Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


By staff

Minneapolis, MN – The Teamsters Local 792 strike against J.J. Taylor Distributing, a beer hauler based in Minneapolis, continued into its ninth day April 17, with about 40 workers picketing all entrances into the company. Workers from several other workplaces and local unions joined Teamsters from J.J. Taylor on the picket line.


By Isabella Beaupré

Milwaukee, WI – The Milwaukee Teachers Education Association (MTEA) has been fighting budget cuts and downgrades to public schools for years. Governor Scott Walker has been ruthlessly destroying the school system inch by inch and dollar by dollar. It is no exaggeration to say that every student, teacher, classroom and school connected to the Milwaukee Public School system (MPS) has been negatively affected. With hundreds of dedicated members spanning every school in the district, the MTEA has proven itself to be a committed and powerful force for justice within MPS. A force, it should be added, that is more necessary than ever as the school board releases a proposal for the upcoming fiscal period. The cuts are enormous and heartbreaking.


By World Federation of Trade Unions

Fight Back News Service is circulating the following statement from the World Federation of Trade Unions (WFTU)


By staff

Fight Back News Service is circulating the following statement from trade unionists in the Philippines.


By staff

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Memphis, TN – Members of AFSCME and other unions, along with civil rights activists, marched in Memphis, April 4, the anniversary of the assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King. King was in Memphis to support striking sanitation workers, members of AFSCME Local 1733, at the time of his 1968 murder.


By Jim Byrne

Arizona teachers march.

Tucson, AZ – Thousands of red-clad educators, parents, youth and community members poured into the downtown area April 4, during rush hour. Several marches from nearby schools convened on the street corners outside of the Arizona State Building to send a message to Governor Doug Ducey and the legislature to increase teacher pay and restore the missing $1 billion from the state public education budget.


By staff

México City, México – Fight Back! interviewed leaders of the militant teachers union in Oaxaca, México – the National Coordinator of Education Workers (CNTE) Section 22. The interview was done on March 5, during the 18th Congress of the World Federation of Teachers Unions (FISE) in Mexico City. In this interview, CNTE Section 22 leaders talk about the history of militant teachers’ struggle in Oaxaca and their current struggles to stop neoliberal education reform while confronting serious state repression.


By staff

HCMC workers demand decent contract.

Minneapolis, MN – It may have been Saint Patrick’s Day, March 17, but the sea of green in downtown Minneapolis was not a display of holiday revelry, it was a sign of an important labor struggle, as over 200 AFSCME Hennepin County Medical Center clerical and technical workers, along with supporters, picketed to demand a decent contract.


By Dave Schneider

‘Strike fever’ hits the Garden State as teachers push back to protect health care

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Jersey City, NJ – On March 16, public school teachers in Jersey City, New Jersey went on strike after months of frustrating contract negotiations with the city’s Board of Education. Their union, the Jersey City Education Association (JCEA), announced the strike to their nearly 4000 members late on the night of March 15.


By Fabian Van Onzin

Student occupation at University of Stirling.

Glasgow, Scotland – As of March 17, for the last month, lecturers across the United Kingdom have been on strike in response to changes in their pension plans. The employers’ organization, Universities UK (UUK) are attempting to abolish the lecturers’ existing pension plans, which guarantees retirement based on their salary. They want to replace this pension scheme with one that would be determined by the stock market, which is highly unstable and does not guarantee retirement. The University and College Union (UCU) has argued that this new scheme would make lecturers lose over £10,000 a year, and £200,000 by the time of retirement – equivalent to about $280,000.