Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


By staff

Strikers in front of Starbucks.

Minneapolis, MN – Workers at the Starbucks on 47th Street and Cedar Avenue location in Minneapolis walked out on strike, Sunday, July 31 in protest of Unfair Labor Practices committed by the company. Strikers lined the sidewalks in front of the store, chanting, “Venti, grande, mocha double; union busters, you’ve got trouble” and “Starbucks, Starbucks rich and rude. We don’t like your attitude.” The strike has full participation from the workers and the store is fully shut down. Customers were turned away at the drive-thru on Sunday morning and were told there’d be no coffee today or tomorrow.


By staff

Minneapolis, MN – On July 26, workers at Crystal Sugar in Minnesota and North Dakota voted to reject the latest offer from management in bargaining for their next union contract. The workers are members of the Bakery, Confectionery, Tobacco Workers and Grain Millers' International Union (BCTGM).


By staff

St. Louis, MO – Around 2500 members of the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers (IAM) who work for Boeing in Illinois and Missouri voted down a contract offer from management on July 24. They have set a date to begin a strike on August 1.


By Joseph Nohava

Tampa protest at the national gathering of Turning Point USA.

Tampa, FL – Hundreds came out to protest the right-wing, billionaire-funded “student group” Turning Point USA summit, July 23. The Turning Point summit featured a gaggle of reactionary, racist and chauvinistic speakers, not the least of whom was Donald Trump, looking to build momentum for a possible second presidential run.


By staff

Planned Parenthood workers with their ballots

Minneapolis, MN – On July 21, 435 Planned Parenthood workers from Minnesota, Iowa, North Dakota, South Dakota and Nebraska joined the Service Employees International Union, Healthcare Minnesota and Iowa (SEIU HCMN&IA) in a resounding 90.1% yes vote. 238 workers voted to join the union, and only 26 voted not to.


By staff

Milwaukee hospital workers demand that the technical and service staff receive t

Milwaukee, WI – On the afternoon of July 18, 18 workers at St. Francis Hospital represented by the Wisconsin Federation of Nurses and Healthcare Professionals (WFNHP) Local 5000 followed the top hospital administrator to his office to demand that the technical and service staff receive their long-awaited contractual raise.


By staff

Prince George, BC, Canada – Sodexo workers who provide catering and facilities management services at Centerra Gold’s Mount Milligan Mine, north of Prince George, British Columbia, have voted 92.9% in favor to join the United Steelworkers union (USW). The union-certification application for approximately 70 workers was filed on June 13 and ballots were counted on June 23.


By staff

Minneapolis, MN – On June 22 union leaders from AFSCME Local 2822, representing 1300 clerical workers at Hennepin County, crashed the State of the County Address demanding, “Stop retaliation against union activists now! End racism, sexism, ageism at work!”


By staff

Elm Grove, WI – You might know UPS for their slogan, “What can Brown do for you?” For their employees, the answer is “Not much!”


By staff

Minneapolis, MN – On June 22 union leaders from AFSCME Local 2822, representing 1300 clerical workers at Hennepin County, crashed the State of the County Address demanding, “Stop retaliation against union activists now! End racism, sexism, ageism at work!”