
diarist | punker | anarcho-minimalist

i think this is syncing to twitter

i added the twitter acct to write.as

so lets see if this works?

A Social Media Detox vs An Internet Detox

They are two very different things. For myself, I spend literally all of my time on social media, so when i want to go off of it for an extended period of time, I just don't pay my (prepaid) phone bill, and Wah-La! No more Internet for me for a few weeks!

I bring this up because three different people on my Twitter timeline are claiming to be on social media “detoxes” and it seems that they have tried and failed this before, as have many others, and my only advice to anyone who wants to attempt to do a social media detox is to just do an Internet detox. We live in a very different world than we did before social media and people spend the majority of their Internet time on social media because it seems to be the only thing to do + it is where everyone is + is the most active + what we have simply become accustomed to.

Leaving the entire Internet for 2, 3, 4+ weeks is very cathartic, relaxing, slower-moving, and just overall positive in my experience. I listen to the radio, get a book or two read, sometimes buy a newspaper, and do a lot of good old fashioned writing. :)

But it isn't for everyone. I understand that.

i'm not “write-spired”

...or maybe it's “writespoed” I just know that something has to make me WANT to write if I am to build up this (scant) Medium acct or/and get me to upgrade to a Premium/Pro version of it. I know that i wouldn't really be writing anything on it on the reg, but i would like some better statistics, for sure. Hell, i didn't even fork out for write.as pro (THIS blog!) because i wanted to spend the $40 elsewhere and i couldn't see myself parting w/ it for a year of membership on this platform. I will pay for it soon, just not right now.

I have coffee going and i am going to wake-the-fuck-up and start my evening here, but i need to work on oleary.io for a little bit to make it more “professional”, I suppose. IDK. I want to have something in a writing “portfolio” to try to fall back on in case this job hunt falls through or whatever.

be back in a bit!

Writing writing writing

As I sit here and brew coffee, i am thinking about what was discussed w/ the employment specialist at BJC South today. Essentially, we are aiming for me to get a job in writing (if possible, that's a stretch), or a small/indie shop where i am working w/ technology (computer repair type stuff, possibly). There may be some vocational rehabilitation services involved at some point or/and job training, but idk at this point. we'll see.

this coffee is gonna be delicious and i am already still a bit wired from the Dunkin Donuts frapp i had a little bit earlier before the appt. i also have a therapy appt tomorrow (here) that i have to text the moms about so i can get therapy money for said appt. I am a cash client. Have been for a long time, actually.

anyway, the NelNet student loan discharge paperwork has been received by the loan company/bank/whatever and the paperwork is “under review” so i am hoping it goes through and better yet, if it didn't take an awful long time. Getting back into STLCC (even though college is a scam) would be a good thing for the Spring 2019 semester. I missed the boat for Fall 2018 because of this exact same paperwork :(

Coffee is on

be back in a bit!

today. restless.

i had a complete lack of sleep last night and a decent amount of caffeine today, so i was restless most of the day and wanting to sleep but i didn't get any whatsoever until just about an hour ago. i feel much better now.

haircut didn't happen. too hot. too sweaty.

paid back a hundo to the moms

got stuffs paid

ordered sick af jeans, a waffle/longjohn shirt, and a pair of shoes that are absolutely necessary bc the shoes i am wearing right now are blistering the fuck out of my right heel :(

also got all-possible stuff for laundry, dishwasher stuff, razors, toiletries, etc etc etc.

putting money on the laundry card later after it is not as hot, after the sun goes down.

i have an appt tomorrow, too. but i am def getting my hair cut at 9 AM sharp so i am not sweaty when i walk in + i won't have to wait.

haircuts are v important to me

almost like frreshhhh shaves

So what a cool day! Just not the temperature i want. at all. still good though

be back in a bit!

I'm Wired And Bored

So as i sit here, i decided to do a quick check-up on whether or not the Disability Discharge thing went through w/ my student loan (singular), and it said that even MORE follow-up info is needed and i sincerely have no fucking clue what they are going to ask for this time. I did everything in my power to get them the exact paperwork they have been requesting and if they want some other “version” of the shit i just sent, i am going to throw in the fucking towel and not send them a fucking thing and let them reject the entire loan discharge process. It is $970 and by this time i could have easily paid off that amt by now had i not been preoccupied/holding out hope for them to give me a discharge. These types of offerings that the gov't. issues are nothing more than a scam because some bullshit bill passed in the Senate at one time or another and they have to offer them to make it look like they are forgiving some loans when really they probably have a libertarians running the discharge center and they systematically reject every fucking application that comes in. Fucking retarded.

idgaf though bc i can just pay the shit off (eventually, i suppose) and say “fuck all” to any and all college. I am not interested in college anymore, anyway. There is basically nothing to gain from it except for a job hunting license and even then you will be most certainly overworked and underpaid. Hell, some motherfuckers don't even look for work after they get their BA or whateverthefuck it is that they went for. They look for a job for a month and then just stop looking. It's whatever but it still perplexes me that anyone is even interested in a higher ed degree anymore just for the sake of them being able to say that they have one. I was in this camp, but that is no longer the case. Fuck college.

a chill day at the 'rents

i went to the 'rents today and while i was over there i helped clean up the office and little bit and made quick plans to meet up w/ the moms in the AM to drop off $100 that i owe her + ate hella good food when i was over there. good times. most of the fam was there.

as for tonight, pay day. ordering a couple things that i drastically need for the Winter and Fall + a dumb BlackBerry Q10 phone because i need a new phone bc this one simply will not charge properly. idgaf about phones.

I am also going to buy a bunch of BS for around the house and groceries, blah, blah. Good stuff all around.

75 F outside tonight and from what i can tell the STLWX is only going to drop from there. #sweet

i would like to possibly go and get my ears pierced tomorrow (and may do just that) around noon-ish up at Steel & Ink Tattoo Studio and just pick up some safety pins to put in my ears until i decide it is time to gauge them up (to a 2G). I definitely want to gauge them up, but it will be a little bit before i buy the tapers and all that BS. I'm just down w/ the safety pins for rn bc punker.

In fact, this is sounding like a hella good idea, getting my ears pierced. dope.

be back in a bit!

i haven't talked “Minimalism” is a while

i still practice it. Obviously. I have been living this way for 8+ years, so, i do not plan on ever giving it up. And now that I am thinking about it, i probably have one or two things in the Target shopping cart that are extraneous/unnecessary that i am now going to remove from the cart because i do not need multiple long sleeve t-shirts or anything like that.

Always minimizing.

Be back in a bit!

It's a late night...

....and i am hoping it will be a quiet one. There isn't too much traffic outside my door and hopefully it stays that way unlike other Saturday nights where people are driving like mad up and down the road until 1 AM. Either way, I can just close the window + sliding glass door and enjoy the night w/ the AC on.

I am making coffee again, thinking about what i'll be up to tomorrow at the 'rents (probably helping out around the house), etc etc.

be back in a bit!

Squared Away

Budget: DONE

Apartment: CLEANED

Laundry: DONE

Everything: GOOD!

In my budget i have a phone (bc this one is oot the door) and a badass, long-sleeve NASA shirt, a pair of cheapo shoes, and a waffle long John shirt. I also have all my extraneous stuff accounted for in there, as well.

So, all is good.

I am sitting here looking at tattoo pics on Insta and thinking about how i want a tattoo but, then again, i don't want a tattoo bc they are addicted af and i can almost never afford them. Well, that isn't true. I can afford them but i never have the balls to go up to a shop and get one done bc there is a shitload of adrenaline involved w/ that and i am not an adrenaline-type person anymore, tbh. Maybe it is bc i am old fuck. idk. Either way, my “goal” w/ tattoos was to get enough to sleeve my left arm but if it didn't come to that, to at least get the koi fish and something on my bicep. I have done the latter already. But the only ink i am really wanting to get done is to get something tattooed in between the asterisks on my collar piece so it doesn't look quite so...empty. I still and not sure what that thing will be.

Anyway, i am not too worried about ink at this moment in my life. I have a shitload of appts that i have to go to near the beginning of the month and i am making sure i make all of them (unlike this past month when things kept coming up).

I suppose the thing i am most excited about this upcoming week is a nice haircut. Gonna look sharp, dapper. Happy about that.

anyway, be back in a bit!