Miami, FL – About 30 anti-war activists in South Florida gathered together, Aug. 18, to hear Code Pink’s Medea Benjamin speak about her new book, Kingdom of the Unjust: Behind the U.S-Saudi Connection. Miami was Benjamin’s first stop on a tour meant to increase awareness and create more dialogue around the ties between the U.S. and Saudi Arabia.
Minneapolis, MN – Over 50 people protested on Aug. 6 to mark the 71st anniversary of the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasak. The call was to stop to the endless series of U.S. wars and military interventions. The protest came five days after the start of what appears to be a new campaign of U.S. airstrikes in Libya. The protest was in the West Bank neighborhood of Minneapolis in front of May Day Bookstore and was well received by many African members of the community who joined in the protest or rolled down their car windows to wave and give peace signs to protesters.
Minneapolis, MN – A coalition of Minneapolis/Saint Paul area groups will hold a protest this Saturday, Aug. 6. The protest was called to mark the 71st anniversary of the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki with a call for an end to the endless series of U.S. wars and military interventions.
Minneapolis, MN – El 21 de julio, la colombiana-americana Jennie Eisert, presentó un conmovido reporte sobre su participación en la delegación enviada por Alliance for Global Justice, para el proceso de paz en Colombia. Eisert estuvo en Colombia en mayo, semanas antes de que el gobierno colombiano y las Fuerzas Revolucionarias de Colombia-Ejercito Popular (FARC-EP) declararan oficialmente, el 23 de junio, el fin a la guerra de medio siglo.
Fight Back News Service is circulating the text of a speech by a leader of Freedom Road Socialist Organization, Fernando Figueroa, which was delivered shortly before the July 18 march on the RNC in Cleveland, OH.
Meredith Aby-Keirstead, of Fight Back! interviews James Jordan, with the Alliance For Global Justice in Tucson, Arizona. Jordan recently returned from the Accompaniment Delegation to Support Colombia’s Peace Process.Fight Back!: Want do Colombian activists say about the prospects for peace?
Tampa activists plan to rally here in support of long-time Palestinian American leader Rasmea Odeh, on Monday, June 13, 5:30 p.m. at 56th and Fowler Avenue. The rally coincides with Odeh’s same-day court appearance in Detroit, Michigan, where she is challenging a trumped-up immigration charge.
New York, NY – 45 activists and community organizers gathered at 19 W 44 th Street, the office of G4S Security Solutions, June 10, to stand in support for Rasmea Odeh, a Palestinian American leader who is facing jail and deportation on a trumped-up immigration charge. G4S provides security services to Israeli prisons, where countless Palestinians prisoners have been held without due process, persecuted and tortured.
San Jose, CA – On June 10, members and supporters of the South Bay Committee Against Political Repression (SBCAPR), passed out flyers and held signs in support of Rasmea Odeh, whose case is being returned to the lower court for a hearing in Detroit on Monday, June 13. The action was in front of the City of San Jose and San Jose State University Martin Luther King, Jr. Library. They joined supporters of the Friday Peace Vigil who hold a regular anti-war protest every Friday at the MLK library.
New York, NY – Supporters of Palestinian American leader Rasmea Odeh will be rallying here, June 10, 4:00 until 7:00 p.m., at G4S Secure Solutions (19 W 44th St.), to demand justice in her case. Odeh, an icon in the Palestinian community, was convicted on a politically-motivated immigration charge in 2014, and sentenced to 18 months in prison and deportation.
Minneapolis, MN – About 40 people rallied in front of the Federal Courthouse, May 26, to demand justice for the three Somali youth who are facing life in prison, having been entrapped by the FBI. Family, other members of the Somali community and anti-war activists called for the release of Guled Omar, Abdirahman Daud and Mohamad Farah.
New York, New York – Every year in New York, leftists gather for the Left Forum. This year, the Left Forum took place May 20-22 and included several hundred workshops on an array of topics – from Venezuela to the current electoral climate.
Washington, DC – On May 14 Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro declared a constitutional state of emergency in that country. CNN reports indicate that there have been marches in support of the government’s push for a “state of constitutional exception and economic emergency” to last until July.
Minneapolis, MN – About 40 people joined the Twin Cities based Anti-War Committee, May 15, for its annual remembrance of Al-Nakba, or “the catastrophe” that occurred in 1948 when hundreds of thousands of Palestinians were forced from their homes.
Minneapolis, MN – Week two of the trial of three Somali youth will open May 16, with the continued testimony of Abdullahi Mohamud Yusuf. Yusuf was the first star witness for prosecutors aiming to convict three of his former friends of terrorism conspiracy charges. According to Yusuf, he planned to travel to Syria and join ISIL in 2014, but was stopped at the airport by FBI Special Agent John Thomas. Yusuf plead guilty in the case, hoping to receive a lighter sentence in exchange for his testimony against Guled Omar, Abdirahman Daud and Mohamad Farah. Yusuf testified to several meetings with the three, though none of them were with him the day he set out for Syria.
Minneapolis, MN – The Anti-War Committee is holding its annual remembrance of Al-Nakba, or “the catastrophe” that occurred in 1948 when hundreds of thousands of Palestinians were forced from their homes. The Nakba continues today as Palestinian homes continue to be destroyed. A rally is planned at Loring Park, on Sunday, May 15, 1 p.m., followed by a march through the surrounding neighborhood.
Minneapolis, MN – After a few days of preliminary motions and jury selection, opening arguments were presented on May 11 at the trial of three young local Somali men. Many members of the Somali community and the local peace movement are attending the trial. The Minnesota Coalition to Defend the Muslim Community, which includes the Anti-War Committee, is planning to organize rallies every Thursday of the trial to support with the families of the accused and to speak out against government abuses in this case.
Minneapolis, MN – More than 100 people came to the Minneapolis Federal Courts Building to support three Muslim youth from the Somali community charged with conspiring to provide material support to ISIL and to commit murder abroad. The trial began May 9, for Guled Ali Omar, 21; Abdurahman Yasin Daud, 22; and Mohamed Abdihamid Farah, 22, who were entrapped by the FBI and now face possible life sentences.
Salt Lake City, UT – On May 1, 100 people gathered at the Salt Lake City and County Building to celebrate, table and rally for International Workers Day. The Freedom Road Socialist Organization (FRSO) hosted the event, joined by Students for a Democratic Society, Utah Against Police Brutality, Utah Anti-war Committee, Workers World Party, and Socialist Alternative.