Numeric Citizen Musings


πŸ‘‰πŸ» I posted a farewell letter on my Facebook wall before making it inactive for a while. But here is another one that I wish I would have seen before writing mine: β€œGoodbye Facebook”. There are a few really good ideas that I should have used myself. One is to set up an email newsletter so my friends could get some news from me and from which we could interact. Too bad I didn't think about it. Is it too late? How many of my friends would take the time to get in touch with me and me about my life, what am I up to? Probably not that many.🀨

#musings #facebook #socialnetworks


🧠 It is well documented that social networks are a great source of dopamine. Likes, retweets, etc., all contribute to providing the much-needed boost that we, as humans, are in constant need of. I’m ok with that. You might think that I’m no different. You are partly right. But, as a writer, I also get my dopamine when I hit publish. That’s the one source that I’m trying to prioritize. Not always easy. πŸ’‰

#musing #socialnetworks
