Tampa, FL – Thousands continue to march and demand justice for George Floyd as protests across the Tampa Bay enter their second day. Jane Castor, current mayor of Tampa and former chief of police, enacted a curfew in an attempt to stop the people’s uprising. Despite the curfew and heavy police repression, people are staying in the streets until justice is served.
Minneapolis, MN – Around 500 rank-and-file union members and officials from dozens of unions came together at Hennepin County Attorney Mike Freeman’s house in Southwest Minneapolis, May 31, to demand justice for George Floyd and an end to racist policing. The protesters were resolved not to let racist tropes about outside agitators stop them from doing what is right.
In response to the nationwide uprisings in the wake of the police murder of George Floyd, Florida cities and counties along the I-4 corridor, such as Tampa, Orlando, and Polk County, have announced curfews in an attempt to deescalate protests. In addition, Governor Ron DeSantis has deployed the National Guard to Tampa. The Central Florida District of the Freedom Road Socialist Organization condemns these measures as they are motivated by aims to suppress the popular movements against the continuing brutality of the police against the African American community.
The Dallas Alliance Against Racist and Political Repression brought about 2500 people to the streets of downtown Dallas May 30 to protest for justice for George Floyd and Atatiana Jefferson. The protest was eventually broken up when police attacked it with dozens of tear gas canisters, rubber bullets and concussion grenades.
Chicago, IL – More than 20,000 people, including a 4000-car caravan, joined a massive protest in Chicago, today, May 30. Organized by the Chicago Alliance Against Racist and Political Repression, the demonstration was one of many that took place across the country.
Tallahassee, FL- For the last two days hundreds of people have been gathering in Tallahassee to demand justice for police crime victims. In just the past two months, the Tallahassee Police Department murdered three people, under the watch of killer cop Chief of Police Lawrence Revell, who murdered George “Lil Nuke” Williams in 1996. On Friday afternoon, May 29, protesters gathered at the capitol in the afternoon and then joined ranks with an evening protest organized by others at the TPD headquarters.
Milwaukee, WI – The Wisconsin District of the Freedom Road Socialist Organization condemns the decision of Milwaukee mayor Tom Barrett to impose a 9 p.m. curfew and to call in members of the National Guard to help enforce it. This curfew and the troop deployment is meant to suppress the righteous anger of the masses in Milwaukee over the city’s terrible record of police crimes.
Tallahassee, Florida – A vigil was held May 27 at the Leon Arms Apartments for Tony McDade, who was shot five times by the Tallahassee police. Officers claimed McDade was armed but haven’t provided any video evidence or even the name of the killer. The Tallahassee Community Action Committee called for a protest and vigil.
Milwaukee, WI – Several marches were held in Milwaukee on May 29 to demand justice for George Floyd, an African American man who was murdered by Minneapolis police. Protesters were also demanding justice for Joel Acevedo, a Chicano murdered by an off-duty Milwaukee police officer.
San José, CA – San Jose police backed up by county sheriffs attacked protesters as they tried to rally at City Hall on Friday, May 29. 1000 people, mainly young, had gathered to protest the killing of George Floyd and other African Americans by police. They took to the streets and blocked a freeway with signs reading “Black lives matter” and speakers condemning President Trump. But when the protest tried to march to the City Hall plaza, which is a traditional site for political rallies, they were blocked by a line of police who unleashed tear gas. When protesters resisted, the police used flashbang grenades, rubber bullets and batons to try to break up the demonstration.