Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


By Redacción

Sindicalistas en Minnesota exigen justicia para George Floyd

Minneapolis, MN – Alrededor de 500 sindicalistas y funcionarios de docenas de sindicatos se reunieron en la casa del fiscal del condado de Hennepin Mike Freeman en el suroeste de Minneapolis, el 31 de mayo, para exigir justicia para George Floyd y poner fin a la vigilancia racista. Los manifestantes se resolvieron a no permitir que los tropos racistas sobre los agitadores externos les impidieran hacer lo correcto.

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By staff

Labor contingent marches in Milwaukee protest against police crimes.

Milwaukee, WI – On June 6, workers from across the city of Milwaukee joined a labor contingent in support of a rally and march for police accountability.


By staff

Denver, CO – Protests for George Floyd and other victims of police violence have continued into their second week in Denver, with thousands joining the struggle for justice. Saturday, June 6 saw a coalition of numerous labor unions join together to demand justice. Speakers from Teamsters Local 455, SEIU Local 105 and CWA Local 7777 emphasized the need for unity between the labor movement and anti-racist groups, noting that solidarity between the two groups is essential to ending police terror.


By Loretta VanPelt

Minneapolis, MN – Hundreds gathered outside the Davis Center, the headquarters of the Minneapolis Public Schools, June 2, rallying to end the contract with Minneapolis Police Department. It was announced last Friday that the school board drafted a resolution to do so.


By All Workers Militant Front (PAME)

Fight Back News Service is circulating the following statement from the influential Greek labor organization, the All-Workers Militant Front (PAME), that was sent to AFSCME Local 3800.


By World Federation of Trade Unions

Fight Back News Service is circulating the following statement from the World Federation of Trade Unions.


By staff

Protest organized by Minnesota Workers United demands justice for George Floyd.

Minneapolis, MN – Around 500 rank-and-file union members and officials from dozens of unions came together at Hennepin County Attorney Mike Freeman’s house in Southwest Minneapolis, May 31, to demand justice for George Floyd and an end to racist policing. The protesters were resolved not to let racist tropes about outside agitators stop them from doing what is right.


By staff

Los Angeles, CA – As more than 130 workers at the Farmer John plant in Vernon have contracted the coronavirus, May 25, the union representing 1300 plant employees is calling for an immediate closure to ensure workers are safe and to keep all workers on the payroll with their full pay and benefits.


By staff

Outbreak puts workers and public at risk

Tampa, FL – At least 36 employees at a UPS hub in Tucson, Arizona have tested positive for COVID-19. The news comes as many states, including Arizona, are beginning to reopen more commercial business. Three of the 36 employees are currently being treated in intensive care. Because of the lack of proper testing at the facility, the number of total cases could be much higher.


By staff

MCFI places these signs outside agency buildings while attacking workers

Milwaukee, WI – Around this time every year, open-enrollment for health insurance benefits begins at the Milwaukee Center For Independence (MCFI), a social services agency in Milwaukee. Workers at the agency meet a range of needs such as mental health services, day-programming for people with disabilities, and job-training for people who want to enter the workforce.