Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle

Immigrant Rights

By staff

Tampa rally demands legalization for all undocumented immigrants

Tampa, FL – On Nov. 6, Raices en Tampa rallied on a busy street corner in solidarity with the immigrant families being held, without due process, in a Texas detention center. The Legalization for All Network called for a national day of action demanding the U.S. government release the children, end family detention and halt deportations.


By staff

Arizona protest against the indefinite detention of thousands of children

Tucson, AZ – To the thunderous chants of “Obama, Obama free the kids now!” and “No mas detenciones no mas deportaciones, legalización para los 11 millones!” a group of over 30 students, activists, parents and community members gathered outside of the Federal building, Nov. 5 in downtown Tucson. They were protesting the indefinite detention of the thousands of children and mothers who are currently incarcerated in the for-profit prisons located in Dilley and Karnes, Texas.


By staff

Speakers at U of MN immigrants rights event

Minneapolis, MN – On Nov. 3, a panel of three speakers at the University of Minnesota analyzed the phenomenon of Donald Trump’s presidential campaign and how his anti-immigrant rhetoric affects the struggle for immigrant rights.


By staff

Donald Trump gets beat at University of MN

Minneapolis, MN – Students and community members gathered on the Northrop Mall at the University of Minnesota on an unseasonably warm day, Nov. 2, to take some swings at three homemade piñatas that bore a strong resemblance to Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump.


By staff

Taking practice swings at Trump

Los Angeles, CA – In the late afternoon, Oct. 23, people of the Boyle Heights neighborhood of East Los Angeles joined together to denounce the right-wing attacks on immigrants.


By Fabian Van Onzin

Houston protest against ICE raids.

Houston, TX – Over 50 activists protested outside of the Harris County sheriff's office, Oct. 10, against a series of recent ICE raids. Every month, the Harris County sheriff's office deports over 1000 immigrants. It has deported nearly 25,000 immigrants since 2008 – the fourth largest number in the entire U.S. Last month, Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), along with the Department of Labor, Harris County sheriff’s office, and the Houston police department raided the Espiga De Oro tortilla factory under the pretense of the 'concern' over the treatment of workers.


By staff

Milwaukee, WI – One year ago on Sept. 26, 2014, 43 students from Ayotzinapa Normal School in Tixtla, Guerrero were kidnapped. One year later, in an effort to demand justice for the those disappeared, the University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee and Marquette University chapters of Youth Empowered in the Struggle (Y.E.S) jointly hosted a vigil and march in protest.


By staff

Raices en Tampa vigil and rally on Ayotzinapa anniversary

Tampa, FL – On Sept. 26, Raices en Tampa hosted a vigil and rally on the anniversary on the kidnapping and disappearance of 43 Mexican students. Approximately 20 activists gathered holding signs that read, “Activism is not a crime!” and “They thought they could bury us, but they didn’t realize that we were seeds.”


By staff

Los Angeles, CA – Celebrating and parading through the streets of East Los Angeles (ELA), Sept. 13, community members gathered along the route to watch the annual Mexican Independence Day parade. Participants included many local Mexican clubs, leaders and business owners, both Chicano and Mexican, traveling on adorned cars and floats, playing mariachi music and waving at viewers. This year the teachers’ union, United Teachers of Los Angeles (UTLA), and Centro CSO marched in unity.


By Jared Hamil

Chicanos and Mexicanos fight racist GOP agenda

Protest at Republican debates

Simi Valley, CA – While Republican candidates debated at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library, Sept. 16, enthusiastic protesters took to the streets chanting “Dump Trump!” This was the second of the Republican primary debates. Among the many topics of the debate was immigration. Many Republicans are calling for not only the deportations of the 12 million undocumented in the U.S. but also their citizen children. Donald Trump has been leading the right-wing attacks on immigrants, calling for a border wall, while the other candidates are taking up his proposals. Republican candidate Ben Carson said that after deporting immigrants he would allow them in on “a guest worker program primarily in agriculture.” Trump is still leading and gathering support among the right wing. If elected, there will be more attacks on immigrants, more deportations and more militarization at the border – including the widespread use of military drones.