small sustainable notes

writings of a personal documentarian

A month ago, I was learning about existentialist philosophy through reading articles from 'Philosophy Now,' Big Think, The Conversation, the Guardian, and the Paris Review.' And most recently, went through a course from 'The Great Courses Plus.'

Existentialism, like Stoicism or Pragmatism, is oriented towards personal action.

Existentialism relates to this blog about learning because the learning techniques that I've exposed myself to are all action-oriented [unlike in school where you hear everything through a lecture, expecting the person to be responsible for your learning]. These techniques are very active, not passive [unlike school] and you take full responsibility for how effective your learning is.

Here's what I learned:

I'm the only one responsible for what I learn, how much I learn, how effective a technique is for me personally [if applied to accelerated-learning and other forms of learning].

Existentialism, if lived practically and in a committed way, says, more or less, that “Each day I wake up as a blank slate.” And each day, through my actions, I can create my purpose. Each action adds up and creates personal purpose. Not the other way around. There is no higher purpose that my constant decisions are contributing to.

So, I am creating myself as an accelerated-learner through my actions [each time I act on these techniques!]. I am creating myself as the person I choose to be [whether that is an accelerated-learner, a high-income earner, an active listener, a coffee drinker, or a proficient conversationalist!]

A principle of existentialism is that we do not have an 'essence.' There is no 'Isabella' to discover, only to create. My existence comes before who I am essentially.

If you choose to adopt this philosophy, you choose to own your choices, your autonomy. The effect is overwhelming, as Jean-Paul Sartre and Søren Kierkegaard point out.

You don't give your personal power to choose to something or someone else.

The freedom to choose [ANYTHING YOU WANT!] is overwhelming.

I find it scary to know that I am responsible for my decisions.

Not many people want this personal power. They want someone else to tell them what to do. That's why there is religion, politics. That's why academia is the way it is.

That's why I fell into religion, why I chose to shape myself as an academically-excellent person who pursues good grades. And chose to feel bad that they get a C [even when I know it doesn't mean anything] and when I chose to do things that are a “sin.”

There's no use searching for answers to the meaning of life. No use adopting others meaning of life. Because only your personal actions will create your personal purpose.

The existential principle of “bad faith” also resonated with me in the sense that I've often lied to myself, subconsciously, about the agency that I indeed did have over my situations. I forgot that I could choose things.

I hope to learn more, but the best way to understand existentialism is to live it out, action by action. That's what I am doing now.

Starting from 2019 to the present, I've listened to hundreds of hours of podcast episodes. Thanks to doing a menial job where I've had to keep my mind occupied, I've unknowingly formed my own education [this blog is about self-education and learning, so it makes sense that I write about it here].

I also drove around a lot in 2019 as an independent contractor for a pet-sitting business in addition to chopping branches and cutting overgrown vines under sun-drenched skies, back-to-back, my ears filled with commentary, opinions, expert research, personal stories, & tips.

The topics [as well as the shows related to them]: -commentary on thought-provoking films –“We Are the Watchers of Movies” -green jobs & green careers -sustainable lifestyle practices [zero-waste practices in particular] –“No Trash Talk” podcast has been my favorite! -sustainable travel initiatives that companies are doing. It's been mind-blowing to think of what eco-travel innovations humans have come up with. –“Green Dreamer” -the american political & cultural landscape [libertarian values, woke vs liberal values] –“Walk-Ins Welcome with Bridget Phetasy” –“Good Morning Liberty” –“Talk To Me Taylor” -reproductive sovereignty and rights –“Whose Body is It?” –“The Same Drugs” –“The Feminist Current” -human-centered approaches to over civilization and artificial intelligence –“Green Dreamer” -the role of flow & how to get into it –“The James Altucher Show” -female sexual pleasure –“Better Loving Podcast” –“How C*m” –“Call Her Daddy” -dating culture & tips –“Sex Cells” –“Modern Wisdom” -creativity and creator culture –“Renaissance Life” -dopamine and online detoxing –“Modern Wisdom” -burnout -radical feminism [not to be mistaken with third-wave feminism!] –“Feminist Current” –“The Same Drugs” –“Whose Body is It?” -religious and atheist debates –“Graceful Atheist Podcast” -managing mental & emotional clutter –“The Minimalists Podcast” have been a great aid in figuring out what is weighing me down, beyond the physical. -essentialism -interviews featuring the author, Greg Mckeown, of the book “Essentialism” -pop culture & the dynamics of men & women –“Talk to Me Taylor” -conscious consumerism –“Green Dreamer” -progressive christianity & how to reconcile the idea of god with traditional, dogmatic christianity “God is Grey” -The Refined Collective Podcast” -addictive tech –“Modern Wisdom” -story-writing tips -micro-business & nomadic business –“The Jason Stapleton Program” -the sex industry –“sextech” –“femtech” -accelerated-learning strategies –“The Magnetic Memory Method” -experimentation –“The James Altucher Show” -failure –“The James Altucher Show” -multi-tasking vs. monotasking –“Derek Sivers” -possessing grit & redefining yourself after struggle –“Walk Ins-Welcome with Bridget Phetasy –“The James Altucher Show” -meaningful work -non-routine based time management & energy management –“The Minimira Show” –“Feel Good Effect” -decision-making tips -how to travel cheaply -futurism –“The James Altucher Show” -book writing & publishing [in particular self-publishing] -celebrity interviews -writer interviews -comedian interviews [a lot of female comedians!] -my favorite comedian Whitney Cummings interviews a lot of them on her podcast “Good For You” -polymathism and living a multi-passionate life -the carnivore diet -the keto diet -skill-building tips –“The Magnetic Memory Method” [this podcast I've listened to for a very long time, starting in 2014] -profitable niches –“Project Life Mastery” -marketing for a small biz “The Jason Stapleton Program” -sales for a small biz -high income skills –“Project Life Mastery” –“The Jason Stapleton Program” -high paying jobs and how to get them -letting go of expectations and goals tips –“The Minimira Show”

As you can see from this extensive list, I've exposed myself to a lot! I hope to use all this knowledge in some way.

I've also created playlists:

My main podcasts, “The James Altucher Show,” “Modern Wisdom,” “The Jason Stapleton Program,” “Talk to Me Taylor,” “Derek Sivers,” & “We Are the Watchers of Movies,” have been a constant companion for me, in moments of stress, indecision, loneliness, curiosity, & excitement. They've given me money-making ideas, opened up my mind to the value of experimentation, helped me see the value of sales & marketing, given me tips on how to learn a subject or skill quickly, taught me methods to stop multitasking, where I learned about female liberation & male/female dynamics through pop culture, and helped me see what a film was attempting to say about the world via another's perspective.

All this I've gained knowledge in and much more. I feel happy that, even though the jobs that I've taken have been hard on me, I've used and haven't lost that lust for being an autodidact through listening to convos.

A couple weeks ago, I completed my notes on the eps that I've learnt the most from so that my years of listening time not be wasted. An effective way of testing your learning is to test your knowledge of it through free-recall & summarizing. This can be done privately or publicly [one example, in the form of a blog post]. And then, after you have summarized and practiced the knowledge yourself, you can teach another person, which is the most effective way to retain the information.

What if there was an alternative to “doomscrolling,” drowning in irrelevancy, the unconscious zoned-out state? A digital tool out of many that allows us to collect perused and pored over content to create short lists or “finite feeds,” which could then be consumed by creators and humans we know?

This is the “curator economy” or more specifically, the “human curator economy.” And curation is one of the three C's of info commerce alongside creation and consumption.

Recently, I interviewed Cansu Çubukçu, the creative director of Wiser Media, a company offering one of many alternatives to the scroll and the unconscious digital consumption problem. What is it and how is it shaping the future of learning in digital spaces? It's a social curation platform and discovery tool catered for learners to curate lists from various media formats. In the current “attention economy”, we all are a little unclear about exactly which content to focus on. When we do eventually make a choice, we are left wondering if we made the right choice about where to put that attention. To aid in this process, Wiser advances human curation, different from AI-powered content, which has been considered, explored, and studied by people we look up to and by people we know [think notes in the margins of book pages but in digital form]. Like show notes, hyperlinks, retweets. Humans who added their own insights and examples. It's similar to having a conversation with your favorite curator, a curator that has personalized themselves into their list in a sense. It's a much more pleasurable way to learn. And the more pleasure we have in learning, the faster we learn.

I asked her what her job is like, what kinds of problems she deals with on a regular basis. Prior to this interview, I read her article titled “In Defense of Human Curation” which talked about how, in this current culture, we consume instead of learn [a phenomenon which interests me].

In addition to its obvious humanistic quality, Wiser has Wiser AI. The AI tags lists based on topic, media type, and vibe, personalized to our individual tastes. The “For You” finite feature fights the unintentional zoning out that happens from obsessive, inattentive scrolling. One of my favorite quotes from “The Minimalists” is “scrolling is the new smoking.” Besides being an addictive habit, we don't realize we are doing it until we become aware of ourselves.

Recently, I tried a job at a local Juicery and learned the basics of health and wellness. I appreciated that I could place all the podcast episodes and blog posts that I collected [like a digital “memory palace” or “memory castle” which I've talked about before], into these “finite feeds.”

Less professionally, another way that I've used the platform was to collect and curate all the content that I've been using to learn about sales. It includes two sales audiobooks, some articles, and a beginner sales course on Udemy. It was also used to learn about existentialist philosophy, recommending a great article to me from the publication “The Conversation” which I would have not seen otherwise; “What makes a good life? Existentialists believe we should embrace freedom and authenticity.”

One tenet of accelerated-learning is to prepare the content that you will learn from beforehand. Wiser Media uses one approach to help with this: by packing content ready into a list so you don't waste time. Content curated by humans, according to an article written by the company Glasp that I read on Substack [another Edtech startup that deals with this “curator economy”], flattens the learning curve, letting creatives focus more on perfecting their work, rather than web surfing which can delay real progress. Both accelerated-learners and content creators end up with an assortment of irrelevant information overloading their brain. AI is also working on a cure to this time-consuming search engine activity, but because it is AI, it doesn't involve deeper content, only related content based on recent likes and follows. The feeds supply the most engaging and novel content, not content that is in actuality, high quality or relevant to one's learning goals.

Infinite scrolls are addicting. I don't want a screen to take away my time. Careless internet consumption with no end in sight, learning from low-quality sources; I'm not up for that. As long as I'm mindfully learning, I'll be using Wiser Media.

What I learned this week from “The Art and Business of Online Writing”, was that after choosing and creating your category, you can niche down to make it even more specific. Putting pen to paper, I did the exercise. I learned this exact same principle in the solo business marketing workshop that I signed up for last spring. We were taught to create what is termed a “log line” and to make it as specific as possible, to specify to ourselves and our target audience who we were, who our market was, and what strategy we were using.

After I specified: “I write about accelerated learning habits for aspiring writers and learners of skills like myself.” In my opinion, everyone should learn either soft skills, marketable skills, rare skills, and hard skills. Skill building is the point. I've dabbled in a handful of skills before and I just remember it being a joyful experience [except when the content and performance level became more advanced!] that is both beneficial for yourself and others.

I myself am an aspiring writer and I write about my experience learning how to write [I hope to write for, or even just work for, an e-learning company or a company involved in innovative online education, sustainability, music, or foreign languages]. I studied copywriting for a little while as I documented in my previous posts. Now, I am learning the art of online writing.

Another thing that I learned from from my current read was that being different is better than focusing on being better than your competition. In my previous post about this book, I mentioned how interesting I thought it was to create your own category. I learned that it is better to resonate with your target reader than to beat your competition.

I also learned the how-to of creating your category, brainstorming some ideas based on this exercise. I remembered that I enjoyed the “journal fiction” genre when I was younger [the fiction genre where authors write their work in the format of journal entries]. I matched this “journal fiction” genre with other genres and audiences. Examples include the utopian fiction genre [as opposed to dystopian], the how-to genre, the “creative work culture” genre, the self-learning audience, and the eco-friendly audience.

Cole recommends giving yourself six months to gather data on what your most popular categories are. Look at other writers of your chosen category and just do what those writers are doing, only more consistently. And when there is no actual writing getting done, techniques like “hashtag stacking” and “engagement hacking” don't mean a lot. So only focus on growth techniques after building a consistent writing habit.

For me, “practicing in public” means writing more, publishing more, and networking more on LinkedIn. It also means starting to share my content on Substack, a writing platform I've been consuming content on for over two months.

Flitting through the pages of “Hacking Your Education,” I was searching for answers of how to go about getting a career without formal credentials. When you have to navigate how to go about your own life, independent of formal and parental guidance, solely on your own learning experiences and expertise, it takes a while. A lot of “throwing-spaghetti-at-the-wall” type action.

Lying, I said to myself that it was too late when I poured over the pages of Dale Stephen's “Hacking Your Education” Jonathan Levi's “The Only Skill that Matters,” Michael Ellsberg's “The Education of Millionaires,” James Altucher's “Choose Yourself” and William Bennett's “Is College Worth It?” I just wish I discovered sooner other pathways to learn and make money other than the traditional answer of “learn a whole lot of subjects to become well-rounded” or “go to college” I wish my parent's discovered the value in an alternative education system even earlier than college age, such as the Montessori school format, or the value of “unschooling.” Regrettably, I don't possess any domestic, mechanical, and financial skills because I was never taught [I'm not stating this as an excuse, only as a reality]. Even more frustrating to me, I feel like my time was wasted at school because they were teaching subjects that I don't actually use in my own life, that I have never used, that I don't care about.

What's the purpose of being “well-read?” What's the purpose of learning natural science and ancient Greek mathematics? Giving speeches? The MLA format? And Latin would make me better at learning French?

Yeah, right.

When I left the first college I attended, full of frustration, that was the question. Looking down on specialists, they told me their reasons, but I couldn't personalize it for myself. I couldn't form my own reason. When you are learning, you have to find a powerful reason.

There's a lot of subjects that I've either taught myself for a little while or dabbled in. But by far, the best topic I've ever taught myself was learning how to learn.

Over the years, I've enjoyed taking back all those hours. And still enjoying it.

When I was about 14, I wrote a huge fantasy novel. Not knowing any techniques, I enjoyed the process itself. At 14, I tried writing out. Discovered I had fun. That I enjoyed the process and not just the result. Back then, I wish I became even more obsessed or that someone encouraged me to build up my skills and spend less time stressing out about grades. I wasn't planning to go to college when I graduated high school. The two topics outside of school that I was learning about was French and how to employ memory techniques, but it didn't go any further than reading a book. I wish I had explored more during that time.

Now, in 2024, I am learning how to write. And I can employ the memory techniques and learn French whenever I choose.

Another thing that I found out, while in high school, was that I like French. I discovered that I felt joy in learning it. I wish I became obsessed as well. What I have realized is that you can learn the skill even if you aren't quite sure where it's going to end up [provided it is something you actually enjoy]. I wasn't sure what I would do with it and thus became distracted.

After high school, one of my mistakes was that I was thinking long-term, not necessarily short-term, when it came to careers, freedom, and money-making methods. I thought, “I will hone a skill or do research at my parent's home, then I will move out with at least some knowledge and skill.” The problem was, it was not a place conducive to learning.

The environment in which you learn is very important. It needs to happen in a less stressful environment. But the environment was too stressful for me. So when I did eventually move out, I didn't have much skill and knowledge that I could confidently apply, either in a business or a job. Business was appealing to me [especially after listening to hours and hours of “The James Altucher Show” in 2017] but I didn't have any skills or knowledge that I could build a business around.

At 30, I feel like I have been “catching up” in life a lot. My method of fighting this frustrating feeling is going back to what gave me energy and where my talents are. Maybe it will work again. Here, in Utah, I am constantly learning independence. Which is empowering and something I can add to my self-learning list.

Making my way through Nicolas Cole's book “The Art and Business of Online Writing.” Here is what I am learning so far:

-Online Writing is defined by writing on specific platforms that already have an active audience. Building an audience is an ongoing process so that you when eventually publish your product, you will already have an audience who will be more than happy to pay for your content.

-practicing your writing in public is how you get that data [likes, shares, comments, views]. Data gives you insight into what is resonating and not resonating with your readers which will help to inform your content for next time and increase your reach.

-Cole incorporated his personal stories into his writing on GameRiot [a”social blog” for gamers], becoming one of the most popular writers on the site. He then discovered Quora, which he used everyday, writing Quora answers [because they all turned out to be creative writing prompts]. He was by no means an “expert,” just shared his story with anyone, in the hopes of it resonating with someone. He only answered the questions that he felt comfortable answering, based on his experiences. A copywriter by day, he took whatever he learned from that job as inspiration for his Quora answers. He didn't focus on his credibility [something I am working on] and instead focused all his energy into making his story relatable. Questions popped into his mind like: When did you learn the answer, what had happened in this experience...? He also combined his past learning experiences with what he learned that day at work.

-When Cole did go viral with a Quora post that ended up on the front page of Reddit, that's when he launched his own website and put out a product [an ebook based on the viral topic/story he shared], not the other way around. When he found out what people wanted, and not what he thought they wanted.

-After he reached “Top Writer on Quora” status, a major publication asked him to write for them. Cole discovered ghostwriting when one of his followers on Quora sent him an email asking if he would be interested in ghostwriting his book. He saw Cole's conversational writing style, thinking this would be a good fit for his business book. This is another good reason to practice in public.

-Perhaps my favorite insight from the book so far is that writers are all operating within a specific category. The goal is to find out what category you are writing in and to get as specific as possible. The ultimate goal of success in online writing, an alternative to competing with someone else in the same category, is to create your own category [something that is really exciting to me!]. Right now, I think my category is” learning”, broadly speaking, because what I am doing is documenting what I am learning. This blog consists of topics about mastery/skills/rapid learning/language learning/writing/online courses. It's about my personal story of learning in order to improve my professional life and to build marketable skills for the workplace.

If I gain more experiences and knowledge in another category of things I learned, then that can be my category, tailored to a specific audience. There's a lot of topics I've learned at the surface level to obtain a specific result, that I can go back to and master the application, sharing my experiences and insights with readers along the way.

These are: -copywriting -learning a language -female health/menstrual cycle -how to go about dating -how to start an online business -accelerated-learning techniques/mnemonics -marketing[in general, not specifics] -how to get a job in the informal job market -how to be productive...

A lot of people in my past have told me that I have a lot of knowledge. This learning phase is all about implementation, experimentation. Not so much tons of input, as I already have that. I'm more focused on output now. And that output includes online writing using the advice from this book.

■ What I've been up to for the past two months:

-taking another break from social media: I took a 3 month break last summer and now I am taking one again in order to focus intensely on learning how to write. To look at my phone less. Bask in feeling better

-making my room & bathroom cozier/decluttering/online shopping/figuring out better grocery items for my better skincare regime/buying better products for my better skincare regime: fleece leggings, new jeans, kitchen supplies...

-adjusting to an improved skincare regime

-taking action on changing my local job

-selling a musical instrument

-reading the books “Burnout” “Soundtracks” “The Dip,” a couple romance audiobooks, “Nothing Personal”

-practicing visualization, stretching techniques

-deciding to no longer do certain activities/plans [or taking a break from them indefinitely]

-taking care of my old car

-not consuming content from YouTube and podcasts so I can learn how to write well without distractions [and actually read the books I bought]

■ An update on what I am currently doing:

-doing a daily writing prompt: set the timer for 25 and start going. That's enough for me right now. My only intention is to start a writing habit

-recovering from burnout: just doing the activities that make me feel good. Offline time, daydreaming, re-watching shows...

-improving my Wix site: I started a Wix site last summer for my service-based business. I was going to share rapid learning strategies to local learners. I got a few testimonials from local learners [I found them through a group] that I posted on my old website [after doing sessions with them], as well as my landing page. Even set up a 'Calendly' where people could book me for Zoom calls. But now, this new Wix site is a hub for my future creative CV/resume. I am thinking of adding a page for my service-based business. Familiarizing myself with all the tools and features Wix provides is a whole learning project in itself

-deciding not to do copy-writing full-time: learning how to write copy was not a waste of time but when I think about doing it full-time, the thought doesn't make me feel good. I would like to use that knowledge for a potential side-hustle. Who knows what I could use it for. The beauty is that I don't know. But I know that that learning project was useful

-back in May 2023, I took notes on how to learn a skill quickly. I am referring to these notes to effectively learn the craft of writing

-reading “The Art and Business of Online Writing” by Nicolas Cole

-listening to the audiobook “Write for Your Life” by Anna Quindlen

It took a while [two months!] to check off those annoying but necessary to-dos. Now that I have less to do, I can focus on writing in this blog again on a bi-weekly basis. I feel excitement to continue my learning project because learning gives me so much joy. To read books, to blog about what I am learning, to apply the knowledge using accelerated-learning strategies. To tap into my creativity again! To write and edit my personal experiences into a story format [the project I was working on last September]. To log into LinkedIn again, write there, network there, and learn about innovative and interesting companies [continuing the research I did near the end of October].

Within the past week, I've completed research on both local and nonlocal companies that align with my current interests. I've been fascinated by some companies and people [mostly writers] doing amazing work. In my notebook, I've written down the ones that fascinate me the most, separating them into the two categories: local & nonlocal.

Primarily, I've found these companies and writers by way of the 'Search' feature on LinkedIn. I also used Google Search to find environmental companies in Utah, checked the Utah Business Magazine search bar for more companies, followed the companies & the people that my connections & followers on LinkedIn follow, and the 'People Also Viewed' feature on LinkedIn.

I've also pinpointed the copywriters that I would like to meet up with [both locally and on Zoom] for informational interviews or 'coffee chats.' I did this in 2018 with workers in tech, specifically developers. Had a great time learning from them.

Lastly, referring to the companies and people that I am naturally drawn to, I've written down the patterns and what they all have in common. These included creativity, creative solutions, edtech, language, storytelling, travel/remote work, learning/curiosity, sustainable marketing, and sustainable travel. Topics and hashtags that I wasn't interested in pursuing I also wrote down on another list for reference.

Currently, I am in the process of building my network on LinkedIn, reading more of 'This is Marketing,' learning about the most fascinating companies I've found in my research, and messaging writers and business owners [both local and nonlocal].

Excited to continue taking action using the mountains of advice I've accumulated about getting a creative job the non-traditional way.

I'm using this timeline [from one of my virtual mentors] to help me:

one of my personal experiences written in story form:

Tried not to think about it, time slipping by. What was happening to me? Why was I so emptied of energy? I had it before.

I said this to myself as Yulia Zivert's voice blasted through my gummy earbuds, while working on the rooftop of the hotel I was currently employed at. Gazing at Salt Lake, I felt the afternoon sluggishness in my bones, despite having two sugary coffees that morning. Roots Coffee, Blue Copper, I don't remember. But it was the caffeinated state that kept me up throughout the day. I pressed the forward button to change the song on my Spotify playlist.

I let the combination of sounds burn into my brain. Glancing again at Salt Lake City, the sun painted its golden hues upon the burnt bricks of the vintage warehouses and against the afternoon mountain haze. Wiping the dusty windows, my mind, with every attempt, receded farther and farther away from the American West, while each word of russian, blew up my eardrums, transporting me to the East.

I embraced that completely. Before, I would have wanted to mold myself too much into a persona that didn't entirely fit me, but after each month, losing energy, I decided to go back to those activities that I had done before, those activities which afforded me sparkles of euphoria and energetic emotions in times of stress, such as learning languages, creative writing, and pilates. Those activities transported me to a different state. So I continued to listen to russian electronic in order to drown out the emotion stored inside of me, sometimes after an awkward date last night or a stilted conversation from a Meetup event.

For the past month, I've been reading Seth Godin's book “This is Marketing.” I picked it up because I wanted to get a meta-perspective on the new way to do marketing and thus infuse that ethical ideology into my copy.

We each have unique stories and motivations but in the same breath we are all the same, with the same desires and needs. Tapping into that is what copywriting aspires to do.

I learned that, for a while, marketing was advertising. Marketers just bought ads. But then, at one point in time, it changed. Now, anyone can be a marketer. Marketing morphed into aligning with tribes, creating ideas and promoting them in a shameless way, and learning to see through another person's eyes.

And the idea of getting the word out is the wrong way to go about marketing. No spam, no ads, no hype.

The alternative is to persistently and consistently create frequent stories and messages for the smallest viable market, getting these people in sync, thereby earning their attention, trust, and action. Messages and stories that they actually want to hear.

With an empathic approach, marketers don't expect consumers to solve their company's problem. It's more like they use marketing to solve others' problems. So it's understanding and unselfish in that aspect.

One point that stood out to me the most what that people don't really want about what you make. They are focused on how it will make them feel and what it will do for them. Focusing on the tactics and not on the outcome of assisting the aligned market achieve those emotions is the wrong street to go down. The right questions are “Who's it for” and “What's it for.”

But my favorite part so far is where Godin talks about story-telling and creating connections. Stories that resonate with our market, connections which help the market feel seen and heard. Actions that engage with the product and service create stories, connections, and experiences.

I'm halfway through the book. Excited to learn more.

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