
diarist | punker | anarcho-minimalist

today was a good day (still is)

i didn't do much but eat fruit and stay in, really. I had probably too much caffeine (i bought iced coffee), but other than that, a healthy day, indeed.

tomorrow i might go to the 'rents, i might not. depends on a ride (as i mentioned earlier). if i don't, Sunday i most definitely will.

i feel healthy today. digestion is back on track after Dog knows how long i have been w/o any type of proper fruit. The mangos at the store were fucking g.i.g.a.n.t.i.c.! Twice the size they usually are, and the same price. So, awesome.

I also kept up w/ all of the Kavanaugh mayhem today, and I must say that that man is pure trash. Republicans who support him are pure trash. Anyone (of either party) who votes for him is pure trash. Including the (awful) Senator from Missouri, Claire McCaskill (who is a female Democrat who pretends to give a fuck about her constituents, but is really just a power player for the Donor Party, through and through).

I think i am going to be up late today even though i only had one small nap since waking up at 4 AM this morning. I am not tired right now, anyways.

all in all, an interesting day.

be back in a bit!

Looks like i am buying a phone (next week)

This Kyocera will not A) hold a charge nor B) stay connected to the charger. So something else is going to have to happen and i think that something else is going to be a refurbished Nexus 5X. Might as well.

But i also have other things to buy next month that may get in the way. Such as groceries and a couple articles of clothing that i am going to need for the Winter. And shoes!

This is life

As of 8 AM this morning, I am going to be meeting the mom for $$$ for therapy and then i am going to be having therapy this afternoon. I just need to double-check with the therapist to see exactly what time the appt is.

It is 4:33 AM right now and i just had coffee and i am wide awake. I was wide awake before the coffee but i am even more wide awake now. And i will probably stay awake the rest of the day. Good stuff.

Nice and cool outside at a chill 54 F. STLWX has been fucking awesome lately! :D

I think tomorrow i am going to the 'rents for this or that and will chill for a while. I am not sure what we are all doing over there (other than helping around the house) but allegedly my Uncle Larry and Aunt Kathy are coming over. I don't know why i say “allegedly” because when they say they are going to come over, they do. It will be p cool to see them.

Anyway, be back in a bit!


Been a long day of Kavanaugh hearings and i am spent! Guy is the scum of the Earth, lemme tell ya. I did however, manage to get laundry done, clean the kitchen, and straighten up the apartment a little bit. Also got stomach meds delivered.

Tomorrow, i have therapy. So that will be cool.

Nada else going on, tbh. I will probz be up a little later than usual tonight because it is a v nice night outside and i slept in today and i just had coffee a few minutes ago. Wide awake.

Be back in a bit!

Thank you, Target Stores

i recently registered w/ Target Stores online in order to place an order for my cousin's wedding gift, and now that i have an acct, i decided to put some things in my cart. Cheaper than Amazon (on most everything), and i am going to check-out soon. It includes shoes, too, which are desperately needed.

I visited the site this AM bc i just did my budget and discovered that i am going to have a lot more $$$ than i thought this week. i only owe the 'rents (parents) $55 and have a few groceries to get and i'll be set ;)

So, sweet.

As for today:

  • Laundry
  • clean kitchen
  • clean bathroom
  • clean up the apartment
  • etc etc



fucking neighbor is blaring country music and being the same loud, drunk asshole he is every night.


i was at the 'rents earlier and had lunch there which was chillin.

now i am listening to the “alt.alt.alt” playlist bc i cannot stand 99% of country music.

tomorrow i am doing laundry and that is about it

Friday, therapy

yada yada

anyway, be back in a bit

So tomorrow...

... i am going to be helping dad transfer into the car after his dialysis appt and then after that going to the 'rents house for a little bit for lunch, and then helping him transfer back into the car for a doc appt. All that is fine by me.

I also made a couple appts myself just now and still have more to make. Speaking of making, i am making coffee right now, too. Second cup of the day. Gonna be fucking epic because today is definitely a good day and i feel GREAT!

Probably because I am getting some stuff together and making things right as far as appts, etc. On the ball, for sure.

I also forgot to mention that I have the EdX course coming up on October 3rd, but, i may still transition to a different EdX course within that timeframe. I am not 100% sure it is the right course for me, but, if it turns out that I like it, I'll keep it.

I am not letting the fact that the student loan discharge thing that is likely to not go through get me down bc that's life.

Anyway, be back in a bit!

Fresh start to a fresh day

i was a little bit worried yesterday about the whole financial situation until i realized that it would just be a matter of rescheduling some stuff and then i don't have to worry about it anymore. So i am going to do just that – reschedule.

I am going sit here and enjoy coffee and (maybe) get some #writing done and chill.

Good day.

My Troubles Part 2

Still not sure what to do about this whole situation that i described in my last blog post. I suppose i will just go and try to straighten out the whole situation w/ entitlements and then go grocery shopping or...idk. Some bullshit. I may just cancel both appts and go grocery shopping (w/ multiple trips) my damn self and act like everything is normal. I know i can reschedule both because i cannot make both and i need to be at both, so both will get cancelled because i don't have a ride to either. If that makes sense?

This is what i'll do

Paperwork: MAILED OFF!

So the student loan discharge paperwork that i have been meaning to attain for the past...since forever, I finally got, signed, and sent out to U.S. Dept of Education today and that is all i will have to do on my part in order to get the ball rolling on the ($970) student loan discharge, but, I have a reservation...

...The reservation being; they want a 5-7+ year(s) review cycle for my SSI, and the paperwork I sent in said 3+ years (which is normal for SSI). This may possibly disqualify me for a loan discharge via their standard policy, and if that is the case, then i will not get this loan discharged + have to start repayments ASAP + not be able to attend STLCC until that loan is paid off. I can get it paid off in time, but i will not still be as jazzed/enthusiastic about going into Comm Col after all is said & done because it is going to take me a little bit of time before i am able to get the entire $970 paid off in-full. These things take time when you have as little $$$ as I do :/

I am basically giving this a 5% chance of actually properly discharging the loan & if/when it doesn't, i am assuming i will be making proper (minimum) payments on this loan until I get my tax monies in January 2019, when I can pay it off in one lump sum.

There is also the possibility of trade school that could possibly be paid for (or supplemented) through BJC Behavioral Health (which i am involved with) and that could (in fact, would be likely) be through STLCC. If that is the case, then I would aim for a Master Naturalist Certification through STLCC Meramec because that would be something I would be profoundly interested in + be local + be something where I could work in that “sector” and be quite happy (+ it would be hella fun).

Writing is a terrific trait to have and a necessary skill to move through life, but some people (particularly myself) may not have the resources available in order to pursue it as a regular career. That isn't to say that I would give up on all Comm Col altogether, in fact, I will enroll for a regular AA/AAS as soon as I could should the funding be available. But for now, it seems much, Much, MUCH more likely/practical that i aim for/get the Master Naturalist Certification.

This is what i'll do.

it's 4:05 AM so of course i just had a Red Bull

i was tired. probably because i had just woken up. so i had my last Red Bull. i drank three last night and was incredibly wired. just feel chill right now.

Today, around noon, i am going to the 'rents house to hang w/ the dad and the #stlwx is gonna be friggin' great. 63 F right now, high of 74 later today. Fucking beautiful. I am gonna bring the MacBook over to the 'rents and do some blogging on their screened-in patio.

that's all for now.