Non-Monetized Together #svalien

Tired of Internet drama and fakeness? Sadly, this community is closed! Articles and comments may contain sensitive content.

#Catholicism #Christianity #List #Spirituality #Catholic

This article was originally posted to Non-Monetized Together on May 8, 2023 (

This list I will be writing here is anecdotal so it’s not your responsibility to give these a try. I’m just saying that these have worked for me and that you’re encouraged to share how you feel about them.

Improvising my prayers has allowed me to share my feelings honestly and directly to God. It has also got me more engaged in my prayers.

I’ll question some aspects of Catholicism because even though some of them don’t seem to make sense at first, I will eventually see their value if I stay patient and faithful that I’ll find the answer. This will allow me to get a fuller and deeper understanding of Catholicism.

I’ll view politics as inferior to religion. I should mention I’m aware that political action is a necessity for people who suffer from the current system, so it shouldn’t go away completely. It just shouldn’t be replacing religion like it is now. Politics comes from a narrow perspective, usually one’s own, and aims at achieving power and domination. Instead of coming from one perspective, Catholicism comes from the perspective of thousands of theologians working together to figure out what God’s telling them. And unlike politics, the Catholic Church aims to provide personal fulfillment instead of power. This is not how it appears to people who are not of faith, but if you are motivated to follow God, it won’t feel like you’re dominated by an institution at all. It will feel more like the Church is helping you focus on what matters.

I also don’t dress up for church. Seriously, what’s up with that? I don’t think God cares about how we look on the outside. It should be enough that you are going to Church to learn more about Him and express remorse for your sins.

And that’s my list. I don’t really have anything to conclude it with, so I’ll just leave it there.


This story was originally published to Medium on June 9, 2022 (

#Jeopardy #Comedy #GameShow #Fiction

Host: DT

Contestants: AR, KC, and TH

AR: I’ll take “just guess” for $60, please

Hint on the board: “Oh, yeah!”

AR buzzes first.

AR: Let me win.

DT: That is incorrect.

Now, it’s TH’s turn to answer.

TH: Oh, yeah?

DT: Correct.

TH: Math for $300, please.

Hint on the board: “Math”

KC buzzes first.

KC: What is the title of this Jeopardy category?

DT: You got it.

KC: I’ll take “food” for $140

Hint on the board: “It’s not an apple.”

DT: TH buzzed first, let her answer.

TH: Why is my apple white?

DT: That’s the right answer.

TH: Sports for $800

Hint on the board: “Weight-lifters.”

KC’s turn:

KC: Who are Alvin and the Chipmunks?

DT: I’m sorry but that is incorrect.

AR: Who spends more time lifting weights — weight-lifters or stamp collectors?

DT: You got it.

AR: I will take “quizzing” for $1,000.

Hint on the board: “The world’s easiest answer.”

AR buzzes first.

AR: What is the world’s easiest answer?

DT: Correct, you win.


This story was originally posted to Medium on May 9, 2023 (

#ChatGPT #ArtificalIntelligence #Technology #Media #BigTech

While it seems like every other post on Medium is about ChatGPT, they tend to be written with the assumption that it’s going to change the world. Yet I think before we do that, we first have to ask if the platform is something that people are actually using or if it’s just overhyped.

I’m not going to be able to answer this question in this article, but I am hoping to start a discussion where people share if they have gotten hooked on ChatGPT or not. I’ve had access to the platform for several months now and I barely use it for multiple reasons. I want to hear your experiences before we all get caught up in this narrative from Big Tech and the media (be careful of vested interests making their way to this article’s comment section!).

If you’re going to get anxious about AI taking away our jobs, creativity, and intelligence, you should probably make sure those fears are rooted in reality first.


Originally posted to Medium on October 3, 2022 (

#ElectronicMusic #FantasyTournament #NuDisco #Fanfiction #Musicians

Round 1 (multitasking):

Jupiter vs Cola Boyy

Both members of Jupiter chicken out at the thought of multitasking. They forfeit by “accidentally” sleeping in until 10:30 in the morning, not realizing that the tournament was at 6:00 pm this whole time. Jupiter never show up, and Cola Boyy wins by listening to “We Are the Champions” and bopping his head at the same time.

Breakbot vs Hot Chip

Breakbot wins by dropping a killer DJ set while answering fans’ questions about when his next album is coming out. He manages to come up with a different answer every time! Hot Chip are strong competition with their coloured balls and lights, but they are left in the dust by Breakbot’s fierce focus and mixing mastery.

Fred Falke vs Junior Senior

Junior Senior lose for sure. They get too busy worried about entertaining that they don’t even really try to multitask all that well. Fred Falke wins by doing bubble wand tracks and slicing chocolate at the same time.

Aeroplane vs Holy Ghost!

Holy Ghost! attempts to do karaoke during frontman Alex Frankel’s Zoom meeting with his restaurant Frankel’s Delicatessen. They fail miserably. Aeroplane wins by doing a DJ set in a penguin costume. Fun fact: I once dreamt that Frankel ran against Trump for President and lost.

Classixx vs Moullinex

Classixx wins. I think it would be really funny if a really out-of-nowhere competitor came in last place, so I’ll say Moullinex comes in last place. There isn’t any reason to think he would be a good or bad multitasker outside of music.

Miami Horror vs Parcels

Miami Horror take a page from Cola Boyy’s book and perform We Are the Champions while bopping their heads. But despite outperforming the winner, they become the loser anyways. Why? Because Parcels are legendary! Their routine consists of jumping rope and playing the accordion.

The Juan Maclean vs The Twelves

The Twelves win because they haven’t released any new music in years, and so they had plenty of time to practice. Their routine involves 10 different activities but neither member does any more than three tasks at once. Instead, they swap out activities with new ones after performing them for an instant. The Juan Maclean sees how magical The Twelves are at multitasking and realize they don’t stand a chance, so they don’t put in any effort into their performance, which involves memorizing movie quotes while slicing vegetables.

DJ Falcon vs Donny Benét

I’m having trouble deciding this one. I mean, have you seen either of them multitask? No. Plus, neither of them are the type to take risks, so I think both of them would do multitasking that is well within their comfort zone. Honestly, I’m gonna go with DJ Falcon because he’s a DJ so he’s probably better at multitasking than Donny Benét.

Round 2 (debate):

Cola Boyy vs Breakbot

Cola Boyy wins. If you already know who he is, I don’t think I need to explain why. He’s the most politically active and vocal out of all the competitors in this fantasy tournament.

Fred Falke vs Aeroplane

The pair try to “debate,” but their discussion repeatedly finds itself becoming a casual chat. Aeroplane eventually wins due to him taking the tournament more seriously than Falke.

Classixx vs Parcels

The topic they are discussing is “what direction does America need to take to prevent gun violence?” Classixx put forth the idea of more frequent mandatory checkups for gun owners.

Parcels’ drummer Anatole “Toto” Serret jumps out the window and runs away.

The other four members argue say that authorities need to work harder on cracking down on non-documented and non-licensed gun ownership.

Classixx look like they are winning for most of the debate, but Parcels pull ahead right at the last minute by telling a heartbreaking tale of a homeless person they knew from back home.

The Twelves vs DJ Falcon

Have you ever wanted to get in a debate over whether boiled eggs are better than scrambled eggs? Well, it was a lucky day for The Twelves and DJ Falcon.

I did some research on both of them and I still have no idea how the discussion would go. So, I’ll just have to go with my gut feeling and say The Twelves.

Round 3 (social media):

Cola Boyy vs Aeroplane

This is a reeaaaalllly tough one, but I’ll have to give the nod to Aeroplane because he seems to use social media for enjoyment as well as a promotional tool. This is pretty rare for someone of his stature, but you can tell in some of his posts that he is using it as an ordinary person would.

Parcels vs The Twelves

Definitely Parcels. Their Instagram is great. It’s like looking through an old photo album and feels like a genuine peek at their lives. The Twelves don’t even seem to be active on social media anymore.

Round 4 (love of country):

Parcels vs Aeroplane

Congratulations, Parcels! Because you made a music video emphasizing the beauty of Australia, you beat Aeroplane in the final round and are the champions of the tournament! You all win free tickets to The Louvre.


Medium comments:

Interesting debate although the tip of the iceberg.

Reading this article made me feel like I've been living in a cave, musically-speaking. I've never heard of Nu Disco. That may be due to me being old and creaky- though I did just discover the synthpop group Ladytron.

I think the only band album I've heard that comes close to Nu Disco is Belle & Sebastian's “Girls in Peacetime” CD, from 2015.

Thanks for writing about this. Now I'll have to check out some of the bands listed in your chart.

Dan Hiland

No problem. Which one do you think you're going to look at first?

Kevin the Nonmonetized

Maybe the Parcels. But who do you recommend?

Dan Hiland

All of them!

Kevin the Nonmonetized

This will be my project for the coming week.

Dan Hiland


I finally figured out how to integrate comments into posts, so if you are a paying member who read a Non-Monetized Together article on in the past and had something to say, you can now find the article on my profile page and respond to it.

If you’re not sure if you read a Non-Monetized Together post on, it shouldn’t take you too long to scroll through the articles to find out, assuming you’re reading this in April 2023. As of right now, I have 20 articles publicly available on, and it’s spread out over only two pages.

I’m really disappointed that I couldn’t get it set up earlier because Non-Monetized Together is designed to be a blog and an online community at the same time. I want readers to be equal and active participants in the discussions that I or (maybe someday?) other authors start. At least people who read Non-Monetized Together on Medium were always able to comment, but my posts have over 800 combined views on, so there may have been a lot of missed opportunities for commenters.

I hope I can somewhat make up for this by letting you know about this new ability to comment to Non-Monetized Together on

#update #comments #blog


Before we go any further, I’ll clarify that I’m not associated with Charmin and I’m just doing this to make fun of the bears.

Step 1: The first word of your Charmin bear name is how you feel about Christmas with the first consonants replaced by your initials. For example, if you have two initials, you would replace the first two consonants of how you feel about Christmas with your initials.

Step 2: The odd-numbered syllables of the second word are the odd-numbered syllables of your dream vacation destination. The even-numbered syllables of the second word are either a) the even-numbered syllables of the last potato chip brand you ate or b) when the potato chip brand is one syllable, the last four letters of the brand.

Step 3: The third word is the most prominent colour you’re wearing today.

For me, the first word would be “special” with the first two consonants being a “k” and a “z.” So “kzecial.”

My dream vacation destination is a cruise and the last potato chip brand I ate is Old Dutch, so the second word is cruisedutch.

The most prominent colour I am wearing today is black.

So if I was a Charmin bear, my name would be Kzecial Cruisedutch Black, or Kzecial for short.

#Games #Fun #Bears #Names #Advertising



Take a look at this discussion thread started by a librarian who has been requested a book that is so elusive that it can’t be found anywhere.

Now I can tell that this mystery isn’t going to go viral like some other examples because it wasn’t posted to a mainstream website and because it’s not a memorable example. Despite this, nine other people have replied with suggestions. The linked thread is an example of someone forming an equal power dynamic with the people who respond to them instead of trying to post something that interests a lot of people.

There are many discussions online that are just like this, where somebody posts something that will be significant to very few people but puts the respondents in a position where they can lead the discussion. However, this approach to discussion is usually limited to contexts where the initial poster is looking for help from respondents. The initial poster feels stuck solving a mystery on their own, so they make a post about it. Their mystery lacks viral qualities such as nostalgia, suspiciousness, familiarity, or strangeness, but usually other people will help them out anyways.

Compared to the discussions on the rest of the public Web, these interactions are built on a more equal relationship between initial poster and respondent. Yet they are almost always carried out in cases when the conversation starter needs help from others and so has no choice but to put commenters in a more powerful position.

If you think about Medium or Instagram or Twitter, most of the public initial posts are people doing something to grab people’s attention or to get some sort of emotional response from viewers. They are putting the spotlight on themselves. There’s nothing wrong with this, but a lot of people forget that social media can also be used to highlight the repliers’ contributions to the discussion.

I feel like Nonmonetized Together stands out from other blogs for this reason. The posts on NMT aren’t the author’s posts, they are discussions for the community. This makes the comment section become less about the initial poster (like most of social media) and more about the community (like the librarian forum).

I encourage people to expand on the information in the blog’s initial posts, place it in a new context, make tangentially related replies, and respond with a different purpose than the article (but not with a different purpose than NMT). If people respond with these comments, they will make it so the comment section is not just responding to NMT but contributing to it.

Hopefully Nonmonetized Together will help you feel less invisible.

#Discussion #OnlineDiscussion #InternetComments #SocialMedia #Internet


This article was originally published on Medium on July 10, 2022 (

#CriticalThinking #Life #Skill #Idea #Short

I’ve found an alternative to conspiracy theories, and I believe it to be superior in every way. Instead of holding specific suspicions, just identify industries that have the power and resources to pull off a conspiracy, and be careful around them.

One problem I have with conspiracy theorists is that they usually don’t have the means to get in touch with the people who they believe are involved in the conspiracy. It sounds like a threat to the validity of a conspiracy theory because they wouldn’t be able to get information straight from the source, which could be used to clear things up, strengthen evidence in favour of the conspiracy, or introduce something new to the picture. And even if those in power make a public statement addressing the conspiracy, they are not going to want to communicate directly with many individual conspiracy believers who have questions of their own. It would be a waste of time for them.

With my alternative, I wouldn’t have this problem, because there would be no particular case to solve, just a general attitude of skepticism. Also, I wouldn’t have to worry about people making up conspiracy theories to take advantage of me, and I could be a lot more open-minded. This solution involves skill and I don’t think I have really have gotten the hang of it yet, but I believe it is more useful.

Did I miss anything? Does my idea have any disadvantages to conspiracy theories? Do you have any other ideas?


Dev Asangbam/Unsplash

This was originally posted onto Medium on December 15, 2022 (

#Emotions #Intentions #SocialInteractions #SelfRighteousness #Insincerity

So far writing for this blog, I haven’t released any stories that derive their value mainly from being emotional. I always make sure my articles have a better reason for existing than just to communicate emotions. Yet I don’t think this means that expressing one’s emotions is a bad thing, like everybody else seems to think.

You know society has its blinders on when people frequently get away with saying that they find it hilarious, epic, or satisfying when somebody gets upset. All without immediately being perceived as a villain.

It wouldn’t be odd or notable if people were just saying those things to be cruel. But many people say it as a sign of self-righteousness! This typically occurs when there is some sort of previous context where the target has done something that they didn’t like.

This article isn’t going to be about how people should care for each other and respect people’s feelings, as I know that many of these people aren’t in the mood for that.

Instead, I’ll focus on how these statements are painfully self-unaware and contradictory when they’re being used to legitimize oneself. How? Because by saying them, people invalidate all their other statements on the topic, aside from “I don’t care.”

It’s basically saying that their goal was to upset people all along, or at least that they view it as a satisfying outcome. They are openly admitting that their other points never had any other sort of value all along, while at the same time, pretending otherwise.

So, if they want to be self-righteous, too bad — they just discredited anything useful or meaningful they said on the topic, and anybody else pretending otherwise is caught up in the charade.

It’s not as bad if they’re not trying to assert morality. We’ve all been in situations where, due to heightened emotions, we’ve treated somebody with less empathy than we normally would have. In those cases, gloating at someone else’s emotions is understandable.

My point is that you can’t make those comments and claim the moral high ground. Once you say something like that, nobody with good intentions has any reason to join your side. Your efforts get corrupted immediately.

It’s time to start approaching those statements as an embarrassing example of self-destruction. We should let everyone know that nobody can take them seriously without being objectively wrong.

Medium comments:

Very nicely written and a good read 😇.

The Silent Monk

Glad to hear that

Kevin the Nonmonetized


This article was originally posted to Medium on April 15, 2022 (

#Escapism #NewExperience #Movie #Film

How many differences are there between a movie and a dream? Unlike a dream, a movie can be watched multiple times, it can be viewed by more than one person, it can make money, and it is made by a team of workers. For much of my life, there was another difference — dreams are fantasy words you can travel to.

How couldn’t have I considered that movies could fulfill the same role? Aren’t films often discussed in a way that makes this obvious? Well, I was aware of terms like “escapism” and “immersivity,” but I slightly misinterpreted the meaning of these words, and I never thought of those topics enough to consider other possible interpretations of them.

When people would mention a movie as a source of escapism, I thought they meant that the movie was something that makes you forget about the hustle and grind of everyday life, but in the sense that they are just images on a screen that you shift your attention toward, not an entire fictional journey that you’re invited on. As for “immersivity,” I thought that was only a thing that a great movie manages to achieve occasionally, not the purpose of movies in the first place.

Anyways, I was recently feeling urges for escapism, and I realized that shifting into a film’s universe could satisfy them. So yesterday, I sat down to watch the movie Bowfinger, and now I am presenting a blog post about what it is like to properly watch a movie for the first time.

Microsoft Office stock image

I was expecting to find that this new approach to entertainment would make the quality of the movie matter a lot more. If I start viewing movies as an alternate world to inhabit, a movie’s flaws wouldn’t just be missed opportunities, it would be an entire alternative universe that’s not up to my standards. But I realized that since it’s a comedy, the Bowfinger experience was slightly complicated.

Before I had my revelation towards the film-watching experience, narrative comedy films were about laughs first, plot second, and characters third. Everything else was irrelevant. However, when I was watching Bowfinger, I was suddenly putting less effort into laughing and more effort into escapism. Yet instead of weakening the humor in the move, it produced a comedy experience that was, for me, fresh and exciting.

I started viewing the jokes more as sources of entertainment than that of comedic effect. A lot of this had to do with the ridiculous world the movie finds itself in. Since I found myself deep in this world, the comedic material put me in an overwhelmed state of disbelief, but in a good way. It was a similar experience as watching crazy viral videos that seem real (unless I’m doing that the wrong way too). Many online videos blow up because of the contrast between their sense of authenticity and the unusual events depicted in them. The characters and events in Bowfinger may not look realistic on paper, but I was into the movie enough that it felt real.

Microsoft Office stock image

Paradoxically, I simultaneously knew that the film not actually real, so unlike viral videos, I didn’t have to worry about any real-life consequences that might arise from such absurdity. This movie made me not want to watch a documentary or any other sort of factual film/video production again. I’m exaggerating a bit, but it’s initially hard to see the purpose of a documentary when you are already living real-life and there are fine-tuned bizarre alternative universes available in fiction movies.

Perhaps, though, having real people in a documentary can be a strength? Yes, the characters in Bowfinger were pretty wacky, but that meant I didn’t empathize with them individually as much. I could connect with them when the group of characters were experiencing something collectively, and that was because I made myself feel like I was in the group. But there’s just something about the way film characters behave, the way they time their movements and dialogue, the way they phrase their words, and the way they express themselves that is just different than real people. And I am not just talking about Bowfinger. A lot of movies have characters like that.

Since I was watching the movie in a different way than usual, this was jarring at first, but I got used to it quickly. This didn’t mean I could connect fully with the characters though. While the lack of empathy succeeded as a barrier to be lifted off my shoulders, there can be times when having relatable characters can make the movie feel like even more of an immersive experience. This wouldn’t be appropriate in a movie with a premise and scenes as unreal as Bowfinger’s, but it would be for documentaries. Once you put that honesty through post-production, real life can become an escape too.

But I’m talking about Bowfinger, not a documentary. This silly movie contributed to a rarely-catalogued experience — watching a movie correctly for the first time. Overall, it was a lot more fun than my usual detached method of film-viewing, and I don’t think I’ll ever go back. Whatever tone a movie takes, it becomes a lot more purposeful when you as a viewer are so fully involved. I’ll add that it makes feature length a lot more bearable as well. I hope this blog post is useful for people who have questions about the experience of watching a movie for the first time. Yes, Bowfinger was not the first movie I saw, but it was still a new experience for me.

I’m giving a shoutout to Vincent Van Patten for “When We Open Our Hearts, the World Begins to Mend.”
