Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


By staff

400-strong march against Philippine President Duterte in NYC.

New York, NY – On June 3, a contingent of 400 people marched in the Philippines Independence Day parade. The parade was a day for Filipinos in New York City to celebrate their homeland and heritage.


By Jessica Schwartz

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New York, NY – Over 70 Palestinians and solidarity activists protested the Celebrate Israel Parade on June 3 in New York. The parade commemorated the 70th anniversary of Al Nakba or “the catastrophe,” when the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians led to the founding of Israel.


By Meredith Aby

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Columbia Heights, MN – On May 23, 45 people gathered with banners and signs at the intersection of 43rd and Central in Columbia Heights to show solidarity with Gaza. Hundreds of cars honked their support as they drove by.


By staff

Binan, Philippines – On May 10, a mere ten days after President Rodrigo Duterte signed the anti-worker Executive Order (EO) 51 – which he claimed was his fulfillment of his promise to end contractualization – workers of Middleby Philippines in Binan, Laguna launched a sit-down strike to protest their impending termination as contractual employees.


By Alvin Jarvenpaa, Jr.

Celebration of Palestinian culture in Oshkosh, WI.

Oshkosh, WI – After their protest of the U.S. opening of its Israeli embassy in Jerusalem, United Action Oshkosh (UAO) held a celebration of Palestinian culture, May 20, at Rainbow Park. The family-friendly event featured music, food and games, as well as a guest speaker, Samir Moukaddam, who lived in Lebanon among displaced Palestinians forced from their homes by Israelis.


By Communist Party of the Philippines

Fight Back News Service is circulating the following statement from the Communist Party of the Philippines.


By staff

Chicago, IL – More than 1000 people rallied and marched in Chicago, May 15, in an emergency response to Israel’s brutality, and a rejection of the Trump administration’s dangerous and illegal U.S. embassy move to Jerusalem. The protest also coincided with the commemoration of 70 years of Nakba, what Palestinians call “The Catastrophe,” which marks the ethnic cleansing of almost 800,000 Palestinians upon the establishment of Israel in 1948.


By staff

Minneapolis, MN – The Anti-War Committee is organizing a bannering to show solidarity with Palestinians facing repression from the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) in Gaza. It will take place on May 23 at 7:30 p.m. at the intersection of Central Avenue and 43rd Avenue NE.


By Sean Orr

President Nicolás Maduro

Milwaukee, WI – In Venezuela's first presidential election since 2013, President Nicolás Maduro was re-elected in a landslide, receiving 67% of the vote in an election where the opposition was deeply divided and unwilling to unite behind a candidate. Henri Falcón, the most prominent opposition figure to run, received the endorsement of only a handful of parties and only got 27% of the vote. The majority of the right-wing opposition refused to even participate, pre-emptively condemning as fraudulent the very electoral system praised by former U.S. president Jimmy Carter as “the best in the world.”


By International League of Peoples' Struggle (ILPS)

Fight Back News Service is circulating the following statement from the International League of Peoples’ Struggle, Office of the Chairperson Jose Maria Sison.