Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle

Oppressed Nationalities

By Andy Koch

Chicago protest against police crimes.

Chicago, IL – Over 2000 cars, most with multiple occupants, and 1000 people on foot participated in a car caravan and march organized by the Chicago Alliance Against Racist and Political Repression (CAARPR) on June 3. The caravan blocked streets near the Chicago Police Department headquarters for miles, while marchers went past roadblocks to confront around 100 riot police directly in front of the headquarters before continuing to congregate in a local park.


By Ryan Hamann

Press conference demands prosecution of killer cops.

Milwaukee, WI – On the morning of June 4, the family of Alvin Cole, a 17-year-old African American teen who was killed by Wauwatosa Police on February 2, together with around 25 supporters, held a press conference. The family, led by Alvin’s mother Tracy and his sister Taleavia, made their intentions clear: they want justice, but not just for Alvin.


By staff

Marching against police crimes in Jacksonville, FL.

Jacksonville, FL – Community activists who led a historic 3500-person protest for police accountability in Jacksonville are meeting brutality with solidarity.


By Cheyenn Crowe

Demanding justice for George Floyd in Portland, OR.

Portland, OR – A casket sat at the bottom of the steps of Terry Shrunk plaza, as a sizeable crowd gathered to remember the lives of the most recent victims of state terror carried out by our nation’s police force, May 29.


By Dylan Sojic-Borne

Protest against police crimes in New Orleans.

New Orleans, LA – The night of June 3, hundreds of New Orleans protesters climbed the Crescent City Connection to fight racist violence and demand justice for police murders. The Connection is a highway bridge that crosses the Mississippi River to connect the East and West banks of New Orleans. The protesters fought as part of the Black Lives Matter and Justice for George Floyd movements, rallying behind various calls to abolish prisons and police.


By Gabriella Killpack

Protest against police crimes at the University of Utah, June 3.

Salt Lake City, UT – Since the May 30 National Day of Protest action here, led by Utah Against Police Brutality, demonstrations in Salt Lake City have continued every day, with hundreds in the streets demanding justice for the killing of all victims of police violence, like of George Floyd from Minneapolis and Bernardo Palacios from Rose Park, Utah. Protests have continued even with a strict 8 p.m. curfew issued by Mayor Erin Mendenhall enforced by armed police and National Guard troops with armored vehicles.


By staff

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Fight Back News Service is circulating the following June 4 statement from Twin Cities based Anti-War Committee.


By Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine

Fight Back News Service is circulating the following statement from the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine. Translation by Greg Butterfield of Struggle / La Lucha.


By Nathaniel Mata

Laredo, TX demonstration against police crimes.

Laredo, TX – On May 30, 200 mostly working-class protesters took to the streets and in front of their city hall to unite in solidarity with Black sisters, brothers and comrades around the U.S. The event was called for and led by Red Wing and was part of the National Day of Protest call made by the National Alliance Against Racist and Political Repression (NAARPR).


By staff

Milwaukee, WI – The weekend has come and gone, but the uprising that began on Friday, May 29 has continued and grown. On June 2, the largest demonstration to date occurred, even in spite of the blistering heat and heavy humidity.