Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


By staff

People’s Summit: Democracy Beyond the U.S. Empire.

New York, NY – Over 100 people gathered at the Riverside Church in Harlem, New York on Saturday, September 24 for the “People’s Summit: Democracy Beyond the U.S. Empire,” hosted by the International Peoples’ Assembly – North America. The event included speakers from Cuba, Venezuela and the United States to talk about democracy and resistance in their countries.


By staff

Solidarity with Zimbabwe in NYC.

New York, NY – A crowd of over 50 people gathered in front of the United Nations on Saturday, September 24 to rally in solidarity with Zimbabwean President Emmerson Mnangagwa, who spoke at the UN a couple days before. The group was also protesting the U.S. sanctions against Zimbabwe, which they stated are illegal. Despite the sanctions, President Mnangagwa has started making progress toward ending poverty and hunger, as well as implementing various infrastructure projects to help build Zimbabwe and maintain independence from U.S. influence.


By staff

Solidarity with Zimbabwe in NYC.

New York, NY – A crowd of over 50 people gathered in front of the United Nations on Saturday, September 24 to rally in solidarity with Zimbabwean President Emmerson Mnangagwa, who spoke at the UN a couple days before. The group was also protesting the U.S. sanctions against Zimbabwe, which they stated are illegal. Despite the sanctions, President Mnangagwa has started making progress toward ending poverty and hunger, as well as implementing various infrastructure projects to help build Zimbabwe and maintain independence from U.S. influence.


By staff

Solidarity with Zimbabwe in NYC.

New York, NY – A crowd of over 50 people gathered in front of the United Nations on Saturday, September 24 to rally in solidarity with Zimbabwean President Emmerson Mnangagwa, who spoke at the UN a couple days before. The group was also protesting the U.S. sanctions against Zimbabwe, which they stated are illegal. Despite the sanctions, President Mnangagwa has started making progress toward ending poverty and hunger, as well as implementing various infrastructure projects to help build Zimbabwe and maintain independence from U.S. influence.


By staff

Solidarity with Zimbabwe in NYC.

New York, NY – A crowd of over 50 people gathered in front of the United Nations on Saturday, September 24 to rally in solidarity with Zimbabwean President Emmerson Mnangagwa, who spoke at the UN a couple days before. The group was also protesting the U.S. sanctions against Zimbabwe, which they stated are illegal. Despite the sanctions, President Mnangagwa has started making progress toward ending poverty and hunger, as well as implementing various infrastructure projects to help build Zimbabwe and maintain independence from U.S. influence.


By staff

Enter a descriptive sentence about the photo here.

New York City – On Tuesday, September 20, progressive forces in New York City rallied against the inclusion in the United Nations General Assembly of far-right incoming president of the Philippines, Marcos Jr. and Vice President Sara Duterte.


By staff

Enter a descriptive sentence about the photo here.

Minneapolis, MN – On September 16 members of the MN Anti-War Committee (AWC) held banners on the footbridge over Interstate 35W at 24th Street in south Minneapolis during rush hour to raise awareness of Israeli attacks on the human rights of Palestinians.


By Friends of Socialist China

Enter a descriptive sentence about the photo here.

Fight Back News Service is circulating the following statement initiated by Friends of Socialist China. Freedom Road Socialist Organization is among the signers.


By staff

Miami, FL – Friday, September 16 marks the worldwide premiere of a new documentary out of Venezuela, 'Alex Saab: A Kidnapped Diplomat'. The movie will premiere at the Bolivar Theater in Caracas at 7 p.m. Eastern Time and will be hosted by President Nicholas Maduro. The film will be streaming live on YouTube at that same time and solidarity activists will be gathering simultaneously in cities across the world to watch the documentary together.


By Kim DeFranco

Minnesota protest against U.S. blockade of Cuba.

Minneapolis, MN – The Solidarity Committee on the Americas (SCOTA) and the Minnesota Cuba Committee held their monthly rally and car caravan, August 28, demanding the end to the blockade against Cuba. The caravans have been continuing for over a year as a part of an international effort with the participation of many cities across the world, most notably inspired by Cuban Americans who oppose the blockade in Miami, Florida.


By staff

Adora Faye de Vera

Fight Back News Service is circulating the following August 27 statement from the Communist Party of the Philippines.


By Cassandra Swart

Vigil in solidarity with Palestine.

Dallas, TX – On Saturday, August 13, 50 people raised Palestinian flags and held candles at the Grassy Knoll in downtown Dallas. They gathered to pay respects to the 49 Palestinians killed by Israel. Israel bombed people in Gaza, Palestine from August 5 to August 7.


By Wyatt Miller

Minneapolis protest demands end to all U.S. aid to Israel.

Minneapolis, MN – On August 9, around 100 Palestine solidarity and anti-war activists packed the sidewalk outside Senator Amy Klobuchar’s downtown office to demand immediate action to end U.S. aid to Israel. The action was called on an emergency basis after several days of Israeli military attacks on Gaza as well as ongoing raids on the Palestinian resistance in the West Bank.


By staff

Standing with Palestine in NYC.

New York, NY – Over 300 people gathered in front of the Friends of the IDF building on Monday, August 8 in response to the Israeli attack on Gaza over the weekend. That attack resulted in over 300 injured and at least 43 deaths, at least 15 of whom were children.


By Communist Party of the Philippines

Red fighters from communist-led New People's Army.

Fight Back News Service is circulating the following statement from the Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP).


By Friends of Socialist China

Fight Back News Service is circulating the following statement issued by Friends of Socialist China. Freedom Road Socialist Organization is one of the organizational signatories.


By Andrew Josefchak

Minneapolis, MN – On July 26, in response to the Biden administration's decision to deploy 500 special forces troops to Somalia, the Anti-War Committee hosted a forum with the Council on American-Islamic Relations-Minnesota and Women Against Military Madness to educate community members on the current political situation in Somalia.


By Sarah Martin

Minnesota protest against U.S. blockade of Cuba.

Minneapolis, MN – Twin Cities activists participated in a car caravan, July 31, calling on the Biden administration to end the 60-year-long U.S. blockade of Cuba. The WAMM Solidarity Committee of the Americas (SCOTA) and the MN Cuba Committee organized this one as a part of an international day of action. Car caravans have been held once a month for two years in cities across the world to show solidarity with Cuba and to call for an end to the U.S. blockade of Cuba.


By Freedom Road Socialist Organization

Fight Back News Service is circulating the following resolution adopted at the 9th Congress of Freedom Road Socialist Organization.


By staff

Peoples State of the Nation Address (PSONA) in front of the Philippine Consulate

New York, NY – Around 75 protesters gathered under the scorching hot sun of a New York heatwave on the afternoon of July 24 to listen to the Peoples State of the Nation Address (PSONA) in front of the Philippine Consulate. The People's State of the Nation Address was counter to Marcos Jr's first state of the nation address, and to express the real state of the nation, exposing the lies and disinformation of the current regime.