Roscoe's Quick Notes


This hottest day of the year so far in San Antonio found me spending most of it inside, under the a/c, enjoying baseball on the radio.

posted Wednesday, 2024-08-21 ~ 17:37 #QNAUG2024

Rook-Rook-pawn combination checkmate

I won this correspondence chess game this morning with a Rook-Rook-pawn combination checkmate of the Black King on my 32nd White move. The position of pieces at game's end is pictured above, and the move record is posted below.

  1. d4 d5 2. h3 e6 3. a3 Nc6 4. Nf3 Bd6 5. Nc3 a6 6. e3 Nf6 7. Bd3 h6 8. O-O b5 9. Re1 Ne4 10. Nxe4 dxe4 11. Bxe4 Bb7 12. b4 f5 13. Bxc6+ Bxc6 14. Bb2 Bd5 15. Nh4 Rg8 16. Qh5+ Kd7 17. Ng6 c6 18. Ne5+ Bxe5 19. dxe5 Qe7 20. Red1 Rh8 21. c4 bxc4 22. e4 fxe4 23. Bd4 a5 24. Bc5 Qe8 25. Qg4 g5 26. b5 cxb5 27. Rxd5+ Kc6 28. Rd6+ Kxc5 29. Rxe6 Qd7 30. Rd1 Qc7 31. Red6 Rad8 32. Rd1d5# 1-0

posted Tuesday, 2024-08-20 ~16:05 #QNAUG2024 #chess

Ridiculously hot again today, and tomorrow they say. Air temperature of 107 today, maybe 108 tomorrow, and factoring in the humidity, well... Thank God for air conditioning, I say!

posted Tuesday, 2024-08-20 ~ 15:47 #QNAUG2024

Looking forward to a good Monday. Went to bed early last night, before half time of the Broncos/Packers game, and slept the whole night through. I woke at 04:00 and started my day. A sleep this good is really rare for me.

posted Monday, 2024-08-19 ~ 06:41 #QNAUG2024

Another triple-digit heat day finds me staying indoors under the a/c. A mix of sports will be playing on my TV through the afternoon and evening to provide background to whatever I do here at the work table, whether it be reading or typing at the computer keyboard. I start with the Mets vs the Marlins MLB game, now in the 1st inning. That will be followed by an Indiana Fever WNBA game mid-afternoon. More MLB will follow the basketball game and will take me up to this evening's NFL Preseason Game.

posted Sunday, 2024-08-18 ~ 11:15 #QNAUG2024

This Saturday morning has started smoothly, I'm happy to note. All regular chores of the day have been accomplished already or remain with plenty of time to finish them easily. Plans are to follow NFL games throughout the day, and catch Svengoolie tonight before heading to bed.

posted Saturday, 2024-08-17 ~ 10:39 #QNAUG2024

Queen-Knight Checkmate

Early today I won this CC game playing the Black pieces when I caught the White King in a Queen-Knight Combination Checkmate.

posted Friday, 2024-08-16 ~08:15 #QNAUG2024 #chess

Laughing through an old episode of Big Bang Theory, looking forward to tonight's Thursday Night Football Game. And hoping that the NFL+ app doesn't weird out on me too terribly much tonight.

posted Thursday, 2024-08-15 ~ 17:18 #QNAUG2024

This Wednesday has been quiet and relaxing. Good. Just what I wanted after yesterday's chores. Now if only my Rangers could win this game against the Red Sox, that would be swell.

posted Wednesday, 2024-08-14 ~ 18:32 #QNAUG2024

Doubling-up on the chores today I spent time in the back yard early afternoon picking up branches recently fallen from a big ash tree and stuffing them into the green organics bin for the collection day later this week. And now I've got my weekly laundry running through the machines in the garage.

posted Tuesday, 2024-08-13 ~ 14:44 #QNAUG2024