

I have the apartment to myself this afternoon, The Canadian and the babe having gone off to see our friends and their little one now that we can resume our social bubbles here in Wales. What to do, what to do?! Well, I'm kicking off by sitting on the rocking chair with a mug of black coffee, my Linux Star Lite laptop in my lap, blogging away and listening to Whitesnake's Greatest Hits album on the CD player. Old-School I know – but there is still something rewarding and pure about listening to an album you physically own from start to finish.


We're having a luxuriously lazy Sunday morning, first one in awhile. Babe asleep, cwtching with her Mom after a feed, cool breeze coming through the window from a quiet world yet to fully stir, steam rising from our coffee cups, checking the news and randomly browsing the internet.


I hardly ever drink it these days but tmo's recent posts[1] about swapping to instant reminded me of when I used to, early on in my coffee journey. The peculiar pleasure of opening a new jar of instant. Twist the lid and beneath is a golden foil. Crack! A short, sharp blow pierces the foil and out wafts that heavenly smell. Breathe in, breathe deeply – don't let that first coffee scent escape unloved and unnoticed! The world pauses for a moment in silent appreciation. OK, that's enough – make the coffee now!


Beep-beep, beep-beep – coffee alarm! coffee alarm! Beep-beep, beep-beep – coffee alarm! coffee alarm!

Every morning The Canadian wafts aromatic steam in front of my nose from a coffee mug as she stands besides the bed. I blurringly try to focus my eyes and murmur my semi-coherent thanks.


I may add a search bar at some point but for now, you can also navigate posts according to hashtags, grouped below in a way that makes sense to me and evolving as I post more. Expect a mixed bag. Some of the posts will feature the tagged topic as the central focus of the post, others will merely touch on it. If you'd prefer to scroll through a timeline of posts, head to my Archive.