
About the author: currently transcending the astral plane


Yesterday, I didn’t write. I fell asleep and “failed”.

Making Friends with “Failure”

It’s weird. There’s a part of me that is slightly annoyed I fell asleep and didn’t write yesterday. Especially on the 2nd official day of the challenge. The funny thing is, there is another side of me that feels good that it happened. It feels good knowing I “failed”. This is a funny thing to feel and say. Why do I feel this way? I think the reason is because I know I have the challenge ahead of me, so I can always start over on day zero.

I don't want to go easy on myself though. I enjoy discipline and take this seriously. Time has been flying by in the evening and I haven't been very disciplined with writing. I have been waiting too long to start and often get distracted by god-knows-what. It's all good though.

It's a Process

It's a process. Trust it. Failure, if you want to call it that, is apart of the process. You will have minor setbacks and major hurdles. The point is to keep going. To keep progressing. To digg deep and just do things even if they hurt. If they are uncomfortable, that is okay. Any type of work is difficult. It's good to practice discipline and feel that against the grain feeling. That means you are doing something right. If doing this was easy then everyone would do it. Learn to let go and just keep going. Even if you are stumbling along the way. Just move your fingies and go go go. You got this. The more work you put it now the easier it will become. It's like training. Training and practice is so important. Treat things like practice and you'll be ready for the game.

Running on Empty

I have been slacking on good exercise (especially in the morning) as well. I have been cautious being outside with everything going on. I can find creative ways to get exercise in though. I definitely notice a difference when I don't exercise though. I feel much more calm and have higher energy when I do. I need to get back into this on a more serious level. I will still be gradual with it and I want to have lighter days sometimes. I suppose I am still figuring out what works for me.

Goodnite Moon

I don't want to disappoint myself. And I don't want to disappoint others. Short posts are okay too. I like the longer ones better. I am still proud I got this done. Until next time my friends.

Hi, How Are You

Hi, I hope you are well and safe in the World. 🖤

Happy June

Today marks the first official day of my 365-day challenge! 🥳 I have been enjoying the challenge thus far. Some days are surely better than others. Sometimes I feel like writing more and other times not as much. As long as I write something though, I'm good. Once I can catch that flow I'm okay.

There have been days where I haven't been able to catch it. Usually because I get too tired. But I must press on. Tonight is one of those nights where I must digg deep and just write. I am writing from my phone rn. Sometimes I like this better because I can just chill on my bed, listen to music, and write. It feels like I'm texting the Universe. 🤙🏻


With everything going on in the World, I am feeling less and less connected to social media. It is good to stay informed but I feel it has a mostly negative feeling when I log onto them. It makes me feel uneasy so I feel it's best to keep my distance as best as possible. I need to discipline myself more and be more strict with myself. I am trying to rid myself of the junk and feed my mind with as much positivity as possible.

Writing helps me get clear on what to focus on—on what's important. I sometimes think about before. Like my past. I think of what made me feel good. And how to fill the time with good. It's easy to get caught up in things that really don't amount to much other than depressed or anxious feelings. I know it's important to stay informed and stay in the loop, but I also want to be smarter about where my time goes. It's easy to get drawn in and in a lot of ways social media is worse than the traditional television.

I guess I'm somewhat torn because I don't want to sound ignorant or anything like that. I would say it's mainly for mental health reasons. I'm also torn because I want to create content but there is so much content out there so I don't want to just add to the noise.

I feel like people may need to slow down and have a different approach to connecting. I'm not really sure what that looks like. Off the top of my head, it would look like simpler, smaller connections, tighter communities, and embracing good old-fashioned friendship. It would also look like going back to basics with things that deliberately slow me down away from the computer, like writing free-hand letters and reading. It would also mean doing things that bring me joy like creating things. I feel like that is a good motivator, for lack of a better word. I want to create something that wasn't once here before. I want to open myself up, with all my vulnerabilities and imperfections and just share.

Cold Tofurkey

What I've learned recently from myself and through conversations with other people is that sometimes you just have to dive in. Your mind may come up with 21 million reasons not to do something. A lot of that is fear talking though. For example, is it unwise to quit a job before you have another lined up? Perhaps. But sometimes you have to leave something that clearly isn't what you want before something new and potentially better shows up in your reality.

I recently asked a content creator if they had any tips for someone just starting out. They told me to just dive in. Diving in is often the best approach. Dipping your toe in the water is okay but it's more fun and exhilarating to just jump in the damn pool. You can bitch and complain by saying it'll mess up your hair or the water is too cold, or you can just say fux it and jump tf in. 😛

Think of how you learn best when there's something you wanna do. Do you learn best by reading and researching about it? Probably not. You will learn fastest by doing. By being in the moment you'll be experientially learning. This is super exciting. Don't worry about sucking if you're first starting out. Welcome the suck. Don't worry about being perfect either as this will only kill creativity. The most successful artists aren't often the best ones—yet the ones who put out the work faster.

It's okay to feel nervous and uncertain. With the fear of the unknown, things could go in various ways. Whatever happens though, you will learn from them. So, with that logic, you are always right where you need to be. You don't need to have everything figured out right away. You can always course correct. Use the wind in your sails to your advantage. ⛵

Take a Walk

This morning I took a walk and recorded a video. In the

video 🙈, I explain the flow of energy. In this article, I will explain some more.

The Age of Anxiety

When we are anxious, energy wants to move. We can look at this both positively or negatively—or even neutrally. We get worked up because we know something is happening. Our minds and bodies are gearing up for a change. You can either rise to the occasion and follow that flow, or you can let it get the best of you. Don’t let fear control you. Instead, try to learn from fear and go towards it. Fear is a compass and you are the ship.

Learning from Energy

What is energy? How can it be defined? That is a difficult thing to answer and tough to describe without sounding too woo-woo. Butt-fucc it, I am New Age 🤙🏻 lol. I feel that energy is just always around us and we can deliberately choose how we wish to interact with this energy. I feel that when we write or talk to reality, this is directly interacting with that energy. This energy permeates throughout all things in this life—no matter how small or large, abstract, or finely detailed.

Energy can be seen as a wave. 👋🏻 No, not that kind of wave. I’m talking either a wave in the ocean 🌊 or a wiggly 〰️ one that you may see in audio files.

In the video, I give an example of quitting your job. When you quit your job or get fired, the old energy dies and there is a new energy in its place. This can be daunting or it can be exciting. The new energy wants to find a new home but in reality, it can’t really be pinned down to one thing—because it is always in flux and flow as that is its nature. We can learn from this though. We can see where the energy wants to take us and what it wants us to do. We can put the energy into things and see what comes out.

Putting our Energy into the Wrong Things

When the energy is stuck you can feel it. You may feel this in your gut, your mind, or your heart. It’s almost as if the energy is trapped in negativity. If something is dragging down your energy, how do you get unstuck? It’s best not to overcomplicate here. How can you widdle down the answer to one word?

  • Leave
  • Go
  • Peace
  • Quit
  • Run
  • Move

Once you have done what has needed to be done, you will have refreshed your energy and you will feel that much better. This better feeling may or may not come right away, but when you cut off the dead weight then new fresh feelings will emerge. Where would you like to explore next? What would you like to do? What’s the next chapter? What does the energy want to do? How can you learn to dance with it?

Using our Energy with Creativity

We can use this energy creatively. I feel using our energy this way is a very nice way to play with creativity and our expressive outlets. How can we better harness this energy into our creative explorations? One way is by simply talking to the Universe aka reality as if it’s our friend. I love knowing that reality is always listening and will respond (if you pay attention). Whether talking aloud or writing, I feel this is a beautiful way to get the creative juices flowing again (especially if they have been stagnant for quite some time).

Simply by asking, “what would you like me express today?”, you will receive energy for your mind and hands to harness and create. Don’t expect reality to do everything for you, because it won’t. I see it more as a friendship. This is super comforting because who doesn’t want a friend committed with their best interest at heart? It also just comes down to trust. By trusting reality has your back, you are able to move forward. Do you trust reality enough to create something meaningful and from your heart? When you do this, when you talk to reality and then express yourself through content, it’s as if you are allowing a channel to flow through you. Just like a wave, hang ten 🤙🏻 and surf. 🏄🏻‍


I hope you enjoyed reading. If you’d like to give me feedback, I’m all ears. What did you like? What did you not care for? Were you wanting more? Something different?

I’m easy to get ahold of 😊





Sleep is important

Part 2 is coming…sleep first

I waited too long

How can you be creative in this life?

Doing things your way is super badass. I like taking an objective birds-eye-view of my life and seeing what I like and what needs some tweaking. For this, I would recommend journaling. A faster option would be recording audio. What’s happening to you?

Here are some questions to ponder…

  • Where is thing called “My Life” headed
  • Is this what you signed up for?
  • Is this enough?
  • Are you happy with what you're getting?
  • What would a fresh start look like?
  • What's working? What's not?

Living by Your Standards

This life is yours and no one else’s. Whatever outside influences you gather can either build you up or slow you down. Remember what you want—remember what’s important to you! Pay attention to your feelings. When you are doing or thinking about something in your life, is it an expansive or a shrinking feeling? If something feels wrong, it is wrong. Be binary with this shit. If what you’re doing doesn’t make you feel good, keep searching to find what does.

Do You

With all of this said, I feel like we all need to do things in our ways. Go with your gut. Journal about it. Talk to reality. Get the stuff outta your head and onto or into something physical. Inject it into reality. Play with the feeling. Experiment.

As a thought experiment, let’s talk about jobs and careers for a second…

  • What are you currently doing?
  • What's going on in your head about this?
  • What's clearly not working?
  • What would you like to do differently instead (even as just an experiment)?
  • If you were watching a movie, what would you want the character to do next?
  • The reason why I love being introverted and writing is because I'm a control freak.

Pt. 2 will continue tomorrow with the answers. It's getting late and feeling a bit sad. Not to make excuses, but I want to start fresh tomorrow when the feelings fade. Is this a failed attempt at an article? I wouldn't say failed, but just real-life unfolding. I am learning a lot about myself with these articles. I think it's okay to post stuff that's not 100% complete. I'm just learning as I go.

Stuff You’ve Gotten Away From

What’s some stuff you’ve gotten away from that you’d like to re-invite back into your life? It’s so easy to get caught up in things that don’t matter to us at the end of the day. At the end of the day, how do you feel? Were you satisfied with what you did? Every day we live with our results. You are the one making the decisions and experiencing the outcome(s).

This comes down to being more conscious and aware of our time. If you value your time, you’re going to want to spend it wisely. Time is probably our most valuable asset. When it’s gone, it’s gone for good. Are you happy with where the time is going, or would you say it’s being wasted on stuff that’s unimportant or trivial?

Make a List

Let’s make a list. For a journaling exercise, write down stuff you’ve gotten away from that you think would add value to your life.

Here’s mine…

  • Reading 📚
    • fiction
    • non-fiction
    • biographies
    • audiobooks
  • Writing letters 📬
  • Writing ✏
    • reviews
    • apps
    • dapps
    • crypto
    • movies
    • restaurants
    • ways of life
    • articles
    • how-tos
    • jokes
    • short stories
    • screenwriting
    • fiction
    • write a novel
  • Calling 🤙🏻
    • girlfriend
    • friends
    • family
  • Being in the company of those loved ones
  • Deep conversations
  • Taking an e-course
    • crypto
    • coding
    • writing
    • journalism
    • creative
    • screenwriting
  • Being apart of an online community
    • My own pvt e-cult
  • Filmmaking
    • shooting
    • editing
  • Drawing
  • Being in nature
  • Driving
  • Nerd projjies
  • Cooking
  • Meditation
  • Skateboarding
  • Gardening
  • Lucid Dreaming
  • Animation

Stuff You’re Not Currently Doing but Would Like to be 😎

What are some things off the top of your noggin 🧠 that you aren’t doing now but would like to be? They can be stuff from the list above or something entirely new that you’ve never tried before. They can be abstract or finely-detailed. It can be things you are doing a little bit of too but would enjoy more often. The choice is always yours.

This is basically answering the question, “what would I love to connect with?”

Journal these as well to get them out of your head and onto something tangible…

My connection ♥ list…

  • Photography
  • Painting
  • Drawing
  • Graphic Design
  • Podcasting
    • interviews
    • free-form style
  • Weirdo art projects
  • Making videos
    • starting a channel
    • creating a “video label” with friends
  • Making music
    • piano
    • electronic
    • using my voice
    • learning from musicians
  • Building things
    • coffee tables
    • chairs
    • tapestry
  • Fasting
  • Eating vegan
    • raw
  • Conscious relaxtion
    • We are human beings not human doings


Now let’s think of things that are clearly not working. Or at the very least, you’d like to cut down, work on, or minimize time-wise. We can use items from our productivity toolbox to help us here.

Here comes the list…

  • Social Media
  • Idle web surfing
  • Junk food
  • Food delivery
  • Spazzing out 🦇
  • Caffeine
  • P⚡M 🍆🍑
  • Sugar
  • Carbs
  • Meat
  • Unfulfilling work
  • Binge-watching Netflix
  • Thinking
    • obsessive
    • overthinking
    • anxiety
    • fear
    • depression
    • worry/uncertainty/doubt

Number 1

Do any items on your lists stand out to you? Which resonates with you most? It’s fun to ride the wave of inspiration. Sometimes we don’t always feel like doing something we’ve been doing a while. They say variety is the spice 🌶 of life. Who’s they? 😂 But yeah, it’s cool to mix up your routine. It’s cool to live in the moment and to feel which would energize you most. We needn’t be locked into one particular outlet or endeavor. Leonardo da Vinci had his fingies and toesies in many different pots—and tha dude was a MUTHA FUCKIN genius!

It’s nice to reassess where your time is going. Sometimes we get caught up in the minutia of things. Pay attention to what feels good and what feels right. Follow that flow of inspiration and energy. Boredom can be a good sign to mix it up. Reality is always asking, “how would you like to use today’s most valuable asset?”


Can social media be seen as a modern-day cult? We follow. We subscribe. We like. We re-tweet. We scroll the feed. We give our data away to 3rd party advertisers. Tech giants control the show. We get blocked. Our views are monetized. O no we got demonetized! We obsess. We take things in. It gets filtered through our minds. Is this healthy? I don’t know. Probably not. But yet, we still do it. Why? To feel connected. Yeah, but you can feel connected in other ways. How? Let’s dive in…


Our phones can feel like a huge distraction. We are constantly bombarded by so many things all seeking our attention. It’s amazing how we can get any work done at all. There’s no end to it either—unless you choose to put your phone down. Taking breaks every once in a while is necessary. I feel like these little things build up in our minds and can cause stress, depression, anxiousness, feelings of separation, loneliness. The flip-side of the coin is that we do get a sense of connection with others. It’s much different than life outside the screen though.

The term triggered is a millennial one. When we scroll through our feeds our neurons are getting hit and sometimes that hit can trigger something inside of us. Sometimes the feel is so strong that maybe we will write a YouTube comment! What’s the point of it all? I don’t know.

the sadness of social media

When scrolling through my feed something about the World will make me sad. This is similar to the fear-based mentality and programming of the news cycle. We’re pumped and programmed as the television sucks you in. There are things in reality that are downright depressing and sad. They make you sick to see. And yet they are often portrayed as a meme.

life is but a meme

Life mimics art and vice versa. Where is the separation between the two? The lines is getting blurry. When does it end? Don't mean to sound so doom and gloom but yeah. I am just unsure the reason sometimes. And again, I do apologize for the semi-negative real post.

valuing your time

As much as I love technology, a lot of it just feels like a huge waste of time. There are certainly alternatives that are better uses of your time though. 8t really just comes down to valuing your time. It's okay to use theses apps and services but they come at a cost—your time. I like things that's lift me up as opposed to running the risk to randomness.

Do you deserve to be rewarded at all?

When we reward ourselves it’s when we feel good about ourselves. It’s when we say, “okay, I need a break here, I’m gonna reward myself for all my hard work”. If you are a workaholic, it’s tough to even make this choice. You feel you must keep going. You must try harder and push yourself more and more. Until you feel satisfied, then you feel like you can treat yo self. 🥳

To answer the question above, the answer is yes, of course, you deserve it—you’re human! If we never rewarded ourselves, life would be an endless grind. There is that need to feel good about our efforts. If we never gifted ourselves, we would probably feel pretty lousy. It’s difficult for those who are very much into productivity. We love the feeling of discipline and having things crossed off our tick list. To a workie-type, crossing things off the tick list *is* the reward! I fall into this category as well—sometimes I’ll even add something to my tick list just to cross it off! 😂 I wouldn’t necessarily say I’m 100% workmodeboy though. Sometimes I can be downright lazy af

How do you choose to reward yourself?

How you choose to reward yourself is important. Do you take a trip? Do you have a Netflix Party? Netlflix and chill? Buy yourself a new-shiny-technology-thing? Pleasure yourself? Spend time in nature? Have a date with a significant other? Or perhaps hang out with family or friends? Watch the big game? New clothes? Playing videogames? Smokin’ dat O.G. Kush? 🌿The list goes on and on…

Depending on your current state of consciousness and perspective, you may attribute a positive (+), negative (–), or neutral (±) feeling with whatever it is. Can you more closely examine the ways in which you reward yourself? Are there ones you can add and feel good about, while others you’d rather remove or replace? There are definitely some rewards that do feel good in the moment, but when thought about more deeply—you may find sadness or emptiness. Choose wisely; choose what feels good to you? If you are second-guessing, then see what you can do to find one that feels good to you.

Speaking of feeling good, the ones I like the most are when they generate a positive feedback loop. This is, in a nutshell, is something that fuels you and is sustainable. The idea of evergreen applies well here. If there is a way you can reward yourself that basically stands the test of time, it’s a win-win situation. Can you see yourself rewarding yourself the same way in 5-10 years from now? Can you keep coming back to it and still feel good about your decision? Now bring it back to the present moment, ask yourself “is this *me*—is this who I wanna be?”

Kidding Yourself

Are you possibly kidding yourself when it comes to rewards and rewarding yourself? If you step outside of your body for a moment and saw how you were rewarding yourself and for what—does it make sense? Are you going too easy? This goes back to if you even deserve to reward yourself? Rewarding yourself is best when earned and you feel good about your accomplishments. But sometimes you do just want to kick your feet up and relax just for the sake of it. There’s nothing wrong with this! That is perfectly fine! You’re human! We all love to binge-watch our favorite shows and enjoy a glass of wine as a nightcap. There are times when we want to work work work. And then there are other periods where we want to take a vacation. It’s good to find the balance here.

The Bad Stuff

There are ways in which we reward ourselves that are really only damaging. How can you be kinder to yourself? The choice is ultimately yours whether you deem something as healthy or un. Something may feel good in the moment, but you feel bad about yourself later. Have you ever felt like that? We all have our vices—whether porn, smoking, white sugar, carbs, chocolate, social media, etc. There are some who even choose to reward themselves with pain.

With the vices, some of it comes down to discipline. Some of it comes down to talking with and listening to your Higher Self. No, not if/when you get high. I’m talking about the version of yourself who is the best possible version. The version is out of beta and knows what is in your best interest. I think it’s okay to be a goody-two-shoes sometimes. You’ll probably feel better doing so.

Be a Sweet and Mushy Pea

Actually...come to think of it, one of the best ways to reward yourself is intangible to a certain extent. This goes back to the positive feedback loop. The positive feedback loop can be external, perhaps when you receive a hug, for example. The positive feedback loop can also be internal. What I mean is that when you do a good deed out of the kindness of your heart, you feel good, right? It’s these moments we can cherish which are so much more rewarding than anything of monetary value. Rewarding yourself naturally is the best approach, I’d say. Artificial things can only do so much and often fill a void. Search inside yourself to see the void from the base level. What’s it really want? What does it want you to do—how does it want you to act like a more conscious being? You don’t have to be perfect—that’s unrealistic and not fun. When you are naturally rewarded, it will only bring a smile to yours and whoever else received the benefits. That’s how to be a sweet and mushy pea.

I am not getting any younger. I feel I am onto something bigger and better. The process is now learn, grow, share.


I love to learn. I'm sure you do as well. There are many things to learn. My favorite thing to learn about is personal development. I love educating myself on things I can directly use in my life. I love the expansive nature of it and the instant feedback. If something isn't quite going my way, I can always rely on growth.

Some people think it's b.s. Others swear by it. Sure, like any field, there is crap out there. You need to find the gems. I feel lucky to be the way that I am. I feel relaxed in my nature and the way I try to operate within the Universe. I am not anywhere near perfect, but the point is to keep going. I love having tools in my toolbox such as writing, reading, different perspectives, meditation, exercise, humor, positive people, a unique mind, etc. 📖 ✏ 🧑‍💻



When I grow, it's taking what I've learned and trying it. I can try with my body and directly interact with reality. I can see if it worked or not. We constantly are learning through interacting with our World. We have the ability to change We can become better version of ourselves. However trapped or stuck you may feel is only limited by your mind.

Think of a plant. In order for that plant to grow you must learn what to do first. You must understand the best sunlight, water, and feeding techniques. Once you understand what and how to manage your plant—you can watch it grow before your very eyes. What once was a seedling 🌱 is now a beautiful garden. How can you apply this thinking to your own sets of unique obstacles and challenges? What skills and habits can you nurture. Which ones are better to let die and have something new grow in its place? 🌸🌸🌸


When you grow yet do not share, ideas can die on the vine. It's perfectly okay to be private and to have things just for yourself. It's also important to open yourself up and to share what you have learned with the World. By opening yourself up you open up possibility. Much like a flower, you can blossom. By blossoming yourself, you encourage others to do the same. Inspiration is not to be taken lightly. When you expand your consciousness, you have the chance to expand others. We were given voices for a reason, let's use them to teach and learn from one another.

We all have a garden within our mind. Some of our gardens are lush and beautiful, while others need to do some yard work and pull out the weeds. 🐝🐝🐝

I just asked the Universe to send me ideas on what to write about. I asked for some juicy article ideas. What I received back was what you are about to read. I was told to speak from your heart. To trust the Universe. Please enjoy.

To speak from one’s heart is not an easy thing. To put yourself out there and to be vulnerable and naked to the World is scary. But perhaps it doesn’t have to be. Perhaps we can learn to be afraid and still go. Still do. In the face of fear. We always have a choice. To choose love over fear. This can be scary as well.

When we choose love over fear we are giving ourselves up. We are essentially trusting whatever may be. We can only control so much and to only a certain extent. We can always build up our hearts and minds and behave in more intelligent fashions. Rather than running on auto-pilot or non-consciously, we can be more conscious and aware of our own thoughts and actions.

Is it better to act with your head or your heart? One is not better than the other — just different from one another. Sometimes it may make more sense to move with your mind first. While other times it’s best to follow your heart. How do you know? Well, the choice is really just up to you. It’s wise to and intelligent to operate from a combination of the two. This happens automatically almost. While one side may dominate the other, they really are a team. They are in a relationship together, and the more you understand this relationship, the better.

How about you though? Would you say you are more of a brain person or more heart-centered? There is no real right or wrong answer here. And you are always free to flip-flop and try the other on for size.

We can always improve our minds and hearts. Here is a short list off the top of my head of ways that have helped me and could help you.

How to Better Your Mind

  • Meditation
  • Cardio ≥45 min.
  • Take a walk (your demons hate fresh air)
  • CBD
  • Socializing (get out of your head)
  • Cold showers
  • Writing
  • Reading
  • Setting goals
  • Breathing
  • Positive audio
  • Limiting distractions

Speaking candidly, I am a chronic over-thinker. I am trying to get better at not thinking so much and just acting and doing. My past has been made up of tons and tons of over-thinking. Thinking doesn’t really change much — a lot of it is probably just a colossal waste of time. I am really just talking about thinking to the point where nothing or very little is getting done. Action is much more exciting to me these days. With action, you are directly injecting things into your reality. This is very exciting and intriguing to be able to play with this notion.

Ironically, it’s reading and thinking about this idea. To speak and write things into reality. It really is such a dream to experiment with. I love the fact that we are able to do this. I love the simplicity and the fact that reality is always listening. I am truly excited to see what I can do and to become better friends with reality.

…now here are some ways to better your heart

How to Better Your Heart

  • Trust the Universe
  • Ask for what you want
  • Write or speak directly to reality
  • Do thing out of the kindness of your heart (just because)
  • Do something to show you care—no matter how big or small
  • Write a letter to your past/present/future self
  • Understand that one day this will all end. How does that change your perspective?
  • Look at things from multiple angles
  • Do more of what you love
  • Keep piling onto things you love. Stack them up high
  • Spend time with people who lift you up and support you (your cheereleaders)
  • Eat a light diet (vegan, raw, etc.)
  • Listen
  • Spend time in nature
  • Offer a hug over a handshake
  • Be nicer. You never know what's going on in someone's life.
  • Do something spontaneously kind for a stranger
  • Connect with an instrument
  • Start something you are intrigued by and also somewhat afraid to do
  • Follow your curiosity
  • Practice your passions
  • Don't have money as your #1 end goal. Don't chase the $.
  • Listen to you gut
  • Stand up for youself
  • Live your life as if it was an epic movie. If others paid to see your film, what would you want them to see on the screen?
  • Practice the subjective reality lens
  • Journal

I really ought to follow my own advice. I am loving the fact that I am getting these out of my mind and sharing them with you all. Thank you for reading and thank you for your support. Does any of this resonate with you? What do you like? How can you improve? What can you offer? How can you do better? What do you need? What are you dealing with that you need help with? What would help? I don’t have all the answers, but I’m sure I could do something. Let me know. I’m easy to get in touch with. I want to keep on creating. I promise to. It’s not all about me though. I almost want to be a disembodied voice that resonates, echoes, and is not bound to time or space — much like reality itself.