Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


By Sydney Lankford

Seattle Homegrown workers fighting for a decent contract.

Seattle, WA – On Saturday, June 3 Homegrown workers and community supporters held a picket in front of the Queen Anne location of Homegrown Sustainable Sandwiches, amidst their fight for a first contract with UNITE HERE Local 8.


By Gage Lacharite

CWA strikers in Tampa, FL

Tampa, FL – Early in the morning June 5, over 40 Maximus employees, Communications Workers of America (CWA) members, and other supporters rallied in front of Maximus, a federally contracted call center, in Riverview, Florida. The rally was part of a nationwide one-day strike put on by the CWA in response to hundreds of layoffs nationwide and to demand a living wage.


By Jordan Noto

Hartford, CT – This past Saturday, June 3, striking long-term care workers and SEIU 1199 New England union members rallied at the at the State Capitol building in Hartford. The nearly 2000 striking workers are demanding a pathway to $25 per hour, affordable healthcare and a pension that allows workers to retire.


By Ryan Hamann

Workers and supporters picket outside the Milwaukee Master Lock facility after n

Milwaukee, WI – On the afternoon of May 31, nearly 100 union members and their supporters gathered outside the entrance to the Master Lock factory on Milwaukee’s North Side to call on the company to keep the plant open. The rally came in response to a sudden announcement that the shop was going to be closed, a course of action that will leave more than 400 people out of work. A number of other unions were represented by the different participants at the rally and picket, including United Steel Workers, the International Brotherhood of Teamsters, Wisconsin Federation of Nurses and Health Professionals, and others.


By Clio Jensen

Seattle postal workers rally for a decent contract.

Seattle, WA – Around 100 postal service workers and supporters gathered at Westlake Park on May 29 as the National Association of Letter Carriers continues negotiations for a new contract with USPS. The rally was hosted by NALC Branch 79. Postal workers and supporters spoke about the need for a strong contract that includes a higher starting pay, an end to the two tiered system, and an end to mandatory overtime.


By Brad Sigal

Despite overall gains, capitalists killed two important bills for basic workers’ rights, and the legislature failed to advance police accountability

Drivers license for all struggle at the MN State Legislature

Saint Paul, MN – The 2023 Minnesota legislative session ended on May 22, and it’s one for the history books. A wide array of progressive measures that working class and oppressed peoples’ movements in Minnesota have demanded for years and even decades became law, as the Republicans howled from the sidelines but didn’t have the votes to stop it.


By staff

Members of UAW Local 4121 are ready to strike.

Seattle, WA – On Thursday, May 25, members of UAW Local 4121 rallied in front of Drumheller Fountain as research scientists and postdoctorates prepare to go on strike at the University of Washington. At the rally, a strike date of June 7 was announced, and over 100 members of the union demonstrated their willingness to fight for a strong contract.


By Jo Hargis

Sip-in shows solidarity with Starbucks union drive.

Dallas, TX – 30 people rallied at the Inwood and Willow Starbucks in North Dallas, May 28, for a sip-in to show solidarity with unionization efforts at the location. During the sip-in, attendees left supportive messages on cash tips using post-it notes, gave names like “Union Strong” when ordering drinks, and left messages of support like “Union organizing is a right” and “Solidarity with Starbucks workers!” on a poster board to be hung in the Starbucks break room.


By staff

UPS Teamsters are standing up for a decent contract.

Commerce City, CO – On Friday, May 19, rank-and-file Teamsters working at the UPS hub in Commerce City, a part of the Denver metro area, organized a parking lot meeting early in the morning before the sunrise shift. This event comes just 11 weeks before the expiration of the Teamsters contract with UPS, and it is especially significant as it was the first event at the Commerce City hub, one of the largest UPS buildings in the United States, led exclusively by rank-and-file workers.


By Fight Back

Delta workers rally in Atlanta.

Atlanta, GA – Over 100 Delta employees, trade unionists and community supporters rallied at the Hartsfield–Jackson Atlanta International Airport May 25 to show support for the ongoing unionization effort at Delta Air Lines.