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News and Views from the People's Struggle

Immigrant Rights

By staff

A photo of Latino workers at the rally.

Los Angeles, CA – Over 2000 Mexican and Central American workers marched here, July 29, to demand legalization and an end to the mass firings of immigrants. The mass firings have been brought on by the Department of Homeland Security’s push – backed up by the threat of sanctions on the employer – to identify undocumented workers by auditing companies’ employee data.


By staff

Chicago, IL – The videos below are of the Dec. 6 Chicago rally is support of the workers occupying the Republic Windows factory. This important struggle is drawing support from workers across the country.

#ChicagoIL #ImmigrantRights #RepublicWindowsAndDoors #UELocal1110 #UnitedElectricalWorkers #takeover

By staff

Around the country, organizers and leaders of the immigrant rights movement are discussing and making plans for another round of May 1 protests. Last year millions of immigrants and their supporters took to the streets on International Workers Day. This powerful upsurge, which extended for many months, defeated legislation that would have further criminalized undocumented workers in the United States.


By Eric Gardner

Sign showing cancellation of Minutemen event at UCLA

Los Angeles, CA – Chanting, “What do we want? Legalization! When do we want it? Now!” a group of over 200 University of California – Los Angeles (UCLA) students and community members gathered outside of a campus lecture hall where Carl Braun, executive director of the California Minutemen Civil Defense Corps was scheduled to speak, Feb. 6.


By Brad Sigal

St. Paul, MN – Over 1,000 people marched on the West Side of Saint Paul on Labor Day to demand legalization for immigrant workers and workers' rights for all. The West Side is one of the main centers of Latino immigrants and Chicanos in the Twin Cities.


By Brad Sigal

_ Labor Day Marches and Sept. 30 National Day of Action Planned_

Hillside, IL – Over 750 immigrant rights activists met here on August 11-13 at a historic national convention. This was the largest and most important meeting of the new immigrant rights movement to date. The attendees were largely Mexican-American, with Central and South Americans and other nationalities too. The convention brought together leaders of the wave of “mega-marches” from all over the country. Those marches brought millions of immigrant workers into the streets to defeat the anti-immigrant Sensenbrenner Bill (HR 4437) and to demand legalization and full equality for undocumented immigrants. According to Los Angeles-based immigrant rights and trade union activist Carlos Montes, “The energy, unity and diversity of the convention was motivating and a call to action for immigrant rights.”


By staff

Chicago, IL – Organizations and activists from across the United States will be coming together here, Aug. 11-13 to lay plans that will build the immigrants’ rights movement. The National Immigrant Rights Strategy Convention was initiated by the Illinois-based March 10 Movement, the organization that led the massive general strike of immigrants here March 10, and then brought more than a half million people onto streets on May 1.


By Joe Iosbaker

Chicago, IL – Emma Lozano's voice was cracking as she spoke to the thousands of marchers for immigrant rights in Grant Park, July 19. “I'm here to ring the bell for an immediate moratorium on deportations and the raids and sanctions on employers.” The founder of Pueblo Sin Fronteras had just helped to lead over 20,000 on a three and a half mile march in 90-degree heat. The event was a continuation of the mobilizations for immigrant rights begun this spring by Chicago's March 10th Movement.


By Brad Sigal

Pro-immigrant rights protest on July 4 at the Minnesota State Capitol

Saint Paul, MN – Over 200 immigrants’ rights supporters drove out a dozen anti-immigrant ‘Minutemen’ as they tried to rally at the Minnesota state capitol building on the Fourth of July. According to Erika Zurawski, an organizer of the pro-immigrants’ rights rally, “The racist Minutemen tried to show their faces here, and we outnumbered them twenty to one. They left after a half hour without even being able to hold a rally or press conference at the capitol, as they had planned. We were chanting ‘Minutemen go home!’ and they did! Everyone at our rally was so inspired when they decided to just drive away.”


By staff

Immigration promises to be a major issue for the rest of the congressional session and into the November elections.