Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


By Taylor Cook

Solidarity with Palestine in Tampa, FL.

Tampa, FL – On May 15, 500 members of the Palestinian community and supporters from Tampa Bay rallied to demand an end to the Israeli attacks on Gaza. This year on May 15 marks the 73rd anniversary of the Nakba. Al Nakba is the day in 1948 in which at least 750,000 Palestinians were driven from their homes by Zionist terror groups and settlers.


By Cassia Laham

Miami protests Israeli attacks on Palestinians.

Miami, FL – Thousands of people from across South Florida took to the streets of Miami two nights in a row this past weekend in solidarity with Palestinians who continue to resist Israeli violence and the ongoing occupation of Palestine. The calls to action were put out by South Florida Jewish Voices for Peace and Al Awda: The Palestinian Right to Return Coalition and were supported by most progressive community organizations throughout the area.


By staff

Massive march for Palestine held in Chicago.

Chicago, IL – The Coalition for Justice in Palestine (CJP) led 25,000 marchers into the streets of Chicago’s central business area, the Loop, May 16, to demand a halt to Israeli violence and an end to the displacement of Palestinians in Sheikh Jarrah. The death toll from the Zionist air strikes, artillery and rubber-coated steel bullets nears 200.


By staff

Nakba Day is marked in Minnesota, more thnt 2000 stand with Palestine.

Columbia Heights, MN – On May 15, over 2000 people marched in the streets to protest the Israeli regime’s latest onslaught against Palestine. The occasion was Nakba Day, commemorated on May 15 every year since 1948 when Zionist settlers ethnically cleansed over 750,000 Palestinians from their national homeland. The event was organized by American Muslims for Palestine-Minnesota (AMP-MN) and the Anti-War Committee (AWC), which were joined by Students for Justice in Palestine at the University of Minnesota (SJP-UMN), Jewish Voice for Peace-Twin Cities, Women Against Military Madness and others.


By staff

Nakba marked in NYC, 50,000 march for Palestine.

New York, NY – Over 50,000 people gathered on May 15, in the Bay Ridge neighborhood of Brooklyn in honor of Nakba Day. This day is to remember the violent displacement of over 700,000 Palestinians by Israel in 1948. This action also came after recent events in Sheikh Jarrah, and the airstrikes of Gaza that have killed more than 140 Palestinians. The event was organized by Within Our Lifetime.


By staff

Grand Rapid rally in solidarity with Palestine.

Grand Rapids, MI – 60 protesters gathered for a “Free Palestine, Stop U.S. Aid to Israel” protest in Grand Rapids, Michigan on May 15, as the world observed Nakba Day amid continued Israeli aggression against the Palestinian people.


By staff

Madison stands with Palestine.

Madison, WI – 200 people came out in Madison in the late morning of May 15, the 73rd anniversary of the Nakba, to stand with Palestinian people resisting genocide at the hands of the racist Israeli government. The demonstration took place on the steps of the Wisconsin State Capitol building. Over 130 people have been killed, nearly 1000 wounded, and many more thousands have been displaced from their homes in Israel’s most recent string of attacks that began on May 10.


By staff

Denver stands with Palestine.

Denver, CO – On May 14, an estimated 2000 people gathered at the Colorado State Capitol for a Palestinian solidarity rally and march organized by the Colorado Palestine Club. The demonstration marks the biggest show of solidarity with Palestine that Denver has seen in recent memory and is a sure sign of the changing tide of public opinion against the apartheid state of Israel.


By staff

According to a report from Lebanon's authoritative news outlet Al-Manar, a demonstration supporting the resistance in Palestine crossed the border between Lebanon and the territory under Israeli occupation on May 13.


By Freedom Road Socialist Organization

Gaza under attack.

The Israeli occupiers of Palestine are adding to their long list of crimes. They are attempting to drive Palestinians from the homes in the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood in Jerusalem. Mobs of reactionary Zionist settlers are roaming the streets and attempting to murder Palestinian motorists. Israeli airstrikes are raining U.S.-made bombs on homes in Gaza. The death toll of Palestinians, including children, is mounting each day. The cruel and callous reality of the occupation is there for the whole world to see. The great South African freedom fighter Nelson Mandela was entirely correct to identify Israeli apartheid as a “crime against humanity.”