Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


By staff

Miami protest demands U.S. hands off Venezuela.

Miami, FL – Over 50 protesters gathered in front of the Trump National Doral Golf Course to boldly demonstrate against U.S. war plans targeting Venezuela. Protesters displayed banners and signs demanding the U.S. government end its sanctions against the Venezuelan people, calling for peace, and denouncing the attempted coup against Venezuela’s democratically-elected government.


By Jim Byrne

Protest in Tuscon, AZ against U.S. intervention in Venezuela.

Tucson, AZ - At the Annual Tucson Peace Fair, February 23, the Tucson Anti War Committee organized a short march through the event to draw attention to maneuvers of Trump and U.S. imperialism against Venezuela. On the international day of action calling for “No War on Venezuela,” to celebrate one month of successful resistance to the coup attempt against President Maduro, the solidarity activists shouted, “Hands off Venezuela” and drew supporters to the march from the crowd and the groups tabling.


By Communist Party of Cuba

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Fight Back News Service is circulating the following message from the Communist Party of Cuba.


By Redacción

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San Salvador, El Salvador – Cientos de salvadoreños se concentraron este 21 de febrero en la Plaza Salvador del Mundo para expresar su solidaridad con la revolución bolivariana de Venezuela y el gobierno de Nicolás Maduro. Los participantes, convocados por los comités de solidaridad con Cuba, portaban banderas y carteles mostrando su oposición a la intervención militar de Estados Unidos en Venezuela. Venezuela está enfrentando una amenaza inminente de intervención militar estadounidense como parte de un atentado de golpe de estado orquestado por el gobierno de Trump para imponer un líder pro imperialista en el país con una riqueza enorme de petróleo. Debido a la sangrienta historia de intervenciones militares de Estados Unidos en varios países latinoamericanos, muchos movimientos populares, a través de todo el continente americano, están solidarizándose con Venezuela y con su promesa de resistir la intervención imperialista de EEUU.

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#SanSalvadorElSalvador #SanSalvador #ElSalvador #Venezuela #PeoplesStruggles #BolivarianRevolution #Americas

By staff

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San Salvador, El Salvador – Hundreds of Salvadorans rallied February 21 at the Salvador del Mundo Plaza to express solidarity with the Venezuelan Bolivarian revolution and with the government of Nicolás Maduro. At the rally, which was called by Cuba solidarity committees in El Salvador, people carried Venezuelan and Cuban flags and signs showing opposing U.S. military intervention in Venezuela. Venezuela is facing the imminent threat of U.S. military intervention as part of an attempted coup orchestrated by the Trump administration to impose a pro-imperialist leader in the oil rich country. Due to the bloody history of U.S. military intervention in many Latin American countries, movements throughout the Americas are standing up in solidarity with Venezuela as they vow to resist U.S. imperialist intervention.

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#SanSalvadorElSalvador #SanSalvador #ElSalvador #Venezuela #PeoplesStruggles #BolivarianRevolution #Americas

By Sean Orr

Supporters of President Nicolás Maduro rally.

Chicago, IL – The eyes of the world are on the Venezuela-Colombia border, as the forces of reaction – the Trump administration, the Lima Group led by Colombia and Brazil, and the far-right Venezuelan opposition – attempt to provoke an invasion of Venezuela under the guise of ‘humanitarian aid.’


By Regina Joseph

Tallahassee protest against Trump's wall.

Tallahassee, FL – Over twenty people gathered at the steps of Wescott at Florida State University, February 18, to demonstrate against Trump’s so-called ‘National Emergency.’


By staff

Minneapolis, MN – Twin Cities area peace and anti-war groups are organizing a Minneapolis protest on Saturday, February 23 as part of a day of local actions around the U.S. and around the world opposing U.S. intervention in Venezuela.


By Cassandra Swart

Dallas protesters display  "Palestinian lives matter" banner.

Dallas, TX – On February 19, about ten people with the Dallas Palestine Coalition gathered at the SMU Cox School of Business to protest an event titled “Texas’ Looming Water Crisis: How Israeli Tech Could Save the Day.” The tech event was meant to encourage sales of Israeli technology – products built on stolen and occupied Palestinian lands.


By William Blake

Tampa SDS protests Trump's wall

Tampa, FL – In the wake of President Trump’s declaration of a national emergency to get increased funding to the border wall, Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) at the University of South Florida (USF) held a rally to respond to the attacks on immigrants. The rally, held on campus on February 19, called for a halt to the preparation of a border wall, as well as pushing for more protections for immigrants across the country and at USF.