Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle

Immigrant Rights

By staff

March 10, 2006 general strike for immigrant rights in Chicago

Chicago IL – Upwards of 200,000 people marched through downtown Chicago, March 10, chanting, “Si, se puede!,” meaning, “Yes we can!” defeat the Sensenbrenner bill.


By staff

Los Angeles, CA – On Oct. 16, thousands of Mexicans, Chicanos and Latinos marched through the heart of East L.A. to Los Angeles City Hall. The working class families demanded legalization, an end to the raids and pushed to get out the vote against Bush and his policies. This spirited show of force was organized by the Coalition for Immigrants Rights & Against Raids, a coalition made up of community groups and unions such as CARECEN, Centro CSO and SEIU Local 660, to name a few.

#LosAngelesCA #News #ChicanoLatino #CAOnOct16 #thousandsOfMexicans #ChicanosAndLatinosMarchedThroughTheHeartOfEastLAToLosAngelesCityHall

By Freedom Road Socialist Organization

The 10,000-plus Mexicans, Chicanos and Latinos marching through the streets of Ontario, California June 13 sent a powerful message to the Bush administration – the raids and deportations carried out by immigration enforcement will not be accepted or tolerated. This powerful display of resistance followed raids where immigration agents targeted undocumented workers at bus stops, markets and homes.


By Carlos Montes

May 15 march and press conference in support of licenses for immigrants.

Los Angeles, CA – A mass rally and march was held in Huntington Park, May 15, in support of SB1160 – a bill that allows undocumented immigrants to get drivers licenses. Several groups organized the march, including the Mexican American Political Association, Centro CSO and Consejo de Federaciones Mexicanas. The festive event kicked off with music and speakers at Salt Lake Park and then began marching on Florence Avenue in the heart of the city. The march received enthusiastic support from pedestrians and motorists as it entered Pacific Avenue, the main shopping district, with the public yelling and clapping to show support. A rally was held at the civic center with music by the popular Mexican Norteno singers. The speakers hit hard at Governor Schwarzenegger and the racists Republicans who forced the repeal of a similar bill late last year.


By staff

Two women addressing crowd.

Minneapolis, MN – More than 100 people gathered here May 1, May Day, for a celebration of International Workers’ Day. Speakers from key Minneapolis and St. Paul battles, including organizers of the clerical workers’ strike at the University of Minnesota and the 46-day transit workers’ strike, addressed the standing room-only crowd. The event was organized by Freedom Road Socialist Organization.


By Ileana Gadea

Film's logo

Ileana Gadea and Naomi Nakamura, both regular contributors to Fight Back!, reviewed the film A Day Without A Mexican . Based on the premise that California is covered by a thick fog and Latinos have vanished, the movie satirically deals with role of Mexicans and Latinos in the California economy. How well does the film do this? What follows are two different views.


By Freedom Road Socialist Organization

The Bush proposal on immigration does not address the real problems of the more than ten million undocumented workers in this country. It is simply a recycled version of past ‘guest worker’ programs which lock immigrant workers into poverty, without providing any real path for toward security, residency and justice.


By Carlos Montes

Banner: "We want licenses now"

Los Angeles, CA – Thousands of Latino workers, students and shopkeepers stayed away from work and school Dec. 12, in support of the statewide Latino Economic Strike. The Latino Economic boycott was called by the Mexican American Political Association and Hermandad Mexicana Latino Americana, with the support of hundreds of other organizations, to protest the repeal of SB 60, the law that allowed undocumented immigrants to get drivers licenses.


By staff

Los Angeles, CA – On May 1, 15,000 Latino immigrants and their supporters marched through downtown demanding, “Legalization now! Stop immigrant bashing!” This immigrants' rights march was the largest in recent U.S. history. Enthusiastic demonstrators chanted, “We are here and we won't leave!” referring to recent Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) raids and deportations of workers without so-called 'legal' status. The march included union, community groups, and immigrants' rights organizations.


By Jared Cruz

Minneapolis, MN – Over 800 people marched here on March 23 to demand “Justice for Jeilani.” Half of the protesters were Somali immigrants. The march to the Hennepin County Government Center was a strong statement against the attacks on their community. Less than two weeks earlier, Abu Kassim Jeilani, a Somali man, died after Minneapolis police officers shot him at least 16 times. Police had followed him for blocks, claiming he was a threat because he carried a machete at his side. He was gunned down after placing his hand on a squad car. All police officers were at least 10 feet away from Mr. Jeilani when they shot him. Protesters say this brutal response was unwarranted, and demand prosecution of the police involved in the shooting. Friends and family reported that Mr. Jeilani had been suffering from an episode of mental illness after a recent visit from the FBI. He was afraid that he was in danger from authorities.

#MinneapolisMN #ImmigrantRights #News #PoliceBrutality #SomaliImmigrants