Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle

Oppressed Nationalities

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Chicago, IL – About 1000 people are marching in downtown Chicago, late this afternoon, Oct. 5, in the wake of the Van Dyke verdict. Jason Van Dyke, a white cop who shot Laquan McDonald, an African American youth, 16 times, was found guilty of second-degree murder. Protesters are demanding a Civilian Police Accountability Council (CPAC), to establish community control over the police department.

#ChicagoIL #OppressedNationalities #PeoplesStruggles #AfricanAmerican #PoliceBrutality #Antiracism #ChicagoAllianceAgainstRacistAndPoliticalRepression #CPAC #LaquanMcDonald #JasonVanDyke

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Chicago, IL – Erica Nanton calls for a Civilian Police Accountability Council (CPAC), to establish community control over the police, as hundreds of people gather at City Hall here, Oct. 5 in the wake of the Van Dyke verdict. Jason Van Dyke, a white cop who shot Laquan McDonald, an African American youth, 16 times in October 2014, was found guilty of second-degree murder.

#ChicagoIL #OppressedNationalities #PeoplesStruggles #AfricanAmerican #PoliceBrutality #Antiracism #ChicagoAllianceAgainstRacistAndPoliticalRepression #LaquanMcDonald #JasonVanDyke

By Mark Napieralski

Shorthorn article that goes into detail on the 'mock-slave auctions' at U.T.A.

Arlington, TX – University of Texas at Arlington (UTA) has a bust, and the University Center named, in honor of one of its first Presidents – Ernest H. Hereford. The bust was commissioned in October of 1958, a month before his death, and the center was renamed in his honor in February 1959 by the Texas A&M system. For almost 60 years the bust and center have stood at the University.


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Chicago, IL – Frank Chapman is Field Organizer for the Chicago Alliance Against Racist and Political Repression, a leading organization in the fight against police crimes in Chicago. The Alliance created the legislation for the elected, Civilian Police Accountability Council (CPAC) that is gaining support among progressive candidates for the Chicago city council. The Alliance also has led the mobilization of over 400 people since the Sept. 5 start of the trial of Jason Van Dyke, who shot Laquan McDonald 16 times in October 2014.


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Cuban President Miguel Diaz-Cane.

New York, NY – Nearly 2000 people gathered at Riverside Church in New York City, Sept. 26 to hear Cuban President Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermudez. The event, titled “Cuba Speaks for Itself!”, was organized by the September 25th Welcoming Committee, consisting of various New York and New Jersey solidarity organizations.


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Tampa activists protest at a Tampa area funeral home, Sept. 21, the location of

Tampa, FL – Tampa activists protested at a Tampa area funeral home, Sept. 21, the location of the remains of torturer Jon Burge. The protesters demanded that the torture victims of Jon Burge be freed. They also called for the conviction of killer-cop Jason Van Dyke.


By Frank Chapman

Frank Chapman

Black liberation is a not a state of mind that can be characterized as “Black Marxism” or the “Black Radical Tradition.” Nonetheless, there is an ideological need to settle accounts on this question of the identity between the “Black Radical Tradition” and Marxism.


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Jose “Cha Cha” Jimenez second from right.

Fight Back! interviewed Jose “Cha Cha” Jimenez, the founder of the Young Lords. A Young Lords 50 Year Commemoration is taking place at DePaul University in Chicago, starting at 6 p.m. on Friday, Sept. 21. Jose “Cha Cha” Jimenez and freed political prisoner Oscar Lopez Rivera will be speaking together on the struggle of the Puerto Rican people. Also, there is a Young Lords 50 Year Memorial Tour to honor the church people, Young Lords, and Black Panthers who died in the struggle, starting at noon, Saturday, Sept. 22.


By Eric Struch

Chairman Fred Jr.

Chicago, IL – The memory of murdered Illinois Black Panther Party Chairman Fred Hampton, Sr. was marked at a “Streetz Party,” August 30, at 2337 W. Chairman Fred Hampton Way (also known as Monroe Street), the site of his martyrdom. Chairman Fred Hampton, Sr. would have been 70 years old on August 30 of this year.


By Carlos Montes

LA protest demands justice for Anthony Vargas.

Los Angeles, CA – A protest shook the East LA Sheriff's Department station, Sept. 8. Lisa Vargas, the mother of Anthony Vargas, who was murdered by LA sheriffs, told the crowd “We’re here today for Anthony but we also know there are others who lose loved ones and don’t come out to speak. For whatever reason, but we’re for them also. We believe that my son was innocent. And we believe that he did not deserve this.”


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Maria Hernandez of Black Lives Matter - Chicago speaking at the rally.

Chicago, IL – 300 people came out to rally for justice for Laquan McDonald, Sept. 5, at the courthouse at 26th and California to mark the opening of the first-degree murder trial of police officer Jason Van Dyke.


By Sol Márquez

Gloria Arellanes speaking at commemoration of Chicano Moratorium.

Los Angeles, CA – On Aug. 29, the strong and inspirational Gloria Arellanes spoke at the Centro CSO yearly Chicano Moratorium commemoration, held at Self Help Graphics. Arellanes, who is a proud Chicana and Tongva, spoke about her invaluable experiences while building the Chicano movement for self-determination and liberation.


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Minneapolis, MN – A rally coinciding with the opening day of the Chicago murder trial of Jason Van Dyke, the white cop who killed Laquan McDonald, took place in north Minneapolis, Sept 5. The protest was one of many taking place across the U.S. to demand justice for Laquan McDonald and community control of the police. The rally was organized by the Twin Cities Coalition 4 Justice 4 Jamar.

#MinneapolisMN #OppressedNationalities #AfricanAmerican #PoliceBrutality #RacismInTheCriminalJusticeSystem #Antiracism #LaquanMcDonald #JasonVanDyke #TwinCitiesCoalitionForJustice4Jamar

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Convict killer cop Jason VanDyke

Minneapolis, MN – A solidarity rally demanding justice for Laquan McDonald has been called for Sept. 5, at 6 p.m. on Broadway and Fremont Avenues in north Minneapolis.


By Will Blake

Tampa SDS rallies against racist attacks on campus.

Tampa, FL – Members from Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) from the Universities of South Florida (USF) and North Florida (UNF) held a Black Lives Matter event, Aug. 30, at the campus of USF. The rally was in direct response to the numerous instances of racist incidents and white supremacy on campus, including the placement of white-supremacist flyers on the MLK Jr. statue at the university, as well as the writings of racial slurs in a residential hall. The lack of acknowledgment and confrontation towards these problems by university administrators prompted members of SDS to demand accountability from USF.


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LA teachers take strike authorization vote

LA Commemoration of Chicano Moratorium.

Los Angeles, CA – The featured speaker at this year’s commemoration of the historic 1970 Chicano Moratorium against the War was United Teachers of LA (UTLA) chapter chair at Marvin Avenue Elementary School and longtime Centro CSO member Lupe Torres.


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Celebración del 48 aniversario de la Moratoria Chicana en LA.

Los Ángeles, CA – Familias, sindicalistas, maestros, activistas y estudiantes llenaron la casa en el centro local de arte chicano, Self Help Graphics, el 29 de agosto, para conmemorar el 48 aniversario de la Moratoria chicana contra la guerra. El programa honró la histórica moratoria chicana del 29 de agosto de 1970, donde más de 30,000 chicanos marcharon en el este de Los Ángeles para protestar por la alta tasa de víctimas muertos de los chicanos en la guerra de Vietnam. El conocido periodista Rubén Salazar fue asesinado por un alguacil del LA durante las protestas.

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Walk out at Jacksonville city council meeting.

Jacksonville, FL – It was a very violent weekend in Jacksonville. There was a shooting at the Raines High School versus Lee High School football game on Friday, August 24, and the following day, August 25, there was a shooting at the Jacksonville Landing during a video game tournament, leaving families and friends all over the city mourning. The Jacksonville city council typically meets the second and fourth Tuesdays of the month, and although rescheduled due to voting in the statewide primaries, the city council meeting on Wednesday, August 29 was attended by many angry community members and activists that wanted answers.


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Washington DC – The Colombian political prisoner Anyaibe Rojas Valderrama, also known as Sonia, was finally released from her 17-year prison sentence on August 18.


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Washington DC – The Colombian political prisoner Anyaibe Rojas Valderrama, also known as Sonia, was finally released from her 17-year prison sentence on August 18.