Roscoe's Story


A few of my favorite things

Growing up a football player and fan in Northern Indiana, having the Notre Dame Fighting Irish as one of my favorite teams was only natural. And they still are. So I'm happy to be following their game against Louisville this afternoon.

Then as a transplanted Texan I found it only natural to fit in with this state's love of football. And among my favorite Texas teams are the Texas A&M Aggies who are playing a late afternoon game. When the Notre Dame game ends I'll be able to switch to a local AM radio station to follow the 2nd half of the Aggies' game.

And at 19:00 local time I'll have my Saturday night favorite Svengoolie to watch.

The pandemic and lockdown restrictions may have me stuck at home, but that doesn't prevent me from enjoying some of my favorite things.

And the adventure continues.

Published on 17 October 2020, ~16:00 CDT, this is my post number 90/100/365 of the blogging challenge.

#100DaysToOffload #RoscoeEllis #micro-blog #football #Svengoolie

by Roscoe

The view from my recliner...

Friday Night Football

... late on Friday night as I listen to the Houston Cougars vs. BYU Cougars game playing through the TuneIn Radio App on my tablet.

Earlier this even the app was buffering a lot when I listened to the SMU-Tulane Game, especially during the first half of play, but then it settled down and has been steady and reliable since.

Hard to beat good college football on the radio, you know. Unless you're a young guy out there on the field, of course. But all the rest of us can listen, and remember, and enjoy.

And the adventure continues.

Published on 16 October 2020, ~22:45 CDT, this is my post number 88/100/365 of the blogging challenge.

#100DaysToOffload #RoscoeEllis #micro-blog #SevenTwoProject

by Roscoe

Blogging changes

Those large-ish ... listed and logged daily posts that I've been posting here recently will remain where they are, but all new ones, starting with today's, will be posted to my new Listed|Roscoe blog which is still very much under construction but which is operational.

The new blog will have (unless it becomes a spam magnet) a guestbook for those who wish to leave comments, and will have two easy ways to subscribe: either by email or by RSS feed.

Links to new posts at this Roscoe's Notebook, which I'm now going to refer to as a micro-blog, and at my new Listed|Roscoe blog will both be found in the sidebar of my website if one chooses to look for them there.

And the adventure continues.

Published on 16 October 2020, ~12:50 CDT, this is my post number 87/100/365 of the blogging challenge.

#100DaysToOffload #blog #RoscoeEllis #micro-blog #changes

by Roscoe

Foggy morning, football night, one Thursday... listed and logged.

Thursday morning: For some strange reason (maybe getting older has something to do with it) waking from good, long sleeps seems to take longer than it used to. Last night, for example, brought me a restful eight hours punctuated by a one-hour insomnia break. That's about the best I can hope for these days. And I didn't really pull out of the mental fog until I woke from a mid-morning nap after 10:00. Interesting, that. The morning's health metrics and financial checks were all good.

Thursday night: Another quiet day comes to an end. The chess work went well. Sylvia called me out to the front porch this afternoon to watch two police cruisers meeting in the middle of the street, then parking, and the officers going across the street to have an extended conversation with the horrible old man that everyone in the neighborhood hates. We speculated about what was being discussed, then we tired of watching and came back inside.

Tonight has found me listening to the Jonesboro, Arkansas shootout – the college football game between Georgia St. and Arkansas St. via the TuneIn Channel of my Roku box. Luckily the Channel is stable and playing well tonight. The guys calling the game are doing a good job and the game itself is a high-scoring affair with a lot going on. So it'll keep my attention until I fade for the night, which will probably be happening soon.

Prayer, etc.: 08:20 – prayer to St. Michael the Archangel 10:30 – daily prayer for President Trump 15:35 – Thursday Prayer of the Association of the Auxilium Christianorum 16:35 – Lk 11:47-54 21:30 – 5 decades of the Rosary, the Joyful Mysteries

Diet: 08:30 – bowl of oatmeal, and an apple 11:30 – peanut-butter sandwich 13:05 – bowl of vegetable soup and a croissant 13:50 – fried rice, bacon and eggs 17:00 – snacking on cheese

Chores, etc.: 08:30 – began following favorite news sources, and napping 11:00 – tuned into The Rush Limbaugh Show 13:30 – watch game shows with Sylvia 17:00 – scan news shows 18:30 – Wheel of Fortune 19:00 – found radio broadcast of college football game – Georgia St. Panthers vs. Arkansas St. Red Wolves 19:50 – shall give up for the evening trying to adjust the settings of an app that isn't responding as expected. Have been working on this off and on throughout the day.

Chess: 13:00 – moved in all pending CC games

And the adventure continues.

Published on 15 October 2020, ~22:00 CDT, this is my post number 86/100/365 of the blogging challenge.

#100DaysToOffload #blog #RoscoeEllis #list

by Roscoe

A Wednesday that seems about right... listed and logged.

This Wednesday finds me waking from one of the best sleeps in a long, long time: six solid hours with no interruptions. A longish, lucid type dream was with me when I woke but I can't remember and of the details. I only remember waking in the dream, rolling over to sit on the edge of my bed, and sitting there for awhile. And that's where I was as I woke. There was nothing disturbing about that, but I did find it interesting. The morning financials and health metrics were all good. It was gratifying to see the body weight down a few pounds and the BP nice and low.

Wednesday night: This was a quiet, mostly uneventful day around this joint. Peaceful, I like that. The most excitement was found in my chess games: one of which I'm on the verge of losing, another I'm only a few moves away from winning, and all the others are still far too early to tell. The two and a half hours spent working on them in the middle of the day seemed about the right amount of time. And now seems about the right time to head to bed. So I shall start heading in that direction.

Prayers, etc: 07:30 – prayer to St. Michael the Archangel 10:50 – Wednesday Prayer of the Association of the Auxilium Christianorum 17:35 – Pater Noster... 18:20 – Ave Maria..., Gloria Patri... 19:06 – Lk 11:42-46 21:15 – 5 decades of the Rosary, the Glorious Mysteries

Diet: 07:10 – fruit cocktail 08:00 – bowl of oatmeal 13:25 – tuna helper 16:00 – munching on cheese 17:15 – tuna helper 19:00 – 1 banana

Chores, etc.: 07:00 – begin following news sources 12:00 – checked with H pharmacy re: my med refills 13:30 – watch game shows with Sylvia 15:00 – turning to Newsmax TV and murdering as many house flies as I can 19:10 – watching old episodes of Doctor Who

Chess: 10:55 – began working on my CC games 13:25 – moved in all pending CC games

And the adventure continues.

Published on 14 October 2020, ~21:25 CDT, this is my post number 85/100/365 of the blogging challenge.

#100DaysToOffload #blog #RoscoeEllis #list

by Roscoe

A pretty good Tuesday

Tuesday morning: Last night's sleep was a good one: 8 hrs. long with only one brief interruption. And it probably would have been longer if that stupid old man across the street had not been out with his leaf blower in the very early morning hours disturbing the peace and waking everybody in the neighborhood. Today's health metrics and financials all checked out okay.

Tuesday night: This has been a pretty good day, all things considered. If only our stupid Mayor and Communist County Judge would ease up on their mask mandate and social distancing rules and let our businesses open up... and if our churches were allowed to open fully and operate without any restrictions... yeah, that would make things better.

Prayers, etc.: 08:00 – Prayer to St. Michael the Archangel 11:30 – Tuesday Prayer of the Association of the Auxilium Christianorum 14:15 – Lk 11:37-41 15:15 – Archbishop Vigano's Prayer for a Resurgence of Christianity in America and the Re-election of President Trump 21:00 – 5 decades of the Rosary, The Sorrowful Mysteries

Diet: 09:00 – 1 muffin, bowl of oatmeal, bacon 10:00 – fruit cocktail 13:00 – pork roast and vegetables 17:00 – pork and gravy on bread and butter

Chores, etc.: 09:30 – monitoring favorite news sources, blogs, etc. 11:00 – fill weekly pill boxes 11:45 – tune into The Rush Limbaugh Show 12:00 – updating ledger book and paper planner 14:00 – tune to Seb Gorka's America First radio show 16:30 – watch OAN on Roku 18:00 – and I've got a live NFL game tonight!

Chess: 15:00 – moved in many CC games, still working on others

And the adventure continues.

Published on 13 October 2020, ~22:45 CDT, this is my post number 84/100/365 of the blogging challenge.

#100DaysToOffload #blog #RoscoeEllis #list

by Roscoe

A long Monday... listed and logged

Thoughts on waking: From start to end, last night's sleep was 7.5 hours long: no complaints about that. Nasty sinuses woke me frequently until I dabbed some Vick's salve into my nose. That gave me the night's longest period of sleep until waking with the first alarm. Health metrics and financials were all okay.

Thoughts at night: It's been a long day and I'm satisfied with what I've been able to get done. After two days away from my more “serious” CC games, it was good to be back at them today. As for the others, a couple of them are in pretty thorny end games. At least they keep my mind away from the news for most of the day.

Prayers, etc.: 06:40 – Prayer to St. Michael the Archangel 07:00 – Day 9 of the KofC Novena for the Cause of Life, meditation and prayer 09:30 – Lk 11:29-32 12:00 – Monday Prayer of the Association of the Auxilium Christianorum 22:00 – 5 decades of the Rosary, the Joyful Mysteries

Diet: 07:17 – 1 banana 07:45 – bowl of Oatmeal 09:00 – 1 Arby's RB sandwich 10:30 – ice cream bar 13:00 – 1 Arby's RB sandwich, fried rice, pepper steak and vegetables

Chores, etc.: 08:15 – monitoring favorite news sources, and napping 11:00 – the haircut, finally 12:15 – started the weekly laundry 15:45 – printed out local voter's guide 18:30 – Wheel of Fortune 19:00 – KofC Council Zoom mtg. 20:45 – watch old X-Files episode

Chess: 13:30 – work on my CC games

And the adventure continues.

Published on 12 October 2020, ~22:30 CDT, this is my post number 83/100/365 of the blogging challenge.

#100DaysToOffload #blog #RoscoeEllis

by Roscoe

A restful Sunday... listed and logged.

Thoughts on waking: Last night brought massive insomnia and too little sleep. Hopefully there'll be some serious nap time in my Sunday. The morning's health metrics were mixed. As expected after a short night's sleep, the body weight was up by a few pounds: I never like seeing that. But the BP was fine. And the financials were good, no surprises there.

Thoughts in the evening: They say Sunday is supposed to be a day of rest, and mine has certainly been that. Never did get around to that haircut, maybe tomorrow. After checking a few favorite podcasts early, the rest of my day has been spent moving from my room to the recliner in the front room and back again, following football games and taking care of quiet chores. Given last night's insomnia, I don't expect to be up late tonight. Most likely I'll drift off to sleep while listening to the 2nd half of this Vikings-Seahawks game.

Prayers, etc.: 08:00 – Prayer to St. Michael the Archangel 08:30 – Salve Regina, Gloria Patri 09:00 – Day 8 of the KofC Novena for the Cause of Life, meditation and prayer 15:15 – Sunday prayers of the Association of the Auxilium Christianorum 15:30 – Mt 22:1-14 19:30 – 5 Decades of the Rosary, The Glorious Mysteries

Diet: 09:30 – bowl of oatmeal and an apple 12:20 – croissant 13:00 – vegetable and meat soup 14:00 – munching on cheese 17:30 – Arby's RB sandwich and chocolate shake

Chores, etc.: 09:45 – checking podcasts, videos, blog posts, and news reports from my favorite sources 13:00 – listen to football on the radio, Houston broke their losing streak today. The Cowboys won too, but lost their Quarterback. Was able to grab a half hour power nap during the Dallas game. 17:00 – bought an Arby's take-out dinner for Sylvia and me

Chess: 19:00 – moved in many CC games

And the adventure continues.

Published on 11 October 2020, ~20:45 CDT, this is my post number 82/100/365 of the blogging challenge.

#100DaysToOffload #blog #RoscoeEllis #list

by Roscoe

A Satisfying Saturday... listed and logged.

Thoughts on waking: So this is one of those mornings when I wake at the usual time even without the alarm. It was a good sleep: 7 hours barely interrupted. The day ahead looks to be filled with chess work, college football watching, maybe a haircut if I can motivate myself, and capped off by tonight's Svengoolie. Saturday morning health metrics and financials were all good.

Thoughts at day's end: As expected this morning, I did catch several college football games on the radio. Local AM stations brought me the entire exciting A&M game, and most of the 4th Quarter and all four overtime periods of the Longhorns game. And the TuneIn radio app on my tablet brought me part of the Red Raiders game. I never did find the motivation to cut my hair, maybe tomorrow for that. And I was able to shut my eyes and enjoy an afternoon nap. All things considered, this was a satisfying Saturday.

Prayers, etc.: 06:50 – Day 7 of the KofC Novena for the Cause of Life, meditations and prayer 07:30 – Prayer to St. Michael the Archangel 12:45 – Lk 11:27-28 21:00 – 5 Decades of the Rosary, the Glorious Mysteries

Diet: 08:30 – chicken salad sandwich 09:00 – 2 muffins 11:15 – an apple 13:30 – catfish, chicken livers, gizzards, and drumsticks (lots of meat!) 14:30 – ice cream bar 19:50 – mashed potatoes and corn

Chores, etc.: 08:30 – monitor favorite news sources 10:00 – college football pregame show on TV, then turning away from that decided to follow today's pregames and games on the radio, avoiding the disgusting political ads on Network TV 14:24 – WOW! What a game! Texas Aggies beat the #4 ranked Florida Gators! 41-38 19:00 – time for Svengoolie

Chess: 16:25 – moved in many CC games

And the adventure continues.

Published on 10 October 2020, ~21:45 CDT, this is my post number 81/100/365 of the blogging challenge.

#100DaysToOffload #blog #RoscoeEllis #list

by Roscoe

Gameday Snacks

Apple Chunks

While listening to the day's first college football game I'll be snacking on apple chunks.

Go me! And GIG 'EM AGGIES!

The adventure continues.

Published on 10 October 2020, ~11:15 CDT, this is my post number 80/100/365 of the blogging challenge.

#100DaysToOffload #blog #RoscoeEllis #SevenTwoProject

by Roscoe