to grow, or does it feel like you are people-pleasing a bit here? When you find your tribe, you’ll know. They will be your cheerleaders who want what’s best for you and want you to succeed. Your social circle really is very important — so choose wisely. This will open you up and you will begin to feel more connected as well.

Here are some ideas for getting out your head:

- Use your voice

- Phone calls (Significant Other, Friends, Family)

- Voice messages

- FaceTime

- Being with others

- Record a podcast (even if you have to do it alone)

- Talk to yourself

- Talk to reality/the Universe/Controller/God

- Read a book

- Listen to an audiobook or podcast

- Listen to music

- Watch a movie or show

- Cardio

Don’t Be so Hard on Yourself

Be gentle with yourself. It’s important to grow, but it’s even more important to not guilt trip yourself and/or beat yourself up in the process. The thing to do is to find the right chord here. If you are moving the needle forward, that is great — but life is a marathon, not a sprint. Sometimes you just want to check out from the race entirely for a while, which is also just apart of the process anyway, so are you ever really out? — no. Just enjoy and be kind to yourself as you would others. If you are really feeling down, stare in the mirror, and tell yourself “I love you.”

Wanting More

The thing you feel when you know you left more on the table that day is wanting more. The thing is though — when is enough enough? There will always be more to achieve, no matter what. That is an exciting and fun thought! We get to learn and grow while we are here on Earth. The point here is to do the best you can and be open and vulnerable to the World. You may even surprise yourself 😊

I would like to generate more and better ideas in my life. This page is about that.

I know that exercising is probably the number 1 option here, specifically cardio. Running every day is a simple exercise I would like to incorporate into my routine. 45 minutes is optimal because I will reap the mental benefits of the exercise. Speaking of which, the mental benefits are my biggest motivating factor here. It’s easy to whine, bitch, and complain about exercise. It’s the child part of your brain that just wants to be a couch potato, watch Netflix, or play videogames. It’s the part of your mind that just doesn’t believe in yourself or would feel more comfortable procrastinating.

This, of course, comes at a cost. The cost is not receiving those juicy, healthy brainwaves emanating from your consciousness. Do you want to be a lazy fuck who just doesn’t try? No, of course, you don’t. You want to be someone who is a productive member of society. You want to be a creative with a healthy brain. You want to have ideas flowing easily and effortlessly. The “hard part” is just getting out the door. All you have to do though is lace up your sneakers and go. Also, don’t forget your mask. The mask I wore today was a more fashionable one but it was a bit too hot and heavy on my face. I recommend using the N95 surgical masks because they are lighter and easier to breathe. I probably could’ve gotten away without wearing a mask because I left the house at around 5:30a. I would rather play it safe though and follow the recommended guidelines. Plus it looks kind of weird and badass.

Clearing Your Mind

Imagine your mind is something akin to the game Katamari Damacy. In the game, the Prince rolls around a magical ball where everything it touches sticks to it as you roll over them. Your mind is pretty similar. As you go through life, you have things, memories, experiences, thoughts, ideas, information, junk, etc. clinging to your mind. Over the years, this adds up—some positive, some negative. Some stuff you may want to keep, while others you’d rather toss in the trash.

With exercise, specifically cardio, you can literally clear your mind. It’s like clearing the cookies off of your browser history. Another analogy would be removing unnecessary apps, files, and photos off of your phone. By doing so, your device will run more efficiently and smoothly. There is a lot of mental clutter that needs cleansing through some form of exercise. Much like your electronic devices, your mind needs a refresh—ideally daily.

Calming Your Heart

Another huge benefit of exercising is calming your heart. If you suffer from anxiety or depression, you *need* to exercise. As someone who has dealt with both in their lifetime, there is no clearer substitute than some form of cardio. The simple act of running, for example, will do wonders for your heart. For one, you can actually fucking breathe. Just that alone is such a wonderful feeling. As I am sitting here writing this, I can actually breathe easily without feeling that tightness in my chest or shortness in my breath. I am not an exerciser by heart, but today was different and I am a believer. I already knew in my mind it would do wonders, but its another thing when you’re actually living that feeling from the inside. I am just simply amazed by how easy it is to breathe right now and just feeling that calmness and stillness I know it’s making my heart happy. My heart is waving back at me and saying “thank you, friend.”

Combining Exercise and Audio

Combining exercise and audio is a great way to receive the mental benefits of new, fresh ideas with the physical. When done, you simply are giving your mind and body a complete workout. When you have a better intake, the output will be better as well. For example, let’s say you went on a run for 45 minutes while listening to a new audiobook. While running, your mind can focus on the author’s thoughts, ideas, and messages. This will stimulate your brain by giving you something interesting and positive to play with and bounce around within your own mind. You can reflect on what the author is saying by comparing it to your own life and gathering ideas from it as well! When you are done with your run and want to create something new, it will no longer feel like you are trying to come up with stuff out of thin air. This is essentially what writers’ block feels like. It’s you staring at the screen with a blank document in front of you with the insertion point blinking with no idea-branches to grab onto.

Earning Money While Exercising

Another way to sweeten the deal is by earning money while exercising. The app I use for this is called Sweatcoin. With Sweatcoin, your steps are counted that you can later redeem or exchange for products and services. I have yet to redeem my sweatcoin for something, but it’s nice to know that I can and that my steps are actually earning me income with something I already would be doing otherwise. Up until this point, I have only used Sweatcoin while taking walks, so it would be cool to kick it up a notch and see how many I can rack up while running.

The end goal should never be about earning money, but if it’s something you already do then why no, right? And it’s so easy to get started.

Habits for Cardio

Here is a list of habits for cardio to make it easier to say *yes* the next time:

- Wake up/start early

- Have shoes by the door

- Listen to audiobooks, podcasts, uplifting music, and the like

- Focus on the mental benefits (focus, clarity, calmness, lowers anxiety/depression, etc.)

- Start a 30-day or 365-day challenge

- Mix it up with a running buddy (good for discipline and accountability)

- Don’t listen to the child-mind

Happy running! 🏃🏻‍♂️