Fight Back! News

News and Views from the People's Struggle

Oppressed Nationalities

By Dave Schneider

Jacksonville, FL – It didn’t take long for the Florida gubernatorial campaign to get extremely racist.


By staff

Celebration of the 48th anniversary of the Chicano Moratorium in LA.

Los Angeles, CA – Families, union members, teachers, activists and students filled the house at local Chicano art center, Self Help Graphics, Aug. 29, to commemorate the 48th anniversary of the Chicano Moratorium Against the War. The program honored the historic Aug. 29, 1970 Chicano Moratorium, where over 30,000 Chicanos marched in East LA to protest the high casualty rate of Chicanos in the Vietnam War. Well-known journalist Ruben Salazar was killed by a n LA sheriff deputy during the protests.


By Sam Martinez

Minneapolis, MN – Minister Toya Woodland, her son and supporters held a press conference and speak-out at the Hennepin County Government Center, August 21, to demand that the charges against her be dropped. Woodland faces charges of terroristic threats, simply for being a mother standing up for her son against systemic racism.


By Brad Sigal

Minneapolis, MN – More than 50 people protested outside the Minnesota Republican Party headquarters in Minneapolis, Aug. 9, to condemn a massive immigration raid in southern Minnesota and Nebraska the day before, in which Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) detained around 140 immigrant workers.


By Regina Joseph

Tallahassee, FL – Last weekend, Nia Wilson, an 18-year-old African American woman was brutally murdered by a white man, John Lee Cowell, in an Oakland, California Bay Area Rapid Transit station. Cowell also stabbed Nia’s sister, Malika Harris, who has been released from the hospital.


By staff

Interview with Bassem Kawar, of the Campaign to TAKE ON HATE

Protesters welcome Sharon Brannigan (in pink) and her fellow trustees with "Raci

Fight Back! interviewed Bassem Kawar, national coordinator of the Campaign to TAKE ON HATE, a project of the National Network for Arab American Communities.


By staff

Fight Back News Service is circulating the following statement from the Committee to Stop FBI Repression.


By staff

Milwaukee, WI – Over 60 people attended Black community leader Vaun L Mayes’ court date, July 5, at the federal courthouse in downtown Milwaukee. In this clear-cut case of political repression, Mayes is facing up to 30 years in prison for conspiracy to commit arson. This charge stems from the rebellion two years ago in the Sherman Park neighborhood, after Milwaukee police murdered the young Black man Sylville Smith in August 2016.


By Ethan Costello

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Kenosha, WI – Protesters rallied outside the Kenosha County Detention Center, July 7. Dozens came together to demand the abolishment of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) in a show of solidarity with the detainees held in the center. Demonstrators hoped to raise local awareness of the impact that the federal agency has on Wisconsin’s immigrant communities, including the threats of detention and deportation.


By Jess Sundin

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Minneapolis, MN – 50 gathered at City Hall to demand justice for Thurman Blevins, an African American man killed two weeks ago by Minneapolis police, with multiple shots to the back. Family members led a 2.5-mile march that passed through the plaza at Target Field. Hundreds of baseball fans witnessed the march, some joining in the chants. Protesters want an independent investigation of the killing, the firing and prosecution of killer cops Justin Schmidt and Ryan Kelly, and community control of the police.

#Minneapolis #MinneapolisMN #PoliceBrutality #Antiracism #PoliceCrimes #ThurmanBlevins #TargetField

By Frank Chapman

To my comrades and friends in the Black Liberation movement I say: Yes, it is important to point out the mutual suffering of separation of Central American and Mexican children from their families at the border and Black children daily separated through policies of mass incarceration and police perpetrated genocide; it is important if our point is to demonstrate that no oppressed people should be alone and isolated in the struggle for their humanity.


By Chrisley Carpio

Tampa protests Trump's attacks on immigrants.

Tampa, FL – Over 1500 community members gathered, June 30, in downtown Tampa to protest the Trump administration's policy of separating undocumented children from their parents. This protest was part of a day of action called under the slogan of ‘Families Belong Together.’ This day of action follows the discovery that Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) has been keeping undocumented children in cages in detention centers and forcibly separated from their parents. The protest advocated for the abolition of ICE, the reunion of these families, and the end of deportations.


By staff

Over 200 pack the Kent County, Michigan Board of Commissioners meeting.

Over 200 protesters jammed the Kent County Board of Commissioners meeting and shut it down on June 28. The room was packed with polite but determined people, overflowing into the hallway. The protesters held homemade signs, “ICE out of Kent County” and “Stop separating families!”


By staff

Protest demands freedom for Leonard Peltier.

San José, CA – On June 26, supporters of American Indian Movement (AIM) leader Leonard Peltier gathered in a park to commemorate the 43rd anniversary of the shoot-out that led to his incarceration of more than 40 years, making him one of the longest-held political prisoners in the U.S.


By Jim Byrne

Tucson, AZ – Nearly 100 Tucsonans lined up at the Federal Court House, June 27, to demonstrate their anger at the Supreme Court ruling upholding Trump’s Muslim ban. Many brought signs saying “No ban, no wall!” and “Muslims are welcome here!”


By linden

Minneapolis, MN – Around 300 people protested outside the Fourth Precinct police building in North Minneapolis, June 24, to speak out against the cops who killed Thurman Blevins the night before.


By Ryan Hamann

Oshkosh, WI – On June 16, United Action Oshkosh (UAO) hosted a celebration of the Juneteenth holiday. Roughly 30 people from the area attended the event where UAO offered free food and drinks, provided an extensive selection of music, and some works celebrating important Black and African historical figures, ranging from Martin Luther King, Jr. to Thomas Sankara.


By Brad Sigal

Trump and Rosselló deflated official count to cover up scale of human disaster

Destruction caused by Hurricane Maria.

The impossibly low official death count of just 64 people killed from Hurricane Maria’s devastation of Puerto Rico last September has now been shown to be a politically manipulated fabrication. Fight Back! challenged this official count in an article last October, a month after the hurricane, as did many other media at the time. But in the absence of a thorough and scientifically-sound review of post-hurricane deaths in Puerto Rico there was no other count to rival the government’s lowball number.


By Brad Sigal

Police tear gas May Day protest in Puerto Rico

San Juan, Puerto Rico – On May 1, police in Puerto Rico responded to tens of thousands of people marching against austerity with serious repression including tear gas, pepper spray and arrests.


By Brad Sigal

Preparations underway for strike on May 1

Teachers rally in preparation for May 1 strike in Puerto Rico.

San Juan, Puerto Rico – On April 27, police pepper sprayed teachers in a protest led by the Puerto Rican Teachers Federation (FMPR) outside the Department of Education. The teachers were protesting the government’s plan to close hundreds of public schools as part of a massive ‘education reform’ plan to privatize public education.