Freedom Road Socialist Organization condemns in the strongest possible terms the U.S. State Department decision to keep the Communist Party of the Philippines and the New People’s Army on its list of designated “Foreign Terrorist Organizations.” This is an example of confounding facts with fiction, and it is an attempt to criminalize international solidarity.
Managua, Nicaragua – Thousands of FSLN (Frente Sandinista de Liberación Nacional) youth and militants filled the Plaza de la Revolución in Managua, Nicaragua to celebrate the 43rd anniversary of the Sandinista Popular Revolution, which triumphed on July 19, 1979. Thousands more filled the Managua city center, chanting, dancing and waving the flags of Nicaragua and the FSLN.
Porto, Portugal – Around 100 people gathered in the northern Portuguese city of Porto to show solidarity with the Cuban revolution. They came together at the People's University of Porto (Universidade Popular de Porto, UPP) to demand an end to the U.S. blockade of Cuba.
Fight Back News Service is circulating the following statement on Biden in Palestine and the Jerusalem Declaration, signed by 80 organizations, including Freedom Road Socialist Organization (FRSO).
On June 19, Gustavo Petro won the second round of the Colombian presidential election with over 50% of the vote. This is a historic victory because Colombia, unlike many other South American countries, including neighboring Venezuela, doesn’t have a history of leftists winning office.
Tucson, AZ – Despite massive amounts of corporate media propaganda, police crackdowns and right-wing violence, Colombians elected leftist Gustavo Petro as president in a runoff election on June 19. The new vice president is Francia Marquez Mina, an Afro-Colombian woman. This is the first time Colombia elected a president who is not from either the mainstream liberal or conservative parties.
¡Lucha y Resiste! Entrevistó al sindicalista venezolano Jacobo Torres de León, coordinador internacional de La Central Bolivariana Socialista de Trabajadores (CBST) durante la Cumbre de los Trabajadores de las Américas que ocurrió del 10 al 12 de junio en Tijuana, México.
Fight Back! interviewed William Camacaro, one of the coordinators of the important Workers’ Summit of the Americas which takes place on June 10-12 in Tijuana, Mexico.Fight Back!: How was this Workers’ Summit of Las Americas started?
Minneapolis, MN – On June 1, 40 people stood holding signs that read, “No troops! No drones! U.S. hands off Somalia!” and “Troops home now!” on the Lake Street/Marshall Avenue bridge over the Mississippi River between Minneapolis and Saint Paul.
Grand Rapids, MI – El presidente mexicano Andrés Manuel López Obrador anunció que planea largarse de la Cumbre de las Américas porque la administración de Biden rehúsa invitar a todos los países y líderes de América Latina. México mandará en su lugar su Secretario de Relaciones Exteriores. La administración Biden por ahora ha rehusado invitar a Nicaragua, Cuba y Venezuela porque a la Casa Blanca no le gusta ni sus gobiernos ni sus líderes.
Milwaukee, WI – May 15 marked the 74th anniversary of the Nakba, the day that Zionist paramilitaries began the violent removal of Palestinians from a majority of their historic homeland. Various organizations in Milwaukee, led primarily by American Muslims for Palestine and Students for Justice in Palestine, hosted a rally near the lakefront downtown to commemorate the tragedy that drew over 100 people. The event was co-sponsored by a variety of faith-based organizations representing Muslims, Christians and Jews.
Minneapolis, MN – Around 150 protesters rallied and marched in Minneapolis on May 14 to mark the 74th anniversary of Al Nakba – Arabic for “the catastrophe.” To Israelis, it's a day to celebrate “declaring independence” in 1948. To Palestinians, it's a day of mourning for the ensuing war when at least 750,000 Palestinian men, women and children were ruthlessly attacked, massacred, and driven from their homes by Zionist terror groups, and have never been allowed to return – in violation of international law. The Minnesota Anti-War Committee and American Muslims for Palestine organized the annual Al Nakba march to pressure for an end to the U.S.-backed Israeli occupation and apartheid.
Sri Lanka – Hundreds of thousands of people took to the streets of Sri Lanka, May 9, to protest the deplorable state of affairs in the country. A failing governmental infrastructure has led to food insecurities, acute shortage of medicines and medical equipment in hospitals, prolonged power cuts, fuel crisis and exorbitant prices of necessities.