Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


By Autumn Lake

Katrina Kozarek.

Minneapolis, MN – On March 10, 30 people gathered at Mayday Books for a program presented by Katrina Kozarek, a longtime Venezuela resident and an audiovisual reporter for In the presentation entitled “Eyewitness in Venezuela,” Kozarek detailed the grassroots people’s movements that created the current political infrastructure in Venezuela, as well as the current threat to Venezuelan sovereignty posed by the United States.


By Sean Orr

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Chicago, IL – “The most vile, criminal, cruel and dirty attack that has ever been committed against the people of Venezuela,” – this is how President Nicolás Maduro described the attack on the country's electrical grid, which cut electricity to 90% of its population on March 7. Five days later, power has been restored to most major cities, but much work needs to be done to fully restore the national grid.


By staff

Fight Back News Service is circulating the following March 8 statement from MAKIBAKA (the Patriotic Movement of New Women), a revolutionary women’s group in the Philippines.


By Communist Party of Venezuela

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The following statement was published today, March 5, by the Communist Party of Venezuela and was written by Freddy Subdiaga, a Party leader in the state of Anzoátegui. The statement was written in Spanish and translated by Fight Back! staff.


By staff

NYC protest against U.S. intervention in Venezuela.

New York, NY – On February 23, approximately 300 New Yorkers took Wall Street in the Financial District to protest attempts at a U.S.-led coup against the popular and democratically-elected Venezuelan president, Nicolas Maduro.


By Redacción

¡Lucha y Resiste! está circulando el siguiente artículo de Julián Sobogal, que apareció en Semanario Voz, el periódico del Partido Comunista Colombiano.

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By staff

Dallas, TX – On February 22, protesters gathered at Dealey Plaza to demand an end to U.S. interference in Venezuela. The protest was called by the Dallas Peace and Justice Center and Veterans for Peace Chapter 106.


By staff

Denver, CO – Some 30 anti-war activists gathered on the 16th Street Mall in downtown Denver for a demonstration and informational picket, called by the Denver Peace Council, to protest the Trump administration’s plans for a coup d’état in Venezuela. This action was part of the international day of action of February 23, called by a broad coalition of peace groups worldwide.


By Julian Sobogal

Fight Back News Service is circulating the following article by Julian Sobogal, that appeared in Semanario Voz, the newspaper of the Colombian Communist Party. It was translated by Fight Back! staff.


By Wyatt Miller

Minneapolis protest opposes U.S. war on Venezuela.

Minneapolis, MN – The streets were full of working-class solidarity on Saturday, February 23, when well over 100 people, including trade unionists, Latin America solidarity groups and anti-war activists gathered under the banner “U.S. hands off Venezuela!”