Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


By staff

UPS Teamsters are preparing to strike.

Washington, DC – The International Brotherhood of Teamsters and United Parcel Service wrapped up bargaining on all non-economic issues on Tuesday, June 20. The following day, economic proposals were shared, marking a new phase in negotiations.


By staff

Teamsters press for a good contract.

Commerce City, CO – On June 24, rank-and-file Teamsters stood out in front of the gate of the Commerce City UPS hub outside Denver to speak out against the economic proposals UPS submitted during negotiations. These proposals include wildly unpopular ideas, such as the creation of a two-tier wage system for preloaders and a $17 per hour starting wage. As people were walking out of the gate, many workers flocked to the table, insulted by these proposals and ready for further action.


By William Schroeder

Is management at fault?

Milwaukee, WI – On June 20, Eugene Gates, Jr. collapsed from a heat stress-related illness and died while delivering on his route in Dallas, Texas. Gates was a member of the National Association of Letter Carriers (NALC) Branch 132 whose president, Kimetra Lewis, said that Gates “was at the point where he could retire.” He had joined the USPS in November 1987 and had worked for the company for over 30 years.


By Alejandro Orellana

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Los Angeles, CA – Workers at a local McDonald's went on strike June 9, as part of a weeklong struggle by employees to bring to light the heinous working conditions they have been forced to endure. The strikers called for an end to harassment from management, for union representation, and justice for Berta Montes, a McDonald's employee whose death many coworkers attribute to management's negligence and overall lack of interest in their worker's health and safety.


By staff

SEIU Local 1000 rallies in LA for a decent contract.

Los Angeles, CA – The largest union in the state of California, representing more than 96,000 state workers, Service Employees International Union (SEIU) Local 1000 held a spirited rally in downtown this morning, June 22. Rank and filers, union representatives, and supporters numbered 100 people. A large sound truck adjacent to Spring Street and in front of Governor Gavin Newsom’s Los Angeles office, provided a stage for speakers.


By Simon Rowe

Teamster parking lot rally prior to strike vote.

Tampa, FL – Since national negotiations started in March, the International Brotherhood of Teamsters has reached many tentative agreements in their national contract with United Parcel Service. These agreements that will benefit Teamsters include but are not limited to better cooling systems in package cars, strengthened grievance procedures, and the creation of more union jobs.


By staff

Nestlé workers protest.

Members of Wyeth Philippines Progressive Workers’ Union (WPPWU) and their supporters mounted a series of mass protests and other activities to demand the reinstatement of 140 workers who were illegally dismissed by Wyeth-Nestlé Philippines on May 18, 2023 and five other workers who were fired earlier, reported Ang Bayan, official organ of the Communist Party of the Philippines, on June 7, 2023.


By Mantak Singh

UAW strikers at Board of Regents meeting.

Seattle, WA – On June 8, at the University of Washington-Seattle, over 100 people confronted the UW board of regents and University President Ana Marie Cauce in the morning prior to their meeting regarding their targeting of international workers. Organized by the UAW 4121, the workers lined the entrances of Suzzallo Library, and the UW administration was forced to deal with the consequences of their union-busting actions.


By Mantak Singh

Postdoctorates and research scientists and engineers (RSEs) at the University of

Seattle, WA – On June 7, postdoctorates and research scientists and engineers (RSEs) at the University of Washington Seattle, members of the UAW 4121 went on strike. Over 700 workers, students and community members turned out to picket lines in support. While postdoctorates and RSEs have separate bargaining committees, they are united in their fight for a strong contract.


By staff

Status quo in the labor movement rejected

Denver, CO – Steve Vairma, Secretary-Treasurer of Teamsters Local 455 in Denver, attended his last meeting as a Teamster before his May retirement. Vairma is retiring following an unsuccessful run for General President of the International Brotherhood of Teamsters (IBT) in the 2021 International Brotherhood of Teamsters (IBT) elections. Vairma ran alongside running mate and former Teamster Ron Hererra as part of the Teamster Power (TP) slate which was backed by the outgoing incumbent James “Jimmy” Hoffa Jr. Hoffa did not seek reelection after twenty-three years in office.