Roscoe's Quick Notes


Have just watched the local weather forecast, and have decided that tomorrow morning I'll try to get my weekly yard work taken care of. The worst of the heat is supposed to be from Wednesday through the weekend, so Tuesday morning is designated for getting things done outside.

posted Monday, 2024-08-12 ~ 16:23 #QNAUG2024

After a full afternoon of following Preseason NFL games, I've switched over to MLB. Now listening to the LA Dodgers vs the Pittsburgh Pirates, the game already in the 7th inning. After this game is over I plan to switch over to a late Mets / Mariners game that will probably keep me company until bedtime.

posted Sunday, 2024-08-11 ~ 17:25 #QNAUG2024

2024 Novena 4 our Nation

Coming in a timely manner is the 2024 Novena for Our Nation. This is a 54-day Novena run again by Fr. Richard Heilman. I'll be completing my participation in this year's Annual Novena for Blessed Fr. Michael McGivney's canonization on Monday and my work in the Novena for our Nation begins on Thursday.

posted Saturday, 2024-08-10 ~11:45 #QNAUG2024

Early Friday afternoon, relaxing to the radio broadcast of the Cleveland Guardians Pregame Show ahead of their early afternoon MLB Game vs the Minnesota Twins. Plans are to follow an NFL Preseason Game tonight. There's a very good chance that I may grab a nap between the baseball game and football game.

posted Friday, 2024-08-09 ~ 12:44 #QNAUG2024

Another triple-digit heat day, another day I stay inside under the a/c. And it looks like there'll be MLB games to keep me entertained through the afternoon before tonight's NFL game.

posted Thursday, 2024-08-08 ~ 10:59 #QNAUG2024

Another quiet day. Triple digit weather again keeps me inside again.

I finished another set of books today and now I'm wondering what to start reading next.

posted Wednesday, 2024-08-07 ~ 18:17 #QNAUG2024

Mid-morning Tuesday and I'm happy to note the day is moving along at a pretty good pace.

When I woke this morning it was with three main chores ahead of me: doing my weekly laundry (two loads are running through the machines now), charging the lithium batteries used doing yesterday's yard work (batteries are on their respective chargers now), and treating both bathroom drains with Drano (completed a few minutes ago).

Today is the start day for a CC tourney at ICCF for which I've already received pairings. First moves have now been made in all my pending games.

posted Tuesday, 2024-08-06 ~ 09:57 #QNAUG2024

A full Monday! This morning's yard work, mowing and trimming much of the front lawn, nearly did me in. Even though I took frequent cool dawn and water breaks, and did the work in the morning before the worst of the day's heat set in, I still passed out while sitting in the front room recliner with sweaty work clothes on, and some of the tools still on the front porch. I woke up when Sylvia returned home from work, put the rest of the tools away, showered and fixed myself some lunch.

Phone conversations with representatives from two of my banks in the afternoon resolved two issues that had been bothering me over the weekend to my satisfaction. And the rest of my day has been calm and peaceful.

posted Monday, 2024-08-05 ~ 18:59 #QNAUG2024


It took 3 weeks for me to checkmate the White King in this Correspondence Chess Game with a Rook-Rook combination against the edge of the board. The game started on 15 July and ended late last night.

posted Sunday, 2024-08-04 ~08:20 #QNAUG2024 #chess

An afternoon full of MLB games and an evening full of Svengoolie, that pretty much defines this Saturday for me.

posted Saturday, 2024-08-03 ~ 15:10 #QNAUG2024