Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


By Cassandra Swart

Pan-African Connection owner Akwete Tyehimba addressing the forum.

Dallas, TX – About 20 people came to Pan-African Connection in Oak Cliff, Dallas, May 9, to show solidarity with Cuba and Venezuela, and brainstorm ways to organize against imperialist threats against them from the U.S. government. Akwete Tyehimba of Pan-African Connection hosted the forum. Many of the participants were from local socialist groups but others said they were unaffiliated.


By Nathaniel Wallace

Resisting the U.S.-backed Venezuelan coup attempt in belly of the beast

A supporter of reactionary Venezuelan opposition outside the embassy.

Washington, DC – On May 4, over 100 people came out to support the Embassy Protection Collective that has been inside the Venezuelan embassy, defending it for the past several weeks.


By staff

The delegation from Freedom Road Socialist Organization (FRSO) with Venezuelan t

Caracas, Venezuela – The delegation from Freedom Road Socialist Organization (FRSO) met with Jacobo Torres, May 6, the international relations coordinator for the Central of Bolivarian Socialist Workers (CBST) and a member of the international relations commission of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV). He also is a delegate for the working class in the Constituent National Assembly (ANC).


By Sean Orr

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Caracas, Venezuela – En el primero de mayo, día del trabajador, en el centro de la ciudad, 400,000 trabajadores acudieron a las calles por dos razones: para honrar su día, el Día Internacional de los Trabajadores; y para celebrar la derrota del intento de golpe de Estado contra su presidente electo Nicolás Maduro.

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By Cassandra Swart

Nap Pempeña of Migrante talks about human trafficking.

Richardson, TX – About 60 people came together at Faith United Methodist Church here, May 3, for a community forum on the trafficking of Filipino teachers in the nearby suburb of Garland. The forum was hosted by Migrante USA, Malaya Movement Texas, United Federation of Fil-Am Educators Texas, National Alliance for Filipino Concerns, North Texas Dream Team, Pilipino American Unity for Progress, and RAICES.


By Redacción

El presidente Maduro se dirige a la demonstracion masiva del primero de Mayo.

Caracas, Venezuela – La delegación de la Organización Socialista Camino de la Libertad (FRSO) en Venezuela participó en una manifestación masiva para el Dia Internacional de los Trabajadores en Caracas, en el primero de Mayo. Centenares de miles de gente obrera participó. El presidente Maduro se dirigió a la demostración.

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By staff

Blanca Eekhout, Minister of Communes(3rd from left) with FRSO delegation.

Caracas, Venezuela – The delegation from the Freedom Road Socialist Organization (FRSO) had the honor May 2 of meeting with Blanca Eekhout, Minister of Communes and Social Movements and a member of the National Directorate of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV).


By staff

Ceremony marking the 90th anniversary of Sandino's "Plan to Realize..."

Caracas, Venezuela – The delegation from the Freedom Road Socialist Organization (FRSO) attended a ceremony in the 23 de Enero neighborhood in Caracas for the 90th anniversary of the “Plan to Realize the Great Dream of Bolivar.” The Plan was written by Nicaraguan revolutionary Augusto Sandino during his armed struggle against the U.S. occupation of his country. Among the event's attendees was Yaosca Calderon Martin, the Nicaraguan ambassador to Venezuela, along with veterans of the Sandinista struggle in the 1970s and 1980s.


By staff

May Day in NYC.

New York, NY – On May 1, hundreds of people in New York City celebrated on International Workers’ Day. The day was kicked off in Harlem, where a rally for the laundry workers was held as they demanded better working conditions. The day continued at a Trump Tower on Wall Street. Hundreds gathered near the Stock Exchange under the banner “No walls in the workers struggle.”


By Sean Orr

Massive May Day march in Venezuela.

Caracas, Venezuela – On May 1, May Day, in the heart of downtown, 400,000 workers poured into the streets for two reasons: to honor their day, International Workers Day; and to celebrate the defeat of the coup attempt against their elected president Nicolas Maduro.