Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


By Owen Frassetto

Palestine solidarity marches on Congressman Shri Thanedar’s office. | Fight Back! News/staff

Detroit, MI – On December 18, over 100 people gathered at Grand Circus Park to protest Congressman Shri Thanedar for his support of Israel.


By Sarah Martin

Christmas bannering in solidarity with Palestine. | Fight Back! News/Sarah Martin

Spring Lake Park, MN – December 19, 25 Palestine solidarity activists bannered over a busy highway at rush hour in a northern suburb of Minneapolis, near Spring Lake Park High School. The banners read, “The oldest Christians in the world are Palestinian. End Israeli apartheid. End Israeli occupation,” and “Equal rights for all! Say no to Israeli apartheid.”


By staff

Protest against Astronautics complicity with genocide of Palestinians. | Fight Back! News/staff

Oak Creek, WI – On Friday, December 15, the Milwaukee Anti-war Committee (MAC) and community members went to Astronautics Corporation of America in Oak Creek to continue their campaign against the company’s role in the genocide of Palestinians.

The rally marked the second time MAC has protested Astronautics over the last few weeks, as members made it clear that they will not be quiet while a company so close to home gets away with profiting from murder.


By Ashley Taylor

Anti-War Committee press conference announcing billboard campaign against U.S support for genocide in Palestine. | Fight Back! News/Kim DeFranco

Minneapolis, MN – On December 18, the Minnesota Anti-War Committee held a press conference to proudly announce the installation of four billboards in Minneapolis and Saint Paul. These billboards will serve as a visual call to action, reinforcing the committee's demands: “Divest Minnesota from Israel” and “End U.S. aid to Israel.”

Strategically placed, these billboards will be a powerful tool to amplify the Anti-War Committee's demands that Minnesota divest from Israel and for the U.S. to end all support for Israel's apartheid regime.


By staff

 Appleton, Wisconsin vigil in solidarity with Palestine. | Fight Back! News/staff

Appleton, WI – On the evening of Friday, December 15, the community held a vigil for the Palestinian martyrs of the ongoing genocide. The event came in the wake of the grim milestone of over 19,000 Palestinians murdered by the U.S.-funded and armed Israeli regime since October 7.


By staff

Fight Back News Service is circulating the following statement from Juliet de Lima, the Interim Chairperson, Negotiating Panel, National Democratic Front of the Philippines.

Gibo Teodoro’s head-scratching insinuation that the National Democratic Front of the Philippines (NDFP) was willing to surrender is simply untrue. To say that this is the basis for the Government of the Republic of the Philippines (GRP) agreeing to explore the resumption of peace negotiations is also incorrect. It was the GRP who first approached the NDFP and not the other way around.


By Kim DeFranco

Minnesotans taking action in solidarity with Cuba. | Fight Back! News/staff

Minneapolis, MN – On December 14 members of the Solidarity Committee on the Americas and the MN Cuba Committee rallied at Chicago and Lake Avenues to demand the U.S. government to take Cuba off the U.S. State Sponsors of Terrorism list and continued to pressure the U.S. to end the blockade of Cuba. The people who live in the neighborhood are multinational working-class families. The people passed by cheering and waving fits in the arm in support of the people. As the rally continued, cars and trucks drove past honking loudly and continuously approving the message.

#MinneapolisMN #International #Cuba

By staff

More than 6000 people join Madison, Wisconsin rally in solidarity with Palestine.  | Fight Back! News/staff

Madison, WI – 6000 people answered the call of the Wisconsin Coalition for Justice in Palestine (WCJP) to go all out on December 9. The action marks the largest demonstration of solidarity with Palestine in the history of the state, passing the mark set only several weeks early at an action in Milwaukee.

The WCJP comprises 60-plus organizations from across Wisconsin and continues to grow nearly every day.


By Samia Saeed

Milwaukee SDS rally demands library named for Zionist be changed. | Fight Back! News/staff

Milwaukee, WI – On Monday, December 11, Students for a Democratic Society (SDS), alongside other students and community members, gathered at the Golda Meir Library to launch their Divest from Israel campaign and to honor the Palestinian martyrs.

The event began with speeches from the representatives of University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee (UWM) Muslim Students Association and Un-PAC. Then SDS representatives officially announced the launch of the Divest from Israel Campaign and congratulated the Tampa 5 on their recent victory against political repression. This was followed by a Muslim prayer.


By Sarah Martin

St. Paul, MN – On December 15, dozens of Palestine solidarity activists rallied and chanted at the weekly Women Against Military Madness (WAMM) bannering to call for an end to the bombing of Gaza, an end to U.S. aid to Israel, and for a free Palestine. The positive response from motorists was nonstop.