Playing with “Energy Balance Data” lets me start honing a replacement for histograms(bar charts). Maybe the time spent developing questionnaire data plots will be useful for other data. To see the “Energy Balance”, the relations among different sorts of energy, for each country the 10,000 ton (万t) unites are plotted on a scale of 100. The point showing the percentage for one sort of energy is labeled with the number of 10,000 ton units, and the sort: coal, oil, natural gas, nuclear power, geothermal and other sustainables like wind and solar, and other. The “capita” label is short for per-capita, and the units for the labeled point is tons. The largest figure was for Canada at 7.2 and the smallest figure India at .64. So to plot the figures on the same 100 scale as the percents for the Energy sorts, I just multiplied the per-capita ton figures by 10.
With more time I'd like to color code the lines for each sort of energy, darkest black for coal, lighter black for oil, still lighter for natural gas, red for nukes, blue for water, green for sustainables... And also it would be good to have a way to show that the “capita” point, line, and label represents a different unit...
I don't know how useful this sort of visualization is. But it helped me to see that China and South Africa have an unusual reliance on coal. Poland's coal use is beyond other sorts of energy too. Saudi Arabia and Argentina rely on natural gas, Russia too. Mexico seems to lean on oil at a greater ratio than other countries. Nukes, for all the dangers and propaganda associate with them, don't provide much energy. France seems to be the only country with nuclear power providing more energy than any other sort of energy... If I can start getting a feel for energy balances and some interesting questions, maybe this sort of visualization could be tweaked enough to be useful to encourage general participation in discussions, “analytic reasoning”, and policy-making...

Here is the code working in DrRacket (Racket 6.7)

The data is from a Japanese book 世界国勢図会 2015/16 and that data is based on IEA (?) Energy Balance data. I started playing with it after seeing a quesion on Diaspora* and thinking it was a good opportunity to re-visit early FD Questionnaire data.
– Diaspora* post
– Earlier Energy Visualization: WriteFreely post
#lang racket
;; for DrRacket use:
(current-directory-for-user "/home/brian/Racket/Earth-Data/")
;;; Set Data File for Primary Energy Balance
(define Data-File "PrimaryEnergySupplyBalance.csv")
;; org-table-export from table with cells entered from
;; ; 世界国勢図会 世界がわかるデータブック第26版 2105/16
;;; open Data File, read the file and convert it
;;; ; to dictionary-like list
(define get-path
(lambda (file-name)
(build-path (current-directory-for-user) file-name)))
(define get-data
(lambda (pth)
(let* ((inp (open-input-file pth))
(lines (port->lines inp)))
(close-input-port inp)
(map (lambda (s) (string-split
(regexp-replace* "\"" s "")
(define csvf->dict
(lambda (file-name)
(get-data (get-path file-name))))
(define PrimaryEnergyBalance-dict (csvf->dict Data-File))
(define headers (first PrimaryEnergyBalance-dict))
(define labels-PrimaryBalance (cdr PrimaryEnergyBalance-dict))
(require racket/dict)
(define num-or-str->val
(lambda (atm)
(if (string->number atm)
(string->number atm)
;; (map num-or-str->val (dict-ref labels-PrimaryBalance "Saudi Arabia"))
;; '(0 3403 6622 0 0 0 1 0 7.08)
(define cons-to-end
(lambda (lst end)
(flatten (append lst end))))
(define get-10tTons-prt
(lambda (blnc-data-lst)
(take blnc-data-lst (sub1 (length blnc-data-lst)))))
(define get-capita-and-scale-to-10
(lambda (blnc-data-lst)
(round (* 10 (last blnc-data-lst)))))
(define num-vals->percent-capita-x-10
(lambda (lon) ;; list of numbers
;; last value per-capita in tons. other values 10,000 ton units
(let* ((Oil10tTonsLst (get-10tTons-prt lon))
(total (apply + Oil10tTonsLst))
(percents (map (lambda (10tTons)
(round (* 100.0 (/ 10tTons total))))
(capita-x-10 (get-capita-and-scale-to-10 lon)))
(cons-to-end percents capita-x-10))))
(define labels-dct->plt-dta-dct
(lambda (dct)
(define strs-row->plt-vals-row
(lambda (row)
(let ((key (car row))
(data (map num-or-str->val (cdr row))))
(cons key
(num-vals->percent-capita-x-10 data)))))
(map strs-row->plt-vals-row dct)))
(define numvals-Primary-Balance
(sort (labels-dct->plt-dta-dct labels-PrimaryBalance)
> #:key last))
(require plot)
(require plot/utils)
;; from ~/Racket/FD/Synoptic-View-DrRacket-Defs-H30K-grid.rkt
(define pnt-w-lbl
(lambda (x n l (algn 'bottom) (sze 8) (pnt-clr 0) (lbel-angl 0) (pnt-sze 5))
(point-label (vector x n) l #:anchor algn #:size sze #:point-color pnt-clr
#:angle lbel-angl #:point-size pnt-sze)))
#;(define pnt-w-lbl
(lambda (x n l (algn 'bottom) (sze 8) (pnt-clr 0) (lbel-angl 0))
(point-label (vector x n) l #:anchor algn #:size sze #:point-color pnt-clr #:angle lbel-angl)))
(define vline
(lambda (x y)
(lines (list (vector x 0) (vector x y)))))
(define hline
(lambda (x y clr)
(lines (list (vector 0 y) (vector x y)) #:color clr)))
(define sorts-of-energy
(cdr (first PrimaryEnergyBalance-dict)))
; '("coal" "oil" "natgas" "nuke" "water" "susta" "bio" "other" "capita")
(define countries-to-plot (list "Canada" "Saudi Arabia" "United States" "South Korea"
"Russia" "Netherlands" "France" "Germany" "Japan" "United Kingdom"
"South Africa" "Spain" "Ukraine" "Poland" "China" "Argentina"
"Turkey" "Mexico" "Brazil" "Indonesia" "Vietnam" "India"))
#;(define countries-to-plot (list "Japan" "China" "South Korea" "Indonesia" "Vietnam" "Saudi Arabia" "India" "United Kingdom" "Canada" "United States" "Netherlands" "Germany" "France"))
(define country-ys
(lambda (central-number) ;; later make 9 dependent on length of data list
(reverse (linear-seq (- central-number .4)
(+ central-number .4) 9))))
(define country-pnt-lbls
(lambda (nums labs main)
(let* ((ys (country-ys main))
(labs-sorts (map (lambda (l s)
(string-append l " : " s))
labs sorts-of-energy)))
(map (lambda (n l y)
(pnt-w-lbl n y l 'left 6 main))
nums labs-sorts ys))))
(define country-hlns
(lambda (nums main)
(let ((ys (country-ys main)))
(map (lambda (x y)
(hline x y "black"))
nums ys))))
(define country-label-x 60)
(define country-name
(lambda (key main)
(pnt-w-lbl country-label-x main key 'left 10 "black" 0 0)))
(define plot-a-country
(lambda (key numvals labvals main)
(country-pnt-lbls numvals
labvals main)
(country-hlns numvals main)
(country-name key main))))
(define plots
(lambda (keys nums labs) ; reverse order of list creations
(let ((dat-keys (dict-keys labs)))
(define helper
(lambda (keys nums labs main-n plts)
((empty? keys) plts)
((member (car keys) dat-keys)
(helper (cdr keys) nums labs (add1 main-n)
(cons (plot-a-country (car keys) (dict-ref nums (car keys)) (dict-ref labs (car keys)) main-n) plts)))
(#t (helper (cdr keys) nums labs (add1 main-n) plts)))))
(helper keys nums labs 0 '()))))
(parameterize (
(plot-x-label "% percent")
#;(plot-x-ticks (linear-ticks #:number 10))
(plot-y-label #f)
(plot-y-ticks no-ticks)
(plot-x-far-axis? #t)
(plot-x-far-label "percent %")
(plot-x-far-ticks (linear-ticks #:number 10))
(plot-y-far-axis? #f)
(plot (plots countries-to-plot numvals-Primary-Balance labels-PrimaryBalance)
#:x-max 100
#:y-min -1 #:y-max 22
#:width 400 #:height 1500
#:out-file "EnergyBalance-1.png"
#:out-kind 'png))
South Korea,7708,9722,4497,3918,34,30,428,8,5.27
Saudi Arabia,NA,3403,6622,NA,NA,NA,1,NA,7.08
South Africa,9706,2066,404,341,17,9,1501,-43,2.68
United Kingdom,3887,5850,6633,1835,45,194,675,104,3.02
United States,42504,77132,59553,20878,2395,2333,8860,406,6.81
New Zealand,152,635,384,NA,197,405,120,3,4.27
#datavisualization #DrRacket #Energy #EnergyBalance