Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


By Tom Burke

Michigan workers demand extension of unemployment benefits.

Lansing, MI – 120 union members and supporters marched through downtown Lansing, July 15, chanting, “They say cut back! We say fight back!” The march stopped at a union worker statue where Nick Eaton of IATSE Local 247 spoke, “This statue represents the workers who built the new buildings you see in front of you. It also reflects the history of factory workers before deindustrialization left ugly scenes and empty lots, like many cities in the Midwest.”


By Tom Burke

Stagehands and gig workers demand extension of benefits for the unemployed.

Grand Rapids, MI – After a lively rally on June 24 with nearly 100 workers, the stagehands union IATSE is calling a new rally on the steps of the Michigan State Capitol for July 15. The stagehands and other gig workers are demanding the passage of the HEROES (Health and Economic Recovery Omnibus Emergency Solutions) Act by the U.S. Senate. July 25 is looming as the $600 per week unemployment boost that keeps people paying their bills is set to run out. Tensions are rising not just in Michigan, but also for stagehands from New York City to Hollywood, across the whole country.


By Freedom Road Socialist Organization

FRSO condemns Duterte's terror law, demands U.S. out of Philippines

The U.S.-backed government of Philippines and its President Duterte is putting in place the legal framework to carry out a wave of repression against activists in the popular movements who are fighting for social and national liberation. Freedom Road Socialist Organization condemns the recently signed Republic Act 1147, also called Anti-Terrorism Act of 2020, for what it is: an attempt to criminalize trade unionists, environmentalists, women’s groups, student organizations or anyone else who wants to challenge the cruel rule of Duterte.


By Coalition to March on the RNC

2008 march in St Paul, MN organized by the Coalition to March on the RNC.

Fight Back News Service is circulating the following call from the Coalition to March on the RNC.


By United Electrical Workers

Fight Back News Service is circulating the following June 23 statement of the United Electrical, Radio and Machine Workers of America (UE), General Executive Board.


By Tom Burke

Michigan stagehands to rally June 24 for unemployment extension

Grand Rapids, MI – Union stagehands and gig workers are rallying to extend unemployment at the Michigan State Capitol in Lansing on June 24 at 10 a.m.


By staff

Coalition to March on the RNC demands permits for August 27 rally

2016 march on the Repblican National Convention in Cleveland, OH.

Jacksonville, FL – The Coalition to March on the RNC applied for permits from the city of Jacksonville, June 17, to hold a rally and march opposed to Donald Trump and the Republican National Convention.


By staff

San Francisco, CA – The International Longshore and Warehouse Union Coast Longshore Division is planning a large-scale work stoppage June 19.


By staff

Labor unions standing up to police crimes.

Minneapolis, MN – On Thursday, June 11, 3200 protesters gathered at the Hennepin County Government Center demanding justice for George Floyd and real change. Protests had been going on daily, sometimes several per day, for 18 days since the police murder of George Floyd.


By AFSCME Local 3800

Protest called by Minnesota Workers United demands justice for George Floyd.

Fight Back News Service is circulating the following resolution from AFSCME Local 3800.