Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


By staff

New York protest marks Al Nakba.

New York, NY – At least 900 people gathered in Times Square, May 19, to commemorate the 70th anniversary of the Nakba. The rally was called for by NY4Palestine, a coalition of organizations that stand for the liberation of historic Palestine.


By Dan Pratt

Al Nakba marked in Oshkosh, WI.

Oshkosh, WI – On May 14 members of United Action Oshkosh (UAO) and supporters assembled in the Opera House Square on Main Street to publicly condemn the mass murder of more than 50 unarmed Palestinians by Israeli Defense Forces, to demonstrate solidarity with the Palestinians mission to reclaim their homeland, and to oppose the move of the U.S. embassy to Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.


By staff

Al Nakba marked in Jacksonville, FL.

Jacksonville, FL – On May 14, 25 community members rallied in front of the Duval County Courthouse to condemn the massacre of 60-plus Palestinians who took part in Great Return March protests, as well as the opening of the U.S. Embassy to Israel in Jerusalem.


By Meredith Aby

Minnesota protest demands end of all U.S. aid to Israel.

Minneapolis, MN – Over 100 people protested outside Senator Amy Klobuchar’s office at the intersection of Interstate 35W and Washington Avenue in Minneapolis on May 15. The protest was originally called to mark the 70th anniversary of the 1948 Al Nakba massacre, “The Catastrophe” in Arabic, but it was overshadowed by the Israeli massacre in Gaza the day before, where at least 58 Palestinian protesters were killed by the Israeli military.


By Cassandra Swart

Dallas Nakba protest.

Dallas, TX – On May 12, about 80 people with the Dallas Palestine Coalition and allies gathered at Dealey Plaza in Downtown Dallas to mark the 70th anniversary of the Nakba, the Day of Catastrophe, when Zionists forced hundreds of thousands of Palestinians out of their homes, paving the way for the creation of the apartheid state of Israel.


By staff

KMU chairperson Elmer “Bong” Labog (4th from left) at the Haymarket Monument

Chicago, IL – Elmer “Bong” Labog is chairperson of the Kilusang Mayo Uno (KMU), or May First Movement, one of the largest industrial labor federations in the Philippines. Ka Bong, as he is known by his kasamas, or comrades in Filipino, came to Chicago May 14 and 15 to pay tribute to the Haymarket martyrs. He was hosted by the Illinois Labor History Society, who invited the KMU to be the international union this year to place a plaque at the memorial to the Haymarket martyrs in Chicago.


By Jessica Schwartz

NYC Nakba protest.

New York, NY – Over 200 people gathered in Bay Ridge, Brooklyn for a press conference, rally and march, May 14, in response to moving the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem, the historical capital of Palestine. It also marked 70 years since the Nakba, or the catastrophe, where Palestinians were driven from their homes. The protest stood in solidarity with the Great Return March, and took place right after the massacre of Palestinian protesters in Gaza.


By Freedom Road Socialist Organization

Freedom Road Socialist Organization (FRSO) condemns the terrible violence inflicted by the occupation Israeli soldiers on Palestinians in Gaza. On May 14, alone, several dozen Palestinians have been murdered and the death toll continues to rise. Several thousand Palestinians have been injured in the brutal and vicious attack by Israel which saw troops indiscriminately opening fire on crowds of unarmed protesters. Israel Defense Forces snipers killed paramedics trying to assist the injured.


By staff

“Netanyahu, you will learn. By the millions we’ll return!”

Nakba protest in Chicago

Chicago, IL – On Friday evening, May 11, 500 Palestinians and their supporters marched on the Israeli consulate in Chicago. For the consulate staff, no chant could have unnerved them more than, “Netanyahu, you will learn. By the millions we’ll return!”


By Communist Party of the Philippines

Fight Back News Service is circulating the following May 12 statement from the Communist Party of the Philippines.