Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle


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St. Paul, MN – Hundreds of teachers, along with supporters assembled in the State Capitol building rotunda, May 20, for a “Invest in Success Rally for Public Education.” Republicans control the state legislature, and have passed spending bills that fail to adequately fund public education. Governor Mark Dayton vetoed these bills, and observers say it is likely that education finance bills will have to wait for a special secession of the legislature.


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Chicago, IL – AT&T workers in Chicago walked off the job and hit the picket lines today, May 19. Not minding the rain and recent cooler weather, many workers chanted, “No contract, no phone!” and “No raises, no peace.” The strike which involves AT&T workers across the U.S., is set to last for three days.

#ChicagoIL #PeoplesStruggles #Strikes

By staff

One of the many marches during general strike in Greece.

Fight Back News Service is circulating the following statement from the Communist Party of Greece (KKE). Mass combative strike response of the workers to the anti-people political line of the government-EU-IMF


By staff

Fight Back News Service is circulating the following May 11 statement from the World Federation of Trade Unions (WFTU).


By Katherine Draken

Tallahassee May Day rally.

Tallahassee, FL – On May 1, around 30 workers, students and community members gathered in front of the Greater Tallahassee Chamber of Commerce to celebrate International Workers Day and to stand in solidarity with immigrants and refugees.


By staff

Chicago, IL – Union educators at Passages Charter School voted overwhelmingly to strike, May 4, after nearly a year of bargaining with management has failed to produce a decent contract. Teachers voted 43 to zero to strike, in a bargaining unit of 46 members. The May 4 vote authorizes the bargaining committee to set a strike date in the coming weeks if they do not receive an acceptable offer.


By Redacción

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San Salvador, El Salvador – Decenas de miles de trabajadores salvadoreños salieron a marchar aquí en el día internacional de los trabajadores. El evento inició con tres marchas en diferentes partes de San Salvador que culminaron en la Plaza del Salvador del Mundo con un mitín conjunto. Las marchas empezaron en la Plaza Schafik Handal en Mejicanos, Árbol de la Paz por el Estadio Cuscatlán, y Boulevard de los Héroes. A la marcha se unieron muchos sindicatos, organizaciones sociales y organizaciones de izquierda. Los trabajadores celebraron sus logros incluso un aumento del salario mínimo. También expresaron su rechazo a la propuesta del sector privado para privatizar las pensiones. Los sindicatos presentaron su propia propuesta al gobierno del FMLN de una reforma al sistema de pensiones que garantice el derecho de los actuales pensionados y de los futuros pensionados.

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#SanSalvadorElSalvador #SanSalvador #Labor #ElSalvador #1DeMayo #Americas

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San Salvador, El Salvador – Tens of thousands of Salvadoran workers came out to march here on International Workers Day. The event started with three marches from different parts of San Salvador that converged in the El Salvador del Mundo plaza for a unified rally. The marches started at Schafik Handal Plaza in Mejicanos, at Árbol de la Paz by Cuzcatlan Stadium, and on Boulevard de los Héroes. Many unions, social movement organizations and the left participated in the march. Workers celebrated their accomplishments including an increase to the minimum wage. They also expressed their rejection of a proposal from the private sector to privatize pensions. The unions presented their own proposal to the FMLN government to reform the pension system to guarantee a pension for current and future retirees.

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#SanSalvadorElSalvador #SanSalvador #Labor #ElSalvador #Mayday #Americas

By staff

UIC workers picket on May 1.

Chicago, IL – On May 1, over 250 workers at the University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC) picketed to demand a fair contract. Many members of the Service Employees International Union (SEIU) Local 73 have been without a contract for almost two years.


By staff

Boyle Heights May Day march.

Los Angeles, CA – The beautiful and unified chants of, “Chicano power! Immigrant power! Student power!” and “Que viva la Raza! Que viva Aztlán! Que viva Mexico!” was heard through the streets of the Chicano neighborhood of Boyle Heights, May 1. The spirited May Day march proceeded on Chavez Avenue in the heart of Boyle heights where residents came out to cheer and show support. A short rally was held at the corners of Chicago and First Street at the LAPD Hollenbeck police station to denounce the killings of Jose “Peruzzi” Mendez, Jesse Romero and other youth.