Roscoe's Quick Notes


Another pretty good Sunday winds down. The hips were still wonky enough to keep me home, but less wonky than they've been for weeks.

I've been able to take all meds on schedule today, and have operated about as stress-free as possible.

posted Sunday 21/Jan/2024 ~20:15 #QNJAN2024

Saturday went well, I'm happy to say. Didn't do anything special, but I was able to stay closer to my regular schedule of taking eye drops and meds throughout the day, chess work, etc. Now if I can get a good night's sleep, maybe my hips will be better tomorrow. That would be nice.

posted Saturday 20/Jan/2024 ~21:35 #QNJAN2024

Friday night and I'm exhausted. The only productive thing I've done all day was my personal laundry. 2 big loads, one of colors, the other of whites, but that was enough to wear me out. Dang. That's pitiful!

posted Saturday 19/Jan/2024 ~21:55 #QNJAN2024

70 degrees

Now this is MUCH more like it! After the past several days of bitterly cold weather, we're treated to a sunny, 70 degree afternoon.

posted Thursday 18/Jan/2024 ~16:00 #QNJAN2024

My Birthday Cake

With my birthday cake today at Olive Garden. Yes, that is a “7” candle and a “5” candle, 75 y/o today. And I have so much to be thankful for!

posted Wednesday 17/Jan/2024 ~14:45 #QNJAN2024

My last day as a 74 y/o has been comfortable and hassle-free. The new little ceramic heater has kept my room comfortably warm, and I've taken all my meds on schedule. I hope tomorrow, my 1st day as a 75 y/o, goes as well.

posted Tuesday 16/Jan/2024 ~19:35 #QNJAN2024

I think the wife is about to pull a tray of lasagna out of the oven. Yum! Sounds good for this cold day!

Posted Monday, Jan 15, 2024 at 2:39 PM #QNJAN2024

One cold Sunday here. I'm glad I ordered another ceramic space heater, but I wish I'd ordered it a day earlier. It's scheduled to be delivered tomorrow. And tomorrow and Tuesday are forecast to be as cold or colder than today so I'll have the extra heat source on those days, but it sure would be nice to have it today.

Posted Sunday, Jan 14, 2024 at 2:38 PM #QNJAN2024

The Tata Steel Chess Tournament 2024 has begun play, and will continue until near the end of this month. The games are being covered, move by move, live at, a free chess club to which I belong. Finding myself less burdened by outside distractions and responsibilities now than I have been for ... a long time, I hope to find time to follow some of these games.

posted Saturday 13/Jan/2024 ~15:20 #QNJAN2024

Queen-Bishop Mate assisted by the White Queen

This morning I received pairings for two different 11-player correspondence chess tournaments for which I registered last fall. When play begins later this month it will add 20 more active games to my current load of over 20 games.

Speaking of chess, the graphic at the top of this post shows the final board of a game I won earlier this week by catching the White King in a Queen-Bishop-Knight Combination Checkmate in which my Black army was assisted by White's own Queen. Positioned on the E1 square, she is blocking her King's only possible escape from my Black Queen's attack. Heh. Thanks, Queenie. #chess

posted 12/Jan/2024 ~15:20 #QNJAN2024