Roscoe's Quick Notes


Having a rather frustrating recovery day today. Frustrating because I'd hoped to get some work done in the back yard but my hips are too wonky. Maybe tomorrow. I'm hoping.

Yesterday I did a fair amount of walking without the support of my walking stick. It felt good doing that, but I may have done more than I should have. So today I'm being more conservative.

Posted Thursday, Jan 11, 2024 at 3:28 PM #QNJAN2024

The discipline of yesterday has paid off. I'm in much better physical condition today. I'll be able to walk much more confidently when in the Drs. office this afternoon.

Posted Wednesday, Jan 10, 2024 at 10:21 AM #QNJAN2024

I'm planning to make this a good Tuesday in order that tomorrow can be a better Wednesday. I want to be at my best for my appointment with the eye doctor tomorrow afternoon.

Posted Tuesday, Jan 9, 2024 at 11:13 AM #QNJAN2024

This is shaping up to be a pretty good day in the Roscoe-verse. Warmer temps make it easier to work in my unheated garage, so I'm working on my weekly laundry today. And Mondays are when this chore should be done. So doing it on schedule sets the tone for a good week.

posted Monday, Jan 8, 2024 at 10:14 AM #QNJAN2024

This was a good Sunday, considering the ongoing pain and wonkiness of my hips. Another day spent without wearing my glasses; all is well on that front. But goodness, I'm so darned tired this evening.

Hoping for a good, restful sleep tonight. Also hoping the big wind blowing tonight doesn't bring down any big branches from my trees.

posted Sunday 07/Jan/2024 ~21:00 #QNJAN2024

This 2nd day without wearing my glasses is going well. Some day soon I'm going to take my glasses back to a technician and have him remove the right side lens from the frame. That way I can wear them with my new, stronger eye looking directly out without the impediment of the glass lens it no longer needs, while my left eye can look out through the glass lens it still needs to see clearly. Then after cataract surgery on my left eye, I can stop wearing the glasses completely.

Posted Saturday, Jan 6, 2024 at 5:19 PM #QNJAN2024

For those who are keeping score... My right eye, the one that has the new cataract lens, is now the stronger eye, the one that sees more clearly. I expect to spend this entire day with out wearing my glasses. Never in my life have I done this. I started wearing specs when a preschooler, 70 years ago.

Friday, Jan 5, 2024 at 10:10 AM #QNJAN2024

Update on the cataract surgery, etc. Two posts I put up at FA this morning in answer to questions re: how I'm doing:

1.) The eye is doing much better this morning. Surgeon removed the patch, so now I can wear my glasses properly, rather than twisted to wrap around that big patch. So I can see “normally” now when looking through my glasses with my left eye and keeping my right eye closed. His nurse explained that the refraction of my glasses lens has been transferred to the new cataract lens inserted in. my right eye. He wants to see me again next week.

2.) Well... the left eye still needs to have its cataract replaced. We'll schedule that surgery after my right eye has fully healed. I'm still treating the right eye with 4 different medicated eye drops 4 times per day. The adventure continues.

Thursday, Jan 4, 2024 at 11:58 AM #QNJAN2024

Tomorrow at Noon I have scheduled cataract replacement in my right eye. The surgery will be at a location on the far side of San Antonio at a location that my wife (my driver) is not familiar with. We may go “exploring” this afternoon and try to find it so we can drive more confidently to it tomorrow.

posted Tuesday, Jan 2, 2024 at 10:18 AM #QNJAN2024

Tomorrow the world will begin returning to normal. Thank God, I say. I am very much a creature of habit. Having things run according to a regular schedule is very important to me. With Christmas coming on one Monday, and New Years Day on the next Monday, so much has been thrown off schedule.

Let's have no more of that for awhile, okay?

posted Monday 01/Jan/2024 ~19:24 #QNJAN2024