Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle

Immigrant Rights

By Brad Sigal

No More Deportations action at the State Capitol in May

Saint Paul, MN – Amidst the flurry of budget cuts hastily pushed through on July 19 and signed on July 20 on the 20th day of the state government shutdown, immigrant rights activists claimed one victory and one defeat amidst the chaos.


By Laura Langley

March for immigrant rights in Alabama

Birmingham, AL – Nearly 2500 people came together here, June 25, to march and speak out against Alabama House Bill 56 (HB 56), recently signed into law by Governor Bentley. The bill is being called “the harshest anti-immigrant state law in the nation.” While many immigrant rights activists say, “the bill was inspired by SB 1070 in Arizona”, others describe the law as, “a pre-civil rights movement Jim Crow law enforcing inequality.” The new law is set to take effect on Sept. 1.


By Dee Michel

Chicago protest in solidarity with Carlos Montes

Chicago, IL – Chicago activists, including those from the immigrant rights and Chicano movements, rallied at the Dirksen Federal building on June 16 in solidarity with veteran Chicano activist, Carlos Montes. Montes was raided by the Los Angeles County Sherriff and FBI on charges of a firearm code violation. They seized his personal effects and over 40 years worth of political movement documentation.


By Committee to Stop FBI Repression

Join the National Day of Action – Thursday, June 16, 2011

Fight Back News Service is circulating the call from the Committee to Stop FBI Repression, urging cities to organize actions in support of Carlos Montes, a longtime activist for worker and immigrants’ rights.


By staff

Emma Lozano of Sin Fronteras demands charges against Carlos Montes be dropped

Chicago, IL – On May 25, the Committee Against Political Repression brought together 30 supporters of Carlos Montes to denounce the raid by the FBI and Los Angeles Sheriff. Gathering in front of the Federal Building in Chicago, despite a thunder storm, the press conference and rally included a number of speakers.


By Brad Sigal

Mario Cololly, hunger striker for justice in retail cleaning

Minneapolis, MN – On May 21, four retail cleaning workers and four of their supporters started a hunger strike to demand justice. The goal of the hunger strike is to get Cub Foods management to start negotiating with their retail cleaning workers for better wages and working conditions. The hunger strike was kicked off with a large rally at noon. Later in the afternoon, a large group of Danzantes joined the protest and performed.


By Minnesota Immigrant Rights Action Committee

Carlos Montes en conferencia de prensa despues de la redada en su casa

Lucha y Resiste esta circulando el siguiente comunicado del Comite por los derechos de inmigrantes en Minnesota (MIRAc) denunciando la redada en la casa de Carlos Montes. Pedimos que otras organizaciones tambien manden mensajes de apoyo al

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By Minnesota Immigrant Rights Action Committee

Carlos Montes at rally defending him after raid on his home

Fight Back News is circulating the following statement from the Minnesota Immigrant Rights Action Committee (MIRAc) on the brutal raid conducted at the home of Carlos Montes. We urge other organizations to send messages of support to


By Brad Sigal

No More Deportations protest in State Capitol

St. Paul, MN – On May 20, protesters from the Minnesota Immigrant Rights Action Committee (MIRAc) and the No More Deportations campaign marched through the State Capitol chanting “‘Secure Communities’ divides families – no more deportations!” and “Immigrant workers are under attack – what do we do? Stand up fight back!” At the same time, several other progressive groups also protested noisily inside the capitol as the end of the session looms with unprecedented cuts and attacks on every front.


By Eric Gardner

Carlos Montes at rally following FBI / LA sheriff raid on his home.

Los Angeles, CA – On May 20, a lively crowd of over 100 supporters gathered in front of the Federal Building in downtown Los Angeles to denounce the recent home invasion and arrest of Carlos Montes. Montes is a veteran Chicano activist and member of the Los Angeles Committee to Stop FBI Repression. The crowd represented a diverse range of local activist groups and movements – including LAUSD teachers and parent activists, members of the immigrant rights movement, anti-cutback activists from the University of California, organizers against police brutality and representatives from international solidarity movements.