Israeli missiles strike Syrian airport
Syrian’s anti-imperialist government is condemning the latest, Jan. 13, missile attack on Mazzeh military airport, which is to west of Damascus.
News and Views from the People's Struggle
Syrian’s anti-imperialist government is condemning the latest, Jan. 13, missile attack on Mazzeh military airport, which is to west of Damascus.
Editor’s note: Fight Back! Is publishing the following commentary by Ekim Kilic that includes a wealth of information on the role of Turkey in Syria, which will be of interest to many readers. Given the rapid developments in Syria after the liberation of Alleppo from Western-backed sectarian forces, Fight Back! will have more coverage and commentary on the situation in upcoming weeks.
St Paul, MN – Over 30 people joined a peace vigil here on Dec. 21 on the Lake Street/Marshall Avenue Bridge that spans the Mississippi River between the Minneapolis and Saint Paul.
New York, NY – Activists gathered in front of the Philippine Consulate General on Fifth Avenue Dec. 9 to demand that Presidential Advisor on the Peace Process, Jess Dureza, uphold peace and justice in the Philippines.
Minneapolis, MN – Jan. 10 is the date set for the new trial of Palestinian American leader Rasmea Odeh. The new trial comes after a successful appeal to Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals and legal wrangling before Judge Drain of Detroit’s federal court.
Fight Back News Service is circulating the following Dec. 4 statement from the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP)
Jacksonville, FL – On Dec. 1, president-elect Donald Trump announced that he plans to appoint retired Marine General James “Mad Dog” Mattis for Secretary of Defense. Trump made the announcement at a ‘victory rally’ in Cincinnati, Ohio, celebrating his election last month.
New York, NY – Around 65 people attended the Hands Off Syria Coalition panel discussion called, “What’s Ahead for the War on Syria?” on Dec. 2.
On Nov. 16, three Somali American youth were sentenced to decades in prison. Guled Omar was given a prison sentence of 35 years and Abdirahman Daud and Mohamed Farah were each given sentences of 30 years in prison by Judge Davis in what the mainstream media has called the ‘ISIS trial.’
On Nov. 16, three Somali American youth were sentenced to decades in prison. Guled Omar was given a prison sentence of 35 years and Abdirahman Daud and Mohamed Farah were each given sentences of 30 years in prison by Judge Davis in what the mainstream media has called the ‘ISIS trial.’
Tampa, FL – Over 200 people gathered here, Nov. 10, at the Sam Gibbons Courthouse in downtown Tampa to protest the President-elect Donald Trump. The action was organized by Tampa Bay Students for a Democratic Society (SDS).
Over 50 people gathered to protest the future foreign policy of a Trump administration on the Lake Street/Marshall Avenue bridge which spans the Mississippi River between Minneapolis and Saint Paul.
The Syrian Arab News Agency is reporting, Nov. 9, that Israeli war planes attacked military sites in the Quneitra countryside, destroying one cannon and damaging another.
Fight Back News Service is circulating the following statement from the Rasmea Defense Committee
All out for November 29th federal court hearing – most important of the case – in Detroit! If you're not in the Midwest and can't make it to Detroit, organize a solidarity event in your city!
Grand Rapids, MI – On Nov. 2 the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) will meet with the Colombian government in Havana, Cuba to push forward the peace process. This follows the “no” vote on Oct. 2 rejecting the peace agreement. Despite the margin of difference being less than ½%, the “no” vote was a victory for the far right and ex-President Uribe. Uribe and the far right openly oppose reforms and some hope to continue the U.S.-funded war in Colombia.
Tucson, AZ – About 35 Tucsonans rallied outside the federal building here, Oct. 21, to demand “Hands off Syria.” The protest was organized by the Tucson Anti-War Committee with participation from the Alliance for Global Justice, Veterans for Peace, and members of the local Green Party. As busy traffic passed by, Chuck Kaufman of the Alliance for Global Justice addressed the crowd, “There is no such thing as a humanitarian intervention. Do you think the U.S. can enforce a ‘no fly zone’ on Syria without going head to head with Russia? Of course not. Our leaders are insane.”
Tucson, AZ – Eastside morning traffic was greeted by two dozen anti-war activists at Davis-Monthan Air Force Base, Oct. 11, with signs reading “Drones kill children” and “Drone attacks create terrorists.”
Minneapolis, MN – Over 60 people joined a Minneapolis protest on Oct. 8, organized under the call of ‘Stop Endless U.S. Wars.’
Fort Lauderdale, FL- Over 50 protesters from several different cities gathered outside of the Federal Courthouse here, Oct. 8 to mark the 15th anniversary of the U.S. war in Afghanistan. They demanded that the U.S. stop intervening in and occupying countries in the Middle East, an end to U.S. drone strikes, and to end all financial and military assistance for Saudi and Israeli war crimes.
Minneapolis, MN – A Twin Cities area coalition has called a protest for Saturday, Oct. 8 to mark 15 years since the U.S. invasion of Afghanistan. The protest will call for an end to U.S. military interventions.