#Blog #About #Radical #Equality #OnlineCommunity
Warning: the articles and comments on Non-Monetized Together may contain sensitive content.
I will close Nonmonetized Together’s posts and comments until I gain more privilege. The rest of this article describes how Nonmonetized Together functions when it’s open.
All new updates and announcements from August 3, 2024 onwards will be documented in a Medium newsletter. I will try to keep this page up-to-date with the information sent in the newsletter.
This page can also be seen at https://medium.com/non-monetized-together/tired-of-internet-drama-and-nonsense-this-community-can-help-with-that-ce2b276d6b3f?source=friends_link&sk=6c78ad96d9f2f8e4cce0481f526414ae.
After you finish reading this page, let me know what you think! I will be able to make better decisions about operating this blog when I hear other perspectives. No decision I make is final, so be sure to always write a comment, or if you’re not a good writer, maybe ask through a mediator or by sending a video! I will explain how I feel about your suggestion as soon as possible.
If you want to write for Non-Monetized Together, you need to be added as a writer through Medium. Please create a Medium account if you don’t have one already and let me know if you want me to add you.
1. Authors and readers on this blog should be in an equal position of power

Picture from Adi Yusuf, Unsplash
Nonmonetized Together authors are not supposed to write as if they are an authority figure. Instead, I aim to build a community where my readers and I share knowledge with each other and build off of each other.
Instead of presenting a narrative and acting like it’s the only acceptable way to think, authors must write posts that are much more flexible and respectful of the reader’s agency. Readers are meant to interpret their stories through their own personal lens so different readers can get inspired in different ways. Our words should aim to provoke our readers’ thoughts, not replace them.
Feel free to reply to the posts in a way that is productive. As the importance of information continues to further outpace the importance of service, our view of volunteering must transition from one where the volunteer provides services to one where they provide information. I am hoping that readers will do this in the comments section and end up creating an online community based off knowledge. This means to not be afraid to add additional knowledge and expand upon my points. We are here to learn from and help each other. The most outspoken voices are not always the most trustworthy ones.
I am even able to respond to feedback from websites other than Medium or write.as because I sometimes look up Nonmonetized Together on search engines. However, my responses will be posted on Medium and write.as, which means communication will be more difficult, but I can tag your username so you can find it on search engines. I will not respond to posts on drama websites or members-only websites but any other website is fair game.
One last thing: I’m autistic and work towards increasing the positive aspects of my autism while aiming to reduce the negative aspects. If you’re not autistic, you will be expected to do the same — to focus on developing the positive traits of being non-autistic while trying to reduce the negative aspects. This is all to make sure this community is equal.
2. This publication is non-monetized
Below is a video (which I will update every two weeks or so) showing that on Medium, this blog is non-monetized.
Since Nonmonetized Together tackles issues of power, and since money is power, monetizing it wouldn’t make sense as it would make our posts insincere and irrelevant. Also, since the authors should have an equal relationship with their readers, there isn’t much justification for them to earn money off of our articles. Instead of earning money in return for their work, they write to gain knowledge and engagement from others. This approach will hopefully make their stories more authentic and useful.
3. I think that online discussion is an excellent and overlooked tool for making the world a better place
Non-Monetized Together, as well as many other places on the Internet, is like public service or activism to me. I believe that skillfully using the Web probably makes a greater impact than most in-person forms of activism. I’m not saying it will start a social movement or make noticeable changes, considering most people have extremely limited power anyways. But it probably makes a bigger difference than going out of the house to contribute to society.

Picture from Felicia Buitenwerf, Unsplash
I went into more detail about this theory in an earlier post, but it basically comes down to the fact that people’s worldviews are partly shaped by what they read, so if your posts are thought-provoking, you can make an impact on readers even if you don’t get many views.
Use this as motivation to consistently produce quality articles. Use Non-Monetized Together to try to work things out with people and make sure they leave feeling stronger. Be conscious of the fact that Non-Monetized Together is public to anyone connected to the Internet, and use that fact to inspire your writing. Please be patient and accepting of others, even if you are skeptical of them! As long as it is safe, an innocent until proven guilty approach is encouraged in the comment section.
4. Nonmonetized Together is a better alternative to competitive politics.
Nonmonetized Together is to be a place where people can contribute to society without being subject to the political restrictions that they face elsewhere.
As a politically privileged person myself, I feel that other people’s political views are more important than mine. Instead of fighting for my political beliefs, it’s better if I create an online environment where common people of all political orientations can gain empowerment without answering to the interests of the ruling class.
The only way this can work is if it has its own social norms that are unique from the norms of the competitive political system. This way, it can avoid the weaknesses that the competitive political system currently faces, such as an unequal power structure, unnecessary conflict, and having to put on a facade to get what you want. I know this sounds vague, but a full explanation is worth an article of its own, which can be viewed here.
By approving Non-Monetized Together’s articles and engaging with their comments, I can work towards setting an example that will be imitated by the community. By being the best role model I can be on the blog, hopefully this can create a positive community. By doing this, I can implicitly set norms and standards for readers’ responses, and these norms and standards can be more civil than that of the rest of the Internet. This means that while readers can have the freedom to reply what they want, I can set a precedent as to how they comment and for what purpose, without being forceful about it.
How can we set positive examples?
The most important goal on Nonmonetized Together is to accurately understand what people are trying to say. We just need to say exactly what we mean and make sure readers know that. We can do this by explaining our points clearly, logically, and literally enough to erase any concerns of double meaning. We can start comments with “let me know if I understand correctly…” and then clarify. To avoid conflict, we can start off our responses by finding common ground with the other person before getting into disagreements.
Feel free to have debates in the articles’ comments sections. Just keep in mind that I will try to steer the argument into a more productive direction if it’s not going well.
But I, as well as authors of the original posts, should only try to get into arguments if it’s to guide the conversation into more productive directions, to understand what the other person is saying (which will be discussed in the next paragraph), to point out an objective error, or to provide additional background information that the authors believe a reader may not be considering. Authors should not try to fight for a subjective viewpoint. Other participants can get involved in arguments though.
However, if I’m in a discussion with you, and you don’t feel like I understand what you’re saying, please keep arguing with me about it until I do understand, and don’t give up. I grew up in a family that would keep arguments going until I could see what was wrong, and sometimes this would take over an hour, but I would get convinced eventually. I’m not here to antagonize you, so let’s come to a conclusion where we can both be happy.
No matter who you are, we need to word our comments in a way that makes it clear that we are only doing it for the other person’s own benefit. We should explain the facts instead of relying on weaponized trigger words. We can use digital communication to our advantage and give ourselves as much time as we need to think about the right thing to say. We can’t control how others react, but we can still be clear about our intentions.
How should we deal with trolls and troublemakers?
Respond to them seriously and respectfully, like with the other readers (but only on the public Web – it is dangerous to respond to trolls through private message or the real world). Hopefully, it will diffuse any negative momentum they would be planning to capitalize on, and maybe even make them feel a bit sorry or embarrassed for their actions. In cases where that doesn’t happen, you at least get the chance to hold them accountable, and readers will hopefully still be able to take something valuable away from the interaction.
For participants who want to do this but are too scared or uncomfortable to respond directly to the offender, I can communicate with them on your behalf. If you send me your comment in a private note on Medium, I will quote it in the discussion with the offender and keep you anonymous. If your comment is too long to fit in a Medium private note, write it in the format of an unlisted article and send the link in the private note.
In cases where their behaviour gets out-of-control and malicious, they should be blocked and/or have their comments removed, but this privilege should be used judiciously. Misinformation, for example, should be countered by questioning it or by presenting the correct information, not an instant ban. What may appear as hatred to an outsider may really just be frustration and despair. Ignorance should be defeated with wise and reasoned responses, not censorship or (God forbid) anger.
One useful tip for dealing with these posts is to do a good deed that makes up for the damage that was caused by the comment. Or you may start a new post on the implications that the comment’s attitude has on society. If you see an obviously problematic comment, you may even want to try responding to it under the assumption that it’s tolerant, honest, just, and harmless, just to show how many hoops you would have to jump through to interpret it as such. “After all, you don’t want me to look at you as bad-intentioned, right?” This would allow yourself to reveal the comment’s problems without attacking the commenter.
I do believe that zero-tolerance safe spaces play a necessary role in society, because everybody needs to take a break from dealing with troublemakers sometimes, but that is not the purpose of Non-Monetized Together.
How can you guarantee that our blog will be non-monetized?
Monetizing our blog would be disastrous for a number of reasons:
I would lose the trust of the readers
I put a lot of time and effort into writing non-monetized articles. Monetizing them all of a sudden would make all of that work worthless
It is a mark of distinction against better-funded, better-resourced competitors, as they would be almost certainly monetized
It would be too stressful
It would turn this community into a casual, marketable safe space. Non-Monetized Together is supposed to be a mostly serious, sometimes upsetting community where we can talk about the ugliness of real life in the hopes of overcoming it.
I will never monetize this blog in any situation. Even if I hypothetically end up in a situation where blogging is the only way I could earn money, I would just stop writing for Non-Monetized Together and create a new blog instead.
How can Non-Monetized Together stories be added to write.as if they are from Medium authors other than Kevin?
If you want me to publish your post on the Non-Monetized Together write.as page, place the write.as URL for your article somewhere in your Medium article, and I will create the page for you.
Here’s how you can write your write.as URL before the article gets added to write.as:
Write write.as/non-monetized-together/. Then, add each word of your article’s title to the end of the URL, in lowercase, with a hyphen in-between each word. If you have a long title, the URL may cut off the end of it. I will let you know if it does, so you can fix it.
Please contact me if you want to delete or edit the write.as article and I will make the changes you requested.
I have been saving this community’s Medium comments onto its write.as articles and vice versa. I will wait a few days before moving the comments so you have time to edit or delete them. If you made a remark.as comment to this blog but don’t want it cross-posted to Medium, send a comment or PM to my discuss.write.as account and it will be taken down. Same applies for preventing Medium comments for going onto write.as, except you would send a private note in that case.
Ways you can get involved with Nonmonetized Together:
Write for the publication
Do fan creative projects such as fan art, fan fashion, fanfiction, or anything else — you’re only limited by your imagination
Create your own online environment that has the same social context as Nonmonetized Together.
Create a TVTropes page for Nonmonetized Together (I have attempted to do this but the TVTropes mods won’t approve my account, maybe you’ll find more luck).
Do an in-person version of Nonmonetized Together for people who are deprived of their right to use the Internet. There are many community workers on Medium who can achieve this such as @b.ha, @jaimeloma, @RickyRew, @cathanne, @david.robinson_1204, @joe-valentino, @thorblomfield, @wildflower11, @wduflon, @bernardjankowski, @oscarmdiazb, @dianepagen, @dphunter, @babwc, and @dianamcnally.
One more thing…
If you are trying to find a specific article, check https://medium.com/@non-monetized_together/lists to see my articles grouped by category.
So if you’re tired of dealing with know-it-alls, pointless squabbling, and cynicism on the Internet, Non-Monetized Together is here for relief.
Medium comments:
This article mostly applies to stories on this blog. It does not apply as much for responses I have on other people’s stories, but it still does a little, because a lot of this is just my personal philosophy. It definitely still applies to using online discussion to make the world a better place.
Responding seriously and respectfully can indeed diffuse negative situations and sometimes even change someone's perspective.
Jome Nartatez
Yeah, I make sure to be serious and respectful on other people's articles. When I'm making those comments, I try to be careful to make the world a better place, just like on here. All I'm saying is that my responses don't always follow the exact same rules I have set out for Nonmonetized Together. Thank you for your input.
Kevin the Nonmonetized
I’m autistic and work towards increasing the positive aspects of my autism while aiming to reduce the negative aspects. If you’re not autistic,
Fair play to you Kevin. Accepting the world as it is.
Michael Zwierzanski
I believe healthy discussion, in as personal a context as possible, is a crucial element of critical thinking. Being able to exchange ideas without criticism or judgment is becoming a lost art. Thank you for your article.
Michael Cappelli
Yes, I figured this blog would be very timely, thank you!
Kevin the Nonmonetized
Non-Monetized Together is now a publication. Would you be interested in being added as an author? I have updated this about section since you last posted, so you should read it over before deciding.
Kevin the Nonmonetized
You seem to be successful in transmitting information with this writing thing. I have been writing since February, 2023, about “addiction to substances, behaviors, and thistles of the soul.” Problem is it looks like nobody wants to hear about the only thing I know much about. Would you please take a peek at one of my articles, the headline or something, and tell me what I'm doing wrong. I really hope you do. I can't even get into the Partnership Program although I qualify every whichaway. Thanks.
Sam David Parker
It doesn’t appear that you’re submitting your articles to publications, so that might be why your articles aren’t getting traction.
Kevin the Nonmonetized
I am non-monetized. Someone keeps rejecting my letter to be accepted into their partnership program. They've done it twice now. I would feel better if I were a part of some group.
Sam David Parker
Are you interested in being added to the publication?
Kevin the Nonmonetized
How can you tell if I'm qualified? I write mostly about persons with an addiction.
Sam David Parker
Just provide evidence in the article
Kevin the Nonmonetized
This sounds like some new version of freedom of speech for those who think outside the box. Kudos. Sadly, thought processed ideas are being squelched.
Sorry to hear we have to conform to the naysaying of the in the box thinkers who decide what is acceptable to them in their quest for acceptance of non-social norms however not of the majority of value-based thinkers.
Health Psychologist Holistic Wellness Coach/Writer
By communicating with readers constructively and diplomatically, I make sure that Nonmonetized Together's environment is less hostile than most of social media. This can allow users to solve the communication problems that may be causing people to be silenced.
I would encourage you to take advantage of this community and open up about any specific examples of where you have gotten silenced. I would love to provide you an opportunity to share your perspective so the community can heal wounds and work towards a better future. By being a nonpartisan support network that uses free speech to help turn people off from problematic views, I believe that this community will be less likely to be censored, especially since it is backed up onto write.as, a website that isn't supported by advertisers.
Also remember that just because your opinions receive backlash doesn't mean you are silenced or that you must surrender immediately. Everybody runs into these situations sometimes. Developing your communication skills is key when helping people understand you're not trying to cause harm.
Kevin the Nonmonetized
Part of what's causing the problem you're describing is people censoring themselves, so please don't forget to share your examples of being silenced. Otherwise you will be promoting the phenomena yourself!
Make sure not to silence yourself out of fear of backlash! All social movements receive backlash but that doesn't stop some of them from gaining steam. Admitting defeat in fear of backlash doesn't just hurt you but it hurts ALL social movements, especially since you're now aware of a platform (this one) that will give you lots of support.
Remember, how we communicate on the Internet will be a huge influence on the future of our planet! Not speaking up is completely irresponsible of the well-being of future generations!
Kevin the Nonmonetized
Thank you for following me, (Yay Kevin!) I truly appreciate it. If I may... would it be possible to nudge you into adding my name to your email subscription list? If not, cool. Thank you
Be good,
-Mark Rockford-
Mark Rockford Winsor
Good point? I think it is a bit drastic in that a clap is also encouraging. I wrote a piece when I dropped out of grad school partners program. It was very liberating!
Would it be sufficient if I encourage people by responding to them instead of clapping?
Kevin the Nonmonetized
Absolutely! I get your point. Why engage in the silly algorithm of claps. Cheap dopamine hits! I do both. But may refrain and just respond with real person words ha!
I just sent you a 👏 clap :)
Suncatcher One