Non-Monetized Together #svalien

Tired of Internet drama and fakeness? Sadly, this community is closed! Articles and comments may contain sensitive content.

You can also read this article at

To prevent artificial intelligence from taking away people’s jobs, intelligences, and agency, people can find ways to explore, improve, and deliver skills that cannot be replicated by AI. If you want AI to support human activity instead of replacing it, you might want to start working on these skills immediately and develop them as much as possible. All it takes is for humanity to put more time into developing themselves than the amount of time that is put into developing AI.

Even if one person reads this article and commits themselves to this concept at their job, their methods may inspire other workers at the company and make a difference in how the business operates. If you succeed at finding ways for humans to outperform AI, you can give the company reasons to justify the extra cost of human workers. You can make a difference in the lives of many.

I think that pretty much everybody would think this idea’s worth a shot, but some people, especially anti-centrists, may feel like society needs to do more than that. So, this article’s comments section has two purposes. One, readers can share ideas for how humans can stay at pace with AI. Two, they can add any other suggestions they may have on what to do about AI. These suggestions can turn into action by being read by others and influencing readers’ real-life decisions (

I think customer service is one of the most important things to be protected. If the company you work at uses AI as customer service, maybe you can do something to serve customers who deserve something better. Maybe work after hours so you can provide an alternate service for people who want a human to do it for them. This may not be the best idea, so I hope people who read this article can collaborate so they can make a better one.

Another one of the biggest examples is how AI shapes our opinions and how we view the world. I’m mentioning this because it’s already been in full-force for years now with corporate-driven recommendation algorithms deciding what you see. This makes it only more important to avoid generalizing entire groups of people. I also suggest to remember that people are sometimes recommended different content than the content you receive, which may have influenced their thought process. This is why it’s important to give people a chance to explain why they feel the way they do, so you can provide a response that you can be sure applies to them.

This form of AI is easier to resist if you use search engines instead of social media, since with search engines you can search for viewpoints that challenge yours or specifically choose results that are lower-ranked on the search page. Search engines are tailored to the user’s preference too, but in my experience, it’s not as influenced by them as social media. Of course, there’s also, which does not run ads and sorts articles by most recent, ensuring everybody gets their voice heard.

Do you have any ideas for techniques to research information outside of AI’s influence?

Now this is, so I can’t leave without bringing attention to the fact that AI can now make blog posts. How can you make sure your posts compete with that of AI? Keep in mind the things AI will able to replicate a long time from now, not just today. Well, AI is trained off pre-existing information, so you can try writing in an original style. Then, you’ll be able to innovate before the AI can. You can write about topics that have barely been discussed on the Internet. AI would have trouble writing about those topics.

What can you do to prove that your blog posts are not written by a robot?

What else is there to say? You know I love challenging dominant power forces, but when there is a shift in society, I also adapt my methods in doing so. That way, I never admit defeat and I’m ready for anything.

#ArtificialIntelligence #Economy #Power #Technology #Society


This article was originally published on January 14, 2022 at

I’m serious, participating in online discussion could be the #1 way an ordinary person can cause some change in the world! I get the sense that others think that very online people are wasting their time arguing with strangers. No, it’s a big deal. And it doesn’t just have potential to result in social change — it IS social change. People remember what others say online. It has an impact on others. Even if it’s just a small amount of people, like a few dozen. You won’t likely get that type of exposure in “real life.” If your post has few views but is effective, it may impact the reader’s attitudes and behaviours, which impacts other people! And you can make hundreds, or even thousands of these posts! The thing about viral social justice campaigns is that they are under pressure to conform to norms. They just make people feel like they have their beliefs validated. That’s not social change right there. Social change is being honest and not worrying about being popular. Most people aren’t even aware of this and use Internet discussions negatively! If you use it positively, you stand out. Oh, and remember, you have the chance to view even your most heated online debates as a learning experience, not a boxing match. Sometimes a learning experience for you, but not always. It can be a learning experience for those who you are interacting with, those who can join in, signed-out “lurkers,” or even readers from the future! Even when the discussion feels “hopeless,” it’s not. There are also people like me who like discussing things online because I have the freedom to type things out, make sure I’m saying how I really feel, and organize my thoughts. I don’t have the opportunity to think things through in a real-life debate. Hopefully, YouTube’s removal of the dislike button will encourage people to contribute their part to the necessity that is the comments section.

Oh, and I forgot to mention! Going on the Internet can help you learn about problems in society you wouldn’t have been able to know about otherwise!

#Change #Progress #InternetDebate #InternetDiscussion


I came up with a new idea for a mind puzzle game we can play in the comments section. I hope that this game will help us get better at grasping unfamiliar thought processes, which can allow you and I to gain empathy for people who think differently than us. We can then use the empathy to make others feel understood and welcome, which can result in them returning the empathy back to us, leading to stable social interactions in Nonmonetized Together.

It starts by someone asking what I call a “pathless question.” By this, I mean a question that has two components that are completely unrelated, making the question so nonsensical that one can’t even begin to answer it using typical forms of logic and reasoning. For example, “what is the most Wednesday city on earth?” Days of the week and cities have almost no relation to each other. Another example is “which type of cheese is most similar to fencing?” You could also ask, “where’s the best baseball stadium to think of gorillas?”

When you’re playing the game, it’s not just enough for the questions to be about two unrelated things. The questions must also be completely illogical. Shakespeare and KFC may be unrelated but if you asked if Shakespeare would like KFC, you might be able to guess the answer by studying the diets of wealthy artists in Elizabethan England. So that would not count as a pathless question in this game.

Once somebody asks the pathless question, the other players would have to come up with the answer that comes closest to making sense. Each of the other players must also come up with an explanation as to why they chose their answer. There may not be anything inherently fencing-related about cheese, but by finding a convoluted way to link types of cheese to fencing, the players might be able to find which one is most similar to fencing. The winner is the person who provides the least convoluted, most accurate, most logical answer.

Basically, the point of the game is to link two concepts that are usually comprehended differently from each other. The game can help you link concepts together in new ways, which can strengthen your skills in problem-solving and creativity. It also gives you experience with thinking about things in a different way than you normally would, which can help you grasp unfamiliar concepts more easily. Plus, the game may improve your ability to understand a wider range of perspectives.

This game can be played anytime anywhere. Why not give it a try in the comments section? Commenting with a pathless question is probably the rare opportunity to make a Medium or comment when you aren’t in the mood to get into a complex discussion!

This article can be viewed at

#Logic #Game #Puzzle #Empathy #NewPerspective


I read an article that was in written in a really cool format and it inspired me to write a different article in the same format. Thank you, Scott Ryan-Abt, for writing the article I linked to.

This article is going to be made up of 10 questions about aesthetic preferences. I will answer them and invite commenters to do the same. Maybe this article will help strengthen the community aspect of Non-Monetized Together. We’ll see what happens.

1. What’s your favourite wall colour?

My favourite wall colour is black. It’s really striking and has a novelty factor.

2. What’s your favourite album cover?

New Order’s Republic by Peter Saville. Two images that promise boldness and excitement. Beautiful colour contrast and a font that oozes confidence.

3. What’s your favourite colour pairing in an alternating colour striped pattern?

Purple and teal. It’s the rare colour combination that’s as good as one colour plus the other colour.

4. What do you think of the logo for Twitter’s new rebrand X?

I think it lacks character or any sort of identity.

5. What is the most aesthetically pleasing food?


6. What is your favourite style of architecture?

Postmodern architecture. I find it really complex and inviting.

7. What is your least favourite style of architecture?

The type they use to make houses. It just doesn’t spark a reaction in me.

8. What country has the best flag?

South Korea because of the colour combo and the interlocking shapes. I also like the white background because to me, white represents the concept of nothing, so putting a shape in the centre makes it feel like the background isn’t bothering to compete with the shape for attention.

9. What’s your favourite aesthetic in a movie?

Maybe it’s because I don’t watch many arthouse films, but I can’t really think of many movies that have a great aesthetic. I remember Predestination having a somewhat original and beautiful aesthetic palette, so maybe I’ll go with that.

10. What’s your favourite aesthetic in a music video?

I’ll go with Talking Heads’ “Once in a Lifetime.” I’m not even a huge Talking Heads fan but even today, the aesthetic for this music video is either unintentional or creative to the point of genius. The way all the elements of the video (even the camera) move around is satisfying to watch. While the cinematography would be ugly in most music videos, the way the movement is orchestrated somehow makes the cinematography memorable and artistic. The photography of the music video kind of looks like it was filmed off a TV screen, but all that does is just make the video feel postmodern instead of cheap.

Thanks for reading and I hope you share your answers to these questions.

This article is available on Medium at

#Design #10Questions #Aesthetics #Favourites #Art


Ava Sol/Unsplash

If someone on Nonmonetized Together dismisses someone else by calling them mentally ill, I will ask them what mental illness they were referring to and why it is relevant. If they do not have an answer, then that shows that they did not mean “mentally ill.” They meant another adjective, but they used “mentally ill” as a way to give their statement more weight. So in this case, I will ask them what they meant to say when they called the other person mentally ill.

My intent is not to argue with them, attack them, or act offended, and I will make sure they know about that. I also don’t want to act like they should have known already. Instead, my goal is to tell people to express themselves more clearly in the hopes of resolving conflict and having a productive discussion. If people are willing to open up and talk about things, then we can weaken the stigma of mental illness.

I will make it clear that in the Nonmonetized Together dialect, “mental illness” means nothing but “mental illness” and any attempts to make it mean anything else will simply not register. They could keep on using it and be as edgy as they want about it but it just won’t mean a thing, but only on Nonmonetized Together, as its goal is to be a fantasyland free from the social diseases that persist in the rest of society.

So, if I catch you using the term “mental illness” to mean something else, there is no need to run and hide or fight back. I’m not trying to silence others. I will forgive you.

I am just trying to help you communicate more clearly so the discussion goes better. If you run off or fight back, that will raise some questions. So don’t do that.

If not enough readers commit to using language this way, my attempts to neutralize the language of mental illness may not succeed, not even shaping how language is used in this tiny corner of the Internet, but I hope that you use the words “mental illness” in the same way when you’re on Nonmonetized Together, and I will link this article in the comments whenever the topic comes back so more people can understand.

If you don’t use language the way I do when you’re on here, I suppose nothing’s stopping you. I try to avoid censorship on here because this is a place to solve problems, not pretend that they don’t exist. I will still give this a try though. I hope this works.

Do you have any other ideas for how you will fight stigma on Nonmonetized Together? This can be stigma of any sort. Make sure to let everybody know by sharing your ideas in the comment section.

This article is also available at

#MentalHealth #OnlineCommunity #Language #Communication #Stigma


Sometimes I think about how out of anybody who has ever existed, I’ve only ever been in this body. What makes me special and important enough to see things from my perspective in a way that will always be different than seeing it from someone else’s?

And how can everybody else have existences if I can’t access them? Are others really conscious of their lives the same way I am? If so, why can’t I access their consciousnesses?

It is a really impressive feature of our existences. Oddly I can’t find any discussion about this through a Google search. What inspired me to write about this what that I accidentally came across a thread where somebody mentioned it but nobody in the chat really got what they were talking about. This was the first time I heard anybody else reference this idea, except for possibly my brother. But for a fact this crazy, how are people not acknowledging it? This concept was as obvious as day to me since I was a very small child.

Photo by Peter Conlan of Unsplash

I personally find that this understanding of existence can knock me into a trap of feeling like I’m some sort of chosen one. Up until recently, my instinct was to assume that I will obviously be a successful and important person once I graduate from university. Why else would I be the only person I have first-person access to? But then I started to feel differently. Do you want to know what caused this change?

The biggest factor wasn’t an understanding that I am human just like anybody else. It was a change in career preferences.

Even with my previous career plan, which would have meant a more public life, I would try to get myself to understand that I may not reach the heights that I would naturally assume. But I had a lot of trouble believing it. I don’t know the number of living, conscious beings on earth, but it’s a really big number. So big that it would seem that if I was just a normal person, I wouldn’t be experiencing myself any different than I would be experiencing others. What would make me special enough to never take control of anyone else’s life?

Anyways, this illusion is very powerful and dangerous because if we don’t directly experience or sense something, it’s not as real to us. I can’t truly believe other people’s lives are real because I can’t sense their existence the same way I sense mine. And if I am not special, then why do I directly experience my life and not anyone else’s?

Photo by Mauro Mora of Unsplash

But if I have a more anonymous career, I have a much lower chance of experiencing something that would validate my sense of uniqueness. I would likely have an average paycheck, average hours, and not gain any fame. Even though I am still an undergraduate student, it has already been starting to humble me more.

But I won’t reach the point where I 100% truly understand until late in my career. This is because, as mentioned earlier, you don’t believe something completely until you actually live it yourself, through your own consciousness. I will only find out my true destiny when I am much older.

Except not everybody will have a career out of the range of public eye. That’s fine, we shouldn’t judge people for that. The point is, real life is the best form of motivation so it’s important to not let our perspective overtake reality.

This article was originally posted onto Medium on April 25, 2022, when I was still an undergraduate student (

#SelfPerspective #Humility #Perspective #Consciousness #Careers


Photo courtesy of geralt/Pixabay

I listen to lots of electronic music but haven’t been to a nightclub. I just don’t see the purpose of them in today’s society and am surprised they are not viewed as obsolete. I can’t think of a single purpose they would serve that the Internet doesn’t do better, even without the pandemic.

If you want to find new music, you can get a streaming service and discover new music with the algorithm feature. Or you could search through music review websites (such as Spin, Consequence, or Pitchfork) or music databases (like Discogs, RateYourMusic, and last. FM) to find something that interests you.

If you want to socialize with friends, you could hang around at someone’s house and play music there. This seems much better than clubbing to me. You can play whatever you want, bring whatever you want, it’s free, and it’s safer.

If you want to meet new people that have similar tastes in music, you could just hop onto social media and look them up there.

I’d love to hear what anybody else thinks of this.

Also, don’t you think it’s kind of inconvenient that they are only open late at night? Nightclubs are probably missing huge economic opportunities by not being open during the day and the evening.

This article was originally posted to Medium on May 16, 2022 (

#Technology #Recreation #Music #Culture #Sociology


Simon Lee/Unsplash

If you ever browse aimlessly through IMDb, you might have found yourself asking, “somebody cared enough to make a page for that?” In its goal to be a comprehensive and authoritative resource for information about movies and TV, the site has become known for allowing just about any video to have a page. This is a radical approach as film and television is both typically seen as art forms that can only be made with lots of training, money, and connections to the establishment.

Considering this, it’s gutsy and rare for a website ranked as high as 66th in the world to have such a democratic approach, but IMDb still rakes in $200–500 million a year. Sometimes the videos listed are so insignificant that it becomes surprising that someone would care enough to make an IMDb page for them. Here are some examples that show IMDb will showcase just about anything, along with DALL-E 2’s interpretations of their titles.

5. Ellie Goulding: Healthy Eating on Tour

Image created by AI tool DALL-E 2, the author has the provenance and copyright

Even though this definitely fits the criteria of “random and obscure,” I wouldn’t say I’m surprised this has an IMDb page, considering that Ellie Goulding has a lot of fans. Yet this video is likely the most obscure thing she’s ever done. It tests the contributors of Goulding’s IMDb profile to make sure they truly have listed her entire filmography.

4. Decimal Five

Image created by AI tool DALL-E 2, the author has the provenance and copyright

This series of animated short films from 1971 was designed to demonstrate to British audiences the then-new decimal currency system. Here’s one of the entries in the series:

3. DT Spain Photoshoot

Image created by AI tool DALL-E 2, the author has the provenance and copyright

I always forget that photoshoot videos are a thing that exists, despite having (probably) seen at least some before. It would be interesting to ask people on the street to name all the forms of video that come to mind for them. Would any of them mention “photoshoots?” This one’s a topless photoshoot starring Transformers 3-star Rosie Huntington-Whiteley.

2. Black Knight Into Space

Image created by AI tool DALL-E 2, the author has the provenance and copyright

Think about how forgettable most 45-second news videos are, especially ones that are designed to be played before movies. Well, this newsreel is 65 years old, and is somehow still preserved and listed on IMDb! It depicts a rocket launch.

  1. Toad and Bombardier Beetle

Image created by AI tool DALL-E 2, the author has the provenance and copyright

Not only is it weird for this video to have an IMDb page, but I can’t even figure out the purpose of the video! It’s just a video of a beetle running in circles around a toad. The movement of the two animals is restricted to a small space, probably in a glass container, so there’s no action or anything. Twice the beetle lands in the toad’s mouth, but it gets spat out. Whenever this happens, there will be a slow-motion replay of it. There’s no narration either, but it’s not like the narrator would have anything to say about the toad and beetle. This video is completely bereft of any informational value, entertainment, or creativity. Zero stars.

This article was originally published to Medium on June 15, 2023 (

#Videos #Website #IMDb #DallE2 #ShortFilm


This article was originally published to Medium on March 6, 2022 (

My previous ILLUMINATION article was about the struggles the media can have with providing backup evidence on their stories about current events. In it, I recall how I read current events articles and think about ways the articles could have possibly misrepresented the event, while acknowledging that maybe they did, maybe they did not. I would only know about the accuracy if they made their original sources available to me!

I thought I should write an article where I detail this process. I will go on Google News and pick out five of the top articles on the front page. Then, for each article, I will put forth the topics that the journalist failed to cover, questions they could have answered, and sources they could have linked to. My hypothesis is that at least three of the five articles will either not provide sufficient evidence or leave important questions unanswered.

Before I begin, I should clarify that even though I am highlighting areas that I think the article should explore, I do not want to imply that their coverage of these areas should come to a particular conclusion. I am merely stating questions that the article could have answered, not answers that they could have put forth. Also, remember that news stories often update over time, so the story might be slightly different when you click on the link.

Off we go.

The top articles on my Google News feed. I discuss all five of these articles in this blog post

My first article will be the one about road closures at the top of the photo. Here it is:

Not only do we not know the original quotes that CP24 are paraphrasing from, we also do not know if the info was obtained through email, social media, in-person discussion, or any other method. Also, CP24 are not revealing anything about the sources other than that they are “police,” “firefighters,” and “Environment Canada.” I am not saying they need to say their name but maybe they should reveal their job title or department?

Also, the article does not say how long we can expect these roads to be closed for. Though, it is probably too early to tell as this is a breaking news article at the time of writing

Next up is the story about Ontario’s COVID deaths: The Sunday data in the article is not mentioned in any of the summaries yet, but there is a link at the bottom of the page that directs you to where the figures will eventually appear. So, I have no problem with this article.

I will follow up that with the one about Quebec’s COVID statistics: This article has absolutely ZERO citations. While the statistics should probably be easy to find shortly, I have some questions about the findings:

When they say that unvaccinated people are 7.7 times more likely to be hospitalized for COVID-19 and 15.4 times more likely to end up in the UCU, who are they comparing them to? People who have one vaccine? Two? Three? There is no way to know if, for example, totals from people with one vaccination and totals from people with two vaccinations are combined and then compared to unvaccinated people. Of course, this would provide useless data, since they would combine two wildly different groups of people to the unvaccinated group. This needs to be clarified. And when they say that Quebec is encouraging people to report the status of at-home rapid tests, how many people are complying?

On the upside, the article does clarify a lot of the limitations about their findings. That is the only reason for me to well-informed, though.

Shifting focus to the Russian invasion of Ukraine:

At least this article cites the names and positions of the analysts that are quoted, but some of the quotes could be taken out of context. However, at the bottom of the page, they clarified the method that was used to find them — Reuters files.

There are still some claims in the article that must be confirmed. They should link the statement from the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights on the number of civilian casualties in Ukraine, as well as explain why the true number is unknown and expected to be higher. I would also like to see evidence concerning the calls for a tribunal to investigate Russia. The article reports that the tribunals will be similar to the 1993 trial against Bosnia — in what ways? Are there any ways it will be different?

The last article is about the leader of the inquiry:

Unlike CBC News, The Guardian’s article did not link to Karim Khan’s statement on investigating the conflict. Well, I shouldn’t say that. The article links to another Guardian article with a video, but the video won’t play for some reason. Maybe there is a clip in the video that shows confirmation, but I can’t say for sure.

This article has a ton of information, and I can’t think of any questions it leaves unanswered, save for “where are you getting these facts from?” There are a few citations in the article, but there are many other claims that are left incomplete. There are too many examples to list them all, but some of them include comments from the Legal 500 that Khan is “a go-to lawyer,” his involvement with the international criminal tribunal of Rwanda, and an open letter he wrote about how he aimed to reduce intimidation as the defence council for the Kenyan vice-president.

Hence, four of the five articles still have a lot of cleaning up to do. It must be truly difficult for most people to let go of the idea that most current events reports have a high enough standard of publication to be trustworthy. I don’t see the point of checking articles on current events if they don’t bother to provide sufficient evidence. Hearsay does not have the right to be this powerful.

January 2024 update: I recently changed my mind and started carefully following the news.

#Media #MediaLiteracy #CurrentEvents #JournalisticStandards #News


Medium Comments:

I feel like a lot of news stations are more gossip about events that are happening anymore as apposed to being a genuine opinion free, source for information. There are always alternative motives for the broadcasters that output news anymore and I feel like the politicized nature of it all is a good example of how much they don’t care to present news at it is. I would like to see a news outlet that creates video works without emitting any judgements or opinions for people to really gather all the facts and have an informed opinion. Sorry went off on a little rant about the news. Lol I enjoyed your article and I like that you are pointing out additional information that could have been added or shared to create a more well rounded story !! 🙏❤️😁

Sabrina Johnson

Glad you enjoyed my article. I don’t think news sources are going to be less opinionated because opinions are sometimes part of the news story, especially if the topic is politics or activism. But I do hope they link to more sources, cover the topic in more detail, and wait a bit more before publishing.

Kevin the Nonmonetized

Yes great points. Thank for your sharing your thoughts and opinions 🙏

Sabrina Johnson

They just want clicks and will write anything to get them nd the ad revenue. Truth is of no importance. Nice insight.

Ants Space in Time


Kevin the Nonmonetized

Possessed Photography/Unsplash

When I first heard about the Reddit drama surrounding Aaron Sims’s attempt to run for Congress, something immediately seemed off to me. Could the anonymous pro-Sims Reddit account OkGene5382 be secretly run by Sims? That seems like quite the assumption.

So I did some research on this rumour and found that it is mostly being kept alive by the delusions and abuse tactics of a user named Throw-A-Weigh-69. Even if you disagree with me and believe that Aaron Sims uses false social media accounts, there are other issues going on here that aren’t justified by that. You will hear about them all in this post.

Since Sims doesn’t appear to be interested in engaging these rumours, I thought I would make a post warning the Internet about the issue. I can’t blame him for not caring about them, though. If he wants to show he’s a serious politician, he needs to show that he can understand the difference between reality and urban legend, and not getting too wrapped up in the urban legend.

I will begin by outlining the incidents that led to this campaign (in the backstory section), discuss the campaign itself, and then explains why this matters. The backstory isn’t that messed up, especially compared to the campaign, so you’ll have to wait until the campaign section of this article before we get to the really bad stuff.


Brett Jordan/Unsplash

Here’s what went down. Throw-A-Weigh-69 notices the OkGene5382 account and gets suspicious so he sends a direct message to the account to see if Sims was behind it all along. Here’s the link to the discussion, but I will warn you that it’ll take ages for you to read and is mostly vulgar nonsense. Also, both parties consented to having this private conversation shared, with Throw-A-Weigh-69 openly sharing it in his comment right here, and OkGene5382’s consent coming in the form of … well, I’m not gonna spoil it for you just yet.

So you’re probably wondering what happens in the discussion. OkGene5382 says that she’s Sims’s friend but acts very paranoid and neurotic at the slightest provocation throughout the discussion. She calls Throw-A-Weigh-69 a stalker for doing a lot of research on Sims, and then calling him a homophobe and a rapist and threatening to report him to the police (Sims is openly gay, by the way).

She also believes Throw-A-Weigh-69 to be making up false stories and mentions at one point she needs to keep tabs on anything negative said about him to protect Sims against assassins. We know OkGene5382 consented to the chat screenshots being made public because in the Imgur link above, she says she wanted to release the chat to the public as a way to call out Throw-A-Weigh-69.

“We can simply expose all of this on reddit and then people will be lining up to tells us your name. We have these messages and your profile” — OkGene5382, 8:41–8:42 a.m, June 21, 2021

This type of behaviour from Sims’s friend would obviously be unacceptable if it came from a politician, so it is very irresponsible for Throw-A-Weigh-69 to accuse OkGene5382 of being Sims.

During the discussion with Sims’s friend, Throw-A-Weigh-69 presents eight reasons as to why he believes Sims is behind the account. It’s great that Throw-A-Weigh-69 is asking questions and being skeptical, but all but one of these arguments are either addressed by OkGene5382 or are easily explainable. However, none of this is enough for Throw-A-Weigh-69 to change his mind.

For example, he asks OkGene5382 why she just not block him if she is so paranoid of him. She responded by saying that she needs to collect evidence of stalking and slander so she can send it to the cops and the public. Even though it’s poor evidence, it seems to make sense to Sims’s friend.

He also is suspicious that the account’s secondary name is an anagram of the name Aaron Sims, yet Ok_Gene-5382 explains that Sims gave her the account and that it might be an old account.

Maria Teneva/Unsplash

Some other points that Throw-A-Weigh-69 brings up are not satisfied by OkGene5382, but can be explained by critical thinking, especially this next one. When OkGene5382 suggests that Throw-A-Weigh-69 take up the matter personally with Sims on his Facebook account, he says that only Sims would care about someone refusing to bring something up with him, despite it being very clear that Sims’s friend just wanted to be left alone.

Additionally, two of Throw-A-Weigh-69’s points can be described with one explanation. The friend being on Sims’s campaign would explain why she doesn’t post about anything else, and also explains why her posts are so exaggerated in support of Sims.

As for why Sims couldn’t just log into the OkGene5382 account and speak up for himself, Throw-A-Weigh-69 has shown that he would not trust that account anyways.

This next one is kinda weird. Throw-A-Weigh-69 asks OkGene5382 why she would suggest he contact Sims directly if she thinks that Throw-A-Weigh-69 is a homophobic rapist and stalker. She answers that Throw-A-Weigh-69’s dedication suggests he has a personal problem with him, and that Sims would be able to handle it better. She adds that it is not fair to talk about someone behind their back like Throw-A-Weigh-69 is doing. This may be a really weak justification, but it’s not like it’s the only example of that which came from Sims’s friend during the DM conversation.

That’s seven points addressed, which leaves one final unaddressed argument from Throw-A-Weigh-69. At one point, OkGene5382 asks him for which county he is from so she can report him to the police. We don’t know why this is necessary, and neither does Throw-A-Weigh-69. But this is his only point that’s left standing by the end of the article, and yet he is more convinced than ever of his suspicions.

There is one other thing I haven’t mentioned yet that will be relevant for later. At one point, Throw-A-Weigh-69 jokingly asks OkGene5382 for a picture of Sims’s genitals. This greatly upsets Sims’s friend, as she insists that Throw-A-Weigh-69, a straight man, would use the pictures to damage his campaign.

This may at first appear to be another example of OkGene5382’s hysteria, as the request could have been easily ignored. However, she gets upset about those comments and then Throw-A-Weigh-69 . . . well, he starts to get very persistent with this request, reaching the point where it becomes creepy and a form of harassment.

Mikael Seegen/Unsplash

If you have any additional evidence that OkGene5382 is in fact Aaron, feel free to present them in the comments section. But before you do, you will need to consider these points:

1. How would Sims even have the time to entertain OkGene5382? I’m not sure if you clicked on the Imgur link, but that discussion is loooooooong.

2. During the chat, OkGene5382 mentions that Aaron would react completely different to how OkGene5382 is acting, saying “Aaron probably wouldn’t even care about [Throw-A-Weigh-69]” and that “he would probably be cool with [Throw-A-Weigh-69].” These statements are then supported by Sims’s behaviour when Throw-A-Weigh-69 interacts with Sims’s official account as part of the misinformation campaign.

3. Sims’s friend even says she can send a picture of her boobs to prove that she is not Sims, but this is immediately dismissed by Throw-A-Weigh-69 because he doesn’t think a woman would do this.

4. Throughout all of Throw-A-Weigh-69’s posts on the topic, they act completely certain that OkGene5382 is Sims. I understand that it is still a subjective opinion to disagree with me and think that Sims is likely behind the account, even if it is a weak argument. I don’t want to use my ideas and blog posts to accumulate more power for myself, so whatever subjective ideas you have about this scenario, I encourage them. But because of all the evidence I presented against Throw-A-Weight’s campaign, there is objectively a subjective argument to be made that Sims is not behind OkGene5382. And Throw-A-Weigh-69 is completely oblivious to it. This means that it’s flat-out wrong to be as confident as Throw-A-Weigh-69 is, especially considering what happens next.


So Throw-A-Weigh-69 starts his campaign posting all over r/Reno, and it really fooled a lot of people, despite it coming from a crazy person who is intent on ruining Sims’s life. For example, they recount that when they asked for those explicit pictures, OkGene5382 “[pulled] a complete 180 to [say] I should try contacting Aaron directly myself.”

Throw-A-Weigh-69 is completely unaware that they, not OkGene5382 pulled the complete 180 by asking for those pictures. Yet he somehow believes his social intelligence is high enough to know every woman and to conclude that none of them would offer to send a breast photo when in this situation. It’s not surprising that OkGene5382 would be taken back by someone asking for nudes in what was previously a very serious conversation, but in the same comment, Throw-A-Weigh-69 claims that “it’s completely ridiculous that he thinks we’re that dumb” to understand that Sims’s friend would starting feel more uncomfortable around them in that situation.

Taras Chemus/Unsplash

Here’s the thread where Throw-A-Weigh-69 interacts with Sims’s official Reddit account. You’ll have to scroll down to say hi to Throw-A-Weigh-69, but we can see that Sims presents himself as very composed, no-nonsense, and calm, so there’s great evidence right there that he is not behind the OkGene5382 account. He does accuse Throw-A-Weigh-69 of “stalking” his account, but it is not difficult to imagine that he is taking those words verbatim from his friend.

But despite Sims presenting a lot of evidence against the conspiracy campaign, Throw-A-Weigh-69 buckles down on his claim using the only possible method when exhausted of all options: domination tactics. Because of this, I would suggest avoiding contacting the Throw-A-Weigh-69 account. I am usually all for creating solutions through open online discussion, but this Reddit user has showed that they are completely incapable of considering other viewpoints.

Sims’s official Reddit account replied to Throw-A-Weigh-69 saying he “would be happy to answer any policy questions you have but making up nonsense on every post I share is rather weird.” Throw-A-Weigh-69 insists that he “was asking YOU for nudes.” This is an example of Throw-A-Weigh-69’s irresponsible confidence that OkGene5382 is Aaron. You see, if it’s not Aaron, then that means Throw-A-Weigh-69 would be deceiving Sims into consent!

Throw-A-Weigh-69 then states his belief that Sims may have wanted to use his official Facebook account to “get lucky” and score some nudes, as opposed to the Reddit throwaway that Throw-A-Weigh-69 believes is run by Aaron.

Throw-A-Weigh-69 also attempts to force Sims to admit to this potentially career-destroying misinformation. He threatens that if he doesn’t do so, then Sims is “lying about impersonating someone” and that he is denying that he baselessly called Throw-A-Weigh-69 a rapist. He continues to claim that not giving in to his deception will damage a lot of people and will cause Sims to lose in court.

Sims lets Throw-A-Weigh-69 know that “this is a very inappropriate thing to say to a political candidate”, but he responds “don’t tell me what is and isn’t inappropriate to ask you.” Another example of Throw-A-Weigh-69’s force tactics is when he tells Aaron that “no one is going to believe you made an account and gave it to your friend.” Not only is that a way of dominating Aaron but also dominates anyone who tries to protect him.

Sims does his best and reminds Throw-A-Weigh-69 that he answered his questions for him, yet the thread still ends with Throw-A-Weigh-69 moaning that those answers weren’t the ones he wanted.

Why does this matter?

Imagine being in a relationship with someone who treats you as poorly as Throw-A-Weigh-69 is treating Sims in this example. Trying to force you to lie to them because they don’t want to hear the truth, being resistant to the slightest criticism, closing you off from people who can make you feel better.

Jurien Huggins/Unsplash

The campaign has been posting as recently as 3 months ago as of September 1, 2022, so I wanted to make this post and let people know not to trust Throw-A-Weigh-69.

This whole fiasco also demonstrates the out-of-control destructive nature of domination tactics, even when they presented with strong opposition. Throw-A-Weigh-69’s attacks towards Sims always had more upvotes than Sims’s responses, so we can see that fairness does not always hold back ignorance.

Clearly, we can do better at exercising justice, so we have to search for new ways to do so. I created Non-Monetized Together partially with the intention to discover them in a variety of scenarios. It’s simple — I present the details of a situation, helping the readers (that means you) find inspiration. Then you can add your ideas to my posts by responding to them.

Not only is this article a chance to debunk the campaign, but it allows us to address the circumstances that caused it to happen in the first place. This is a space where solutions can originate from the greater public and be taken seriously.

Please don’t be ashamed of what you can add to the conversation. Here, anyone can be an innovator.

This article was originally published to Medium on September 4, 2022 (

#Misconception #Reddit #FakeNews #AaronSims #OnlineDefamation