
Pemuda berambut hitam itu menunggu Mingyu sahabatnya yang sedang bersiap-siap untuk kuliah. Membangunkan Mingyu dari tidurnya merupakan salah satu hal tersulit untuk Wonwoo. Apalagi menunggu Mingyu bersiap-siap, bisa-bisa menghabiskan waktu sampai satu jam. Tiga puluh menit sudah Wonwoo menunggu Mingyu di depan apartmentnya, namun Mingyu belum muncul juga. Kesal, Wonwoopun berjalan meninggalkan Mingyu yang entah ada dimana. Tak sampai sepuluh langkah, Wonwoo mendengar suara memanggilnya.

“Wonwoo hyung!!!!” seru Mingyu sambil memeluk Wonwoo dari belakang.

“Kirain kita berangkat bareng, jahatnya!!!” Mingyu cemberut.

“Anjir lu dingin banget buset, jauh-jauh dari gua.” Mingyu mendekatkan wajahnya ke Wonwoo, sangat dekat sampai-sampai Wonwoo dapat merasakan nafas Mingyu di pipinya. Seperti biasa, Mingyu terlihat sangat tampan hari ini, dengan kaos putih yang dilapisi jaket denim sehingga tidak terlalu terlihat casual, celana biru muda dan sneakers menyempurnakan penampilannya hari ini. Tanpa sadar, Wonwoo menampar pipi Mingyu pelan dan membuatnya terkejut.

“Jauhan dikit anjir!!!” ucap Wonwoo, terkejut dengan perkataannya sendiri. Mingyu tinggal bersama kakak perempuannya, jadi dia sudah terbiasa bertingkah menggemaskan dan skinship merupakan hal yang sangat normal baginya. Mingyu memegangi pipinya yang kemerahan akibat ditampar Wonwoo, matanya berkaca-kaca, dan wajahnya memasang ekspresi kesakitan.

“Maaf, Gyu. Kekerasan ya tadi gua mukulnya? “Hyung bener-bener ga suka sama Mingyu ya?” ucap Mingyu pelan. Perkataannya itu terasa menusuk di hati Wonwoo.

“Ah, ngga kok! Tadi hyung kepanasan aja kalo Mingyu deket-deket, AC di kamar hyung rusak sih, jadi gitu...” ucap Wonwoo berusaha menenangkan Mingyu.

“Rusak? Kalo gitu nanti malem nginep tempat Mingyu aja, hyung! Terus kita tidur bareng deh.”

“Tidur bareng.......” Wonwoo terkejut akan perkataan Mingyu. Dulu sewaktu kecil mereka sering tidur bersama, apalagi sewaktu liburan. Namun tidur bersama di umur mereka yang sekarang.... Wonwoo tidak bisa membayangkannya.

“Eh, ga usah! Nanti hyung suruh tukang AC benerin kok hehe.” Wonwoo bergegas berjalan sambil menyembunyikan pipinya yang memerah.

“Hyung, jangan tinggalin Mingyu!!!”

“Makanya buruan jalan, lemot amat.” Dengan itu, mereka berdua pun berjalan bersama sampai ke kampus.

It's been ten days since the last time I talked with Wonwoo. I was so worried if something bad happened to him. I sent him messages but he didn't respond anything. I called him but he wasn't answering. Maybe he was busy with college and stuffs, but ten days really? It took only like 5 seconds to at least say hello. Ah, I miss him so much! I came to his place 3 days ago but no one was there. I asked his friends but they also didn't know where he was. Wonwoo was nowhere to be found.

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I was lying in my bed looking at my photos and videos with Wonwoo. We really looked so cute together, didn't we? Cosmic radiation There was a video of us kissing, I could see Wonwoo's face was blushing when I suddenly kissed him on the lips, bit his lower lips making him groaned, then I moved to his neck, to his sensitive spot making him moan louder. It was so hot and I really wanted it more. Soon after I looked at our memories, I got a notification that made me shocked. It was from 'mr. cutie💘'

Cosmic radiation Am I dreaming right now? Wonwoo asked me to meet at his place. Oh my God, I couldn't believe this. After a long time Wonwoo finally answered my messages. I ran to my garage and rode my motorcycle to Wonwoo's. All I could think was Wonwoo, Wonwoo, and Wonwoo. I rode my motorcycle faster, it was nearly 120 km/h. I didn't care, I just wanted to meet Wonwoo as fast as possible. I could feel the rush of adrenaline and my heart was beating so fast. It only took 10 minutes to arrive at Wonwoo's.

His front door was opened, I called his name but there was no answer, so I walked in. His house was so dark, I nearly saw any lights there. I walked to upstairs to his room slowly, afraid that I would crash into something. His room was also dark and kinda messy. I never saw his room this messy before.

“Wonwoo hyung? Where are you?” I called his name multiple times and the answer I got was a low and deep voice. A voice that I missed the most.

“I'm here.” the source of the sound was from the balcony. I dashed to the voice, the smell of cigarettes stung to my nose as I get closer to him. And there he was, standing gracefully on the balcony with a cigarette on his mouth.

He turned back and looked at me, blowing sweet smoke into the cool air as he said; “Mingyu, you're here...” He looked so delighted to see me. I couldn't answer him because he suddenly pressed his mouth against mine. He put his left hand on my cheek and his right hand still holding a cigarette. Wonwoo gently leaned in and kissed my warm lips. He tasted so strong, bitter like a burning popcorn, but despite all the bitterness there was a sweet aftertaste. I really loved kissing him when his lips still tasted like a cigarette. We pulled apart and take shaky, shallow breaths. Unable to contain ourselves anymore, I hold Wonwoo's head in my hands and pulled him into a fiery and passionate kiss. I bit his lower lips, making him opened his mouth a little. Wonwoo moaned loud as he felt my tongue slid in, playing with his.

“W—wait, Mingyu.... Stop!” Wonwoo pushed me while controlling his breath.

“Why, hyung?” I whined. I wasn't satisfied of his lips yet.

“I need to explain first. I need to explain why I left you for ten days.” my heart was beating so fast listening to him explained the situation.

“It's because I messed up everything. Do I deserve you, Kim Mingyu? No, I don't. you're too good for me. How many times I've made you cry? How many times I've hurted you? How many times we've fought over small things? Countless. I went to a place that I don't even know it's name just to calm my mind and think. Think about how can I make you happy with my own way. I've tried so many times, even in bad ways but I think I've failed, right? I can't be good enough, I never be good enough for you. You deserve someone better than me, Mingyu. Someone who can make you happy.” he trembled. His voice sounded so shaky, it seemed like he was about to cry.

“But do you think I can let you go, Mingyu? No. I can't erase the picture of you in my mind. Everytime I see something, it reminds me of you. Everytime I go to sleep, I remembered how we used to cuddle almost every night and there's nothing more comfortable than that. Everytime I eat, I remembered the foods that you cooked for me, then we would eat it while watching a movie. Everytime I walk in the park, I remembered your hand intertwined with mine, how your hand fits perfectly in mine. I feel so stupid. What should I do to fix this, Gyu? I'm lost.”

“No, no, no, hyung.... Don't say something like that. You've made me happy, so much happier than anything. No one can me happy as you can. Our fights? isn't normal to fight in a relationship? and about you who made me cry, it's not your fault. It's just me who's such a softie and soft hearted. You deserve me, we deserve each other.” I explained to him. I looked at him in the eye and his eyes look so empty.

“Aren't you mad at me for ignoring you for ten days? Why do you still look the same, Gyu? I'm such a bastard who suddenly left his boyfriend. I thought you would give up on me.” he blinked and there was tears coming down on his cheeks.

“I'm more worried than mad at you, hyung. Because I know you love me, I was sure there was something wrong and you need some time to be alone. I love you so much, I miss the old us, I miss our sweet memories. And I don't think I can let you go too, hyung. You're my love, my life, the air that I breathe. You're my soul, my happiness, the all that I need. When you kissed me here, I realized that I'm so fucking addicted to you.”

“Can we fall one more time? Maybe this time we'll make everything right. After being away from you for ten days, I realized that I can't live without you, not even a day. You're like a cigarette that I took everyday, the only thing that keeps me calm and sane.” Wonwoo hugged me and cried in my arms. I've never seen him this fragile before. He looked like a thin ice, ready to break anytime.

“Yeah, of course. Why not?” Our lips met again and in that moment two lost souls finally found their way back home.

And even if I run away Give my heart a holiday Still strawberries and cigarettes always taste like you

Mingyu's Birthday🎈🎁

“Happy birthday, Mingyu-ah!” Wonwoo giggled. I held my phone closer to my ear, hoping I could hear his voice as clearly as possible. I looked up at the moon, knowing he was seeing the same one, even he is 942 kilometres away from here.

“Just Mingyu-ah, really?” I pouted.

“What do you want then?” Wonwoo asked.

“I want something more romantic, you know? It's my birthday, it means it's my special day!” I whined. This boy really doesn't know how to be romantic.

“Get ready, then.” he muttered. Why am I imagining him saying that while smirking, oh my God.

“Wait what—” before I could finish my sentences, I got a video call coming. I could see a name appeared on the top of my phone ‘mr. cutie💘’. Ah, it's him! Without thinking I answered the call.

“Hey.... happy birthday my love, my baby, my cutie pie, my puppy, my everything, my Kim Mingyu!” he said softly with his deep and husky voice. His voice was low and soft but powerful enough to send chills through my body. He was so gorgeous with a birthday cake in front of him with numbered candles ‘24’ and he wore a pink birthday cap.

“What is this, hyung?” I astonised. He was just smiling brightly.

“A birthday surprise for you, do you like it? I know that we are on a long distance relationship and I couldn't give you a surprise directly but I promise if I have some days off I will come to you, okay?” he whimpered.

“I like it— no, I love it so much, hyung!!! I didn't expect you to give me a surprise like this, I'm so touched. Thank you so much, hyung.” I swear my face was so red and I'm so close to cry my eyes out. It seemed Wonwoo could see my teary eyes as he said;

“No.. no.. no... don't cry, baby. I don't want you to cry on your special days.” but hearing him said that only made me drop my tears on my cheeks.

“Sshhh.... Mingyu listen to me. Stop crying, okay? I miss you so much and I just want to see your smile again. Why are you crying, hm?” he quaked. He brought his face closer to the phone screen.

“I'm just so happy, hyung. I'm so glad that I'm still with you to celebrate my birthday this year.” I sobbed, trying so hard to hold my tears.

“Now let's blow the candles and make a wish.” he lit the candles and sang me happy birthday. After that, I made a wish and he blew the candles for me.

“What wishes did you make?”

“It's a secret, hyung!” I responded. He looked so pouty.

“Tell me, one....” He whined and I swore his expression was the cutest.

“Hmm, I wish I could swim in the ocean right now, I don't care if it takes hours. Or maybe I could fly like a bird to your place, I wish I have a wing. Then, I would arrive at your rooftop and walk to your room. There, I will find a Jeon Wonwoo lying on his bed peacefully. I will run to you and hug you tightly, and then I will cuddle you to sleep and spend the next day with you. So, my wish is I want to be a bird or fish.” I joked and he laughed so hard. It's been so long since I saw him laughed like that.

“Kim Mingyu, you're an idiot!” he covered his mouth, while still laughing.

“But you love that idiot, right?” I teased him.

“Of course not!!!” he yelled, but I could see his face turning red.

“Stop lying, Jeon Wonwoo!” I smirked. How can he did all of this but said he doesn't love me? Ah, I really love teasing him like this.

In the morning I found a package on my doorstep with the sender name ‘Jeon Wonwoo’. I opened the package and there was a book journal filled with our photos and some poems made by him. There was a birthday card too with a photo of my birthday cake, he wrote all of his wishes in it.

Maybe I was wrong about him not being romantic. He is romantic, but in his own way. That's what made me love him this much.

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I Told the Stars About You

You, someone who always understands me even at my worst Someone who holds my hand when we walk on the street so I would feel safe Someone who sends me good morning and good night texts Someone who always hugs and comfort me when I cry instead of asking me why I cry Someone who never gets angry even when I do something wrong Someone who protects me from anything bad in this world Someone who reminds me to take care of myself Someone who teaches me about a lot of things someone who always by my side 24/7 so I never feel lonely Someone who is proud to say that I'm his Someone who always makes me laugh over small things someone who never gives up on me Someone who cuddles me until I fall asleep Someone who kisses me when I wake up and before I sleep Someone who completes me Someone who loves me unconditionally

The stars smiled, maybe the universe has conspired to bring us together. How lucky I am to have you in my life.

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