Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle

Immigrant Rights

By Kosta Harlan

Tens of thousands gathered here for a massive immigrants rights protest, March 21. The mainly Latino demonstrators filled bocks of the National Mall.


By staff

Washington, D.C. – Tens of thousands of immigrants and supporters converged on the mall here, March 21. You can read the editorial from Fight Back! that was distributed at the rally in Spanish ( online / printable PDF) or English ( online / printable PDF).

#WashingtonDC #immigrantRights

By Carlos Montes

Carlos Montes at the We Say Fight Back conference

On to D.C. on March 21! Thousands of immigrants, supporters and activists will rally in Washington D.C. It’s time to demand legalization now for the 12 million undocumented in the U.S. The rally is important because it draws attention to the increased suffering of the millions of immigrants, especially those from Mexico and Central America. It comes at an important time where immigration reform legislation is being discussed in the U.S. congress. The rally will put pressure on President Obama and the U.S. congress to take action now – this spring – we cannot wait another year.


By Editorial ¡Lucha y Resiste!

En el primer año de la nueva administración hubo cambio pero no progreso

Immigrant rights protest for legalization

Hace un año, los chicanos, mexicanos y centroamericanos celebraron el fin de ocho años de la administración de Bush. Además de lanzar dos guerras y provocar la mayor crisis financiera desde la Gran Depresión, la administración de Bush intensificó la represión contra los inmigrantes. Las redadas y deportaciones de los obreros por el Servicio de Inmigración y Aduanas (ICE) se duplicó, y luego se duplicó nuevamente con Bush. El gobierno de Bush implementó el programa conocido como 287(g), en el que ICE trabaja junto con la policía local y permite que racistas como el alcalde Joe Arpaio de Arizona hostigue a los chicanos, mexicanos y centroamericanos. La ley de octubre de 2006 “Secure Fence Act” intensificó la militarización de la frontera con México, contribuyendo a la muerte de más inmigrantes intentando entrar a los Estados Unidos.

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By Viviana Moreno

Chicago, IL – Over 1000 young, undocumented immigrants and supporters gathered at Union Park here, March 10, followed by a march to “come out of the shadows.” This kick-started a national week of action for immigration reform that will lead up to a protest in Washington, D.C. on March 21. Immigrant rights protesters chanted, “Undocumented and unafraid!” as they were making their way towards Federal Plaza.


By Brad Sigal

Supporters of the drivers license bill outside the hearing at the state capitol.

Saint Paul, MN – On March 10, a bill that would allow immigrants to get drivers licenses in Minnesota passed its first hurdle in a key vote. By a vote of 8-5-1, the “drivers license for all” bill, HF1718, passed the House Transportation and Transit Policy and Oversight Committee.


By Brad Sigal

Saint Paul, MN – The struggle for immigrants to be able to get drivers licenses in Minnesota is gaining steam. The group leading the struggle is Mujeres en Liderazgo (Women in Leadership), a grassroots group of Latina immigrant women. They want the Minnesota legislature to allow anyone who lives in Minnesota to get a drivers license, regardless of their immigration status.


By Fight Back! Editors

_Year One of the New Administration Saw Change but not Progress _

Immigrant rights protest for legalization

One year ago Chicanos, Mexicanos and Central Americans celebrated the end of the eight years of Bush administration. In addition to launching two wars and ushering in the greatest financial crisis since the Great Depression, the Bush administration stepped up repression against immigrants. Raids and deportations of workers by the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) doubled, redoubled and then doubled again under Bush. The Bush administration implemented the notorious 287(g) program, where ICE teamed up with local police and sheriffs allowed racists such as Arizona sheriff Joe Arpaio to harass Chicanos, Mexicanos and Central Americans. The October 2006 “Secure Fence Act” stepped up the militarization of the U.S.-Mexico border, contributing to the deaths of more and more immigrants trying to enter the United States.


By Brad Sigal

Activistas pro-inmingrante vestidos como prisioneros intentan entrar al ICE

Bloomington, MN – El lunes 23 de noviembre por la mañana, un grupo de activistas pro-inmigrante organizó una protesta al estilo del teatro popular para denunciar de forma dramática el racismo y la hipocresía de las redadas en contra de los inmigrantes latinos, separando familias y comunidades.

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By Brad Sigal

Immigrant rights activists in orange jumpsuit prisoner garb at ICE office in MN

Bloomington, MN – On Monday morning, Nov. 23, a group of immigrant rights activists staged a guerrilla theater-style protest here to dramatically expose the racism and hypocrisy of immigration raids that target Latino immigrants, tearing apart families and communities.