Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle

Immigrant Rights

By Redacción

Activistas exigen justicia para Ayotzinapa

Minneapolis, MN – Con mantas diciendo “Minnesota es Ayotzinapa” y “Vivos se los llevaron, vivos los queremos”, varios líderes y miembros del Comité por los Derechos de los Inmigrantes (MIRAC) marcharon en el desfile del Día de Independencia de México el 13 de septiembre en la calle Lake en Minneapolis. El 26 de septiembre 2014, 43 estudiantes de Ayotzinapa fueron desaparecidos por el estado mexicano. Esto provocó un movimiento poderoso en México y a través del mundo exigiendo un alto a la represión, la violencia estatal, la corrupción y la impunidad en México. También en Estados Unidos muchos cuestionan porque el gobierno estadounidense sigue apoyando el gobierno y ejército mexicano con $2.5 mil millones de dolares con la Iniciativa Merida. Después de casi un año las familias de los estudiantes siguen luchando por la verdad de lo que paso con sus hijos, y no han logrado respuestas o justicia.

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By staff

Activists demand justice for Ayotzinapa at Mexican Independence Day parade in Mi

Minneapolis, MN – With banners reading, “Minnesota is Ayotzinapa,” and “They took them alive, we want them alive,” members of the Minnesota Immigrant Rights Action Committee (MIRAC) marched in the Mexican Independence Day parade on Lake Street in Minneapolis on Sept. 13. Last year on Sept. 26, 2014, 43 students from Ayotzinapa, México were ‘disappeared’ by the Mexican state. Nearly a year after the 43 students disappeared, their families continue struggling for the truth of what happened to their children, and they haven’t gotten a response or justice.


By Masao Suzuki, Freedom Road Socialist Organization

Billionaire Donald Trump has established himself as the leading Republican candidate for president, with polls giving him twice the support of the nearest contender in a crowded field of 17. Trump has been the focus of media attention for his high level of support, his racist statements about Mexicans and his sexist attacks on women. In terms of policy, Trump has been leading the attack on the right of citizenship for people born in the U.S. – this right was granted by the 14th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. He is calling for the U.S. citizen children of the undocumented to be deported, along with their parents, in what would be ethnic cleansing.


By Cassia Laham

Miami, FL – For the last several days, the news media has been ablaze with graphic photos conveying the desperate situation facing thousands of Arab refugees fleeing the Middle East for asylum in Europe. The international community has looked on in horror as images of dead children and broken families flood social media and news shows. The sadness and outrage from witnessing such death has caused a global outcry from the socially-conscious of the world, especially because, as the thousands of now-destitute refugees risk their lives and leave their entire worlds behind them, some of the the richest nations on the globe have locked their doors and secured their borders.


By Loretta VanPelt

St. Paul, MN – Over 300 people gathered in here, August 10, in a show of solidarity with the people of Ferguson, Missouri and to remember the one-year anniversary of the death of Michael Brown at the hands of the police.


By staff

Protest demands 'shut down immigrant family detention centers'

Minneapolis, MN – More than 40 people protested outside the office of Senator Amy Klobuchar on July 24, demanding the closing of ‘family detention centers’ housing thousands of immigrant mothers and children near the U.S.-Mexico border in Texas. The largest family detention center in Dilley, Texas houses around 2000 immigrant mothers and children, the vast majority of whom fled rampant violence and economic deterioration in the Central American countries of Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador. After a harrowing and dangerous journey across several borders, these mothers and children are suffering yet another nightmare of being jailed indefinitely by the U.S. government under terrible conditions. The Dilley prison is a private prison operated for profit by the Corrections Corporation of America (CCA).


By staff

Milwaukee immigrant rights protesters traveling to New Orleans.

Fight Back! interviewed 19-year-old Monica Fuentes, a student who was one of the many who traveled in a caravan from Milwaukee to New Orleans. Fuentes is among those covered by Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) which provides legal relief to some undocumented immigrants who came to the U.S. as children.


By Luscely Flores

Milwaukee, WI – Governor Scott Walker is making his announcement to run for presidency today, July 13, in Waukesha, which is located just west of Milwaukee. Walker, a Republican, has voted against driver's licenses for undocumented people; he took away tuition equity in 2011 which allowed undocumented students to pay the same price tuition as citizen students, and he also signed to a legal challenge with 25 other governors against DAPA (Deferred Action for Parent Arrivals).


By staff

Masao Suzuki speaking at the Legalization for All Network workshop at U.S. Socia

San Jose, CA – More than 30 people gathered at the First Unitarian Church here, June 27, to participate in the Legalization for All Network (L4A Network) workshop. The workshop was one of many that took place at the U.S. Social Forum.


By Alekos Zambrano

Tampa rallies for immigrant rights on Father's Day

Tampa, FL – Two dozen people gathered here June 19 at La Mexicana Bakery to demand an end to deportations and legalization for all. Community members and activist alike were represented in the crowd. Among the groups present were Raices en Tampa, Students for a Democratic Society, Committee to Stop FBI Repression and others.