Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle

Anti-War Movement

By staff

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Minneapolis, MN – Over 60 people joined a Minneapolis protest on Oct. 8, organized under the call of ‘Stop Endless U.S. Wars.’


By Cassia Laham

Anti-war protest in Ft Lauderdale, FL.

Fort Lauderdale, FL- Over 50 protesters from several different cities gathered outside of the Federal Courthouse here, Oct. 8 to mark the 15th anniversary of the U.S. war in Afghanistan. They demanded that the U.S. stop intervening in and occupying countries in the Middle East, an end to U.S. drone strikes, and to end all financial and military assistance for Saudi and Israeli war crimes.


By staff

Minneapolis, MN – A Twin Cities area coalition has called a protest for Saturday, Oct. 8 to mark 15 years since the U.S. invasion of Afghanistan. The protest will call for an end to U.S. military interventions.


By staff

_Interview with the General Union of Palestinian Students _

On April 6, students at San Francisco State University (SFSU) protested the Israeli mayor of occupied Jerusalem, Nir Barkat, who came to speak on campus. For nearly five months, the General Union of Palestinian Students (GUPS) was under investigation by the SFSU administration after the protest. SFSU released the investigator’s report on Sept. 1.


By Meredith Aby

WAMM stands with striking nurses

Minneapolis, MN – Members and supporters of Women Against Military Madness (WAMM) picketed with the Minnesota Nurses Association (MNA) at Abbott Northwestern Hospital in Minneapolis on Sept. 25. The MNA went on strike at Allina hospitals on Labor Day.


By Michela

NYC rally against the Jewish National Fund.

New York, NY – On Sept. 18, around 40 activists and community members gathered in front of the Hilton Hotel on Sixth Avenue to rally against the Jewish National Fund.


By International League of Peoples' Struggle (ILPS)

Fight Back News Service is circulating the following Sept. 19 statement from the International League of Peoples' Struggle (ILPS).


By staff

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Minneapolis, MN – Thirteen members of WAMM (Women Against Military Madness) joined the striking Allina nurses on the Abbott Northwestern picket line Sunday afternoon, Sept. 18. WAMM member Margaret Sarfehjooy, a nurse at Fairview Southdale hospital said, “We understand the importance of community support for these nurses and Minnesota Nurses Association as Allina tries to bust their union.”


By Meredith Aby

Minneapolis protest against Islamophobia

Minneapolis, MN – Over 250 people rallied and marched through the Cedar-Riverside and Seward neighborhoods Sept.17, showing solidarity and denouncing the hate crimes being committed against Muslims. The protest started at May Day Plaza and included a march to the headquarters of the Republican Party of Minnesota on Franklin Avenue, where they confronted the Islamophobic message of Donald Trump, the Republican presidential candidate.


By Meredith Aby

WAMM members on the picket line with striking nurses

Minneapolis, MN – Members of Women Against Military Madness picketed with the Minnesota Nurses Association (MNA) at Abbott Northwestern Hospital in Minneapolis, Sept. 11. The MNA went on strike at Allina hospitals on Labor Day.


By Meredith Aby

Members of the Minnesota Anti-War Committee picket with striking nurses

Minneapolis, MN – Members of the Minnesota Anti-War Committee picketed with the Minnesota Nurses Association at Abbot Northwestern Hospital during rush hour, Sept. 8. The nurses went out on strike on Labor Day.


By Sean Taylor

Utah rally in Solidarity with Palestine

Salt Lake City, UT – Fifteen people joined Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) outside the Wallace F. Bennett Federal Building, Aug. 27, in solidarity with Palestine after the most recent attacks. The week before, over 50 airstrikes were launched in less than an hour by the apartheid state Israel against Gaza. The barrage was the worst since Operation Protective Edge in 2014 which killed over 2100 Palestinians.


By Jessica Schwartz

Tampa protest against Israeli attacks on Gaza

Tampa, FL – 20 community and student activists protested here, Aug. 26, to stand with Palestine and demand, “No bombs on Gaza!”


By Cassia Laham

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Miami, FL – About 30 anti-war activists in South Florida gathered together, Aug. 18, to hear Code Pink’s Medea Benjamin speak about her new book, Kingdom of the Unjust: Behind the U.S-Saudi Connection. Miami was Benjamin’s first stop on a tour meant to increase awareness and create more dialogue around the ties between the U.S. and Saudi Arabia.


By staff

Minneapolis protest against endless U.S. wars.

Minneapolis, MN – Over 50 people protested on Aug. 6 to mark the 71st anniversary of the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasak. The call was to stop to the endless series of U.S. wars and military interventions. The protest came five days after the start of what appears to be a new campaign of U.S. airstrikes in Libya. The protest was in the West Bank neighborhood of Minneapolis in front of May Day Bookstore and was well received by many African members of the community who joined in the protest or rolled down their car windows to wave and give peace signs to protesters.


By staff

Activists hand out flyers for August 6 anti-war protest

Minneapolis, MN – A coalition of Minneapolis/Saint Paul area groups will hold a protest this Saturday, Aug. 6. The protest was called to mark the 71st anniversary of the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki with a call for an end to the endless series of U.S. wars and military interventions.


By National Committee to Free Ricardo Palmera

Ricardo Palmera (Simon Trinidad)

Fight Back News Service is circulating the following statement by the National Committee to Free Ricardo Palmera (Simon Trinidad).


By Meredith Aby

Jennie Eisert, activista con el Comité Antiguerra de Minnesota

Minneapolis, MN – El 21 de julio, la colombiana-americana Jennie Eisert, presentó un conmovido reporte sobre su participación en la delegación enviada por Alliance for Global Justice, para el proceso de paz en Colombia. Eisert estuvo en Colombia en mayo, semanas antes de que el gobierno colombiano y las Fuerzas Revolucionarias de Colombia-Ejercito Popular (FARC-EP) declararan oficialmente, el 23 de junio, el fin a la guerra de medio siglo.

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By Freedom Road Socialist Organization

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Fight Back News Service is circulating the text of a speech by a leader of Freedom Road Socialist Organization, Fernando Figueroa, which was delivered shortly before the July 18 march on the RNC in Cleveland, OH.


By Meredith Aby

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Meredith Aby-Keirstead, of Fight Back! interviews James Jordan, with the Alliance For Global Justice in Tucson, Arizona. Jordan recently returned from the Accompaniment Delegation to Support Colombia’s Peace Process. Fight Back!: Want do Colombian activists say about the prospects for peace?