viewOh, why not? (100DaysToOffload – day 1)
25 April 2020 ~ 07:45
I've always been a sucker for blogging projects like this, so I'm jumping into the #100DaysToOffload thing that Kev has just started.
This Saturday morning starts quietly in my little corner of South Texas, as most mornings do during this pandemic semi-lockdown. With our morning cups of coffee at hand, I'm surfing the Internet here in my home/office while Sylvia is out on the front porch, chatting away with her family in the Philippines via FB Messenger.
We may venture out later today so I can do some shopping at a big market in the neighborhood, or we may not. Sylvia did her shopping yesterday, but there are still a few things I want to pick up. Those items I have on my list aren't “must haves” so I may wait a few days to hit the store when it's likely to be less crowded.
The highlight of my day will probably be watching Svengoolie this evening as I do every Saturday. Or I may head out with my camera sometime during the day. There's really no sense of urgency about anything, and that's just the way I like it.
The adventure continues. And it does so calmly and peacefully.
#SeniorLiving #Day1Of100DaysToOffload
by Roscoe
viewThoughts on another quiet Friday
24 April 2020 ~ 16:45
It does appear most likely that our vacation/move to the Philippines, originally planned for this August, will have to be postponed. While it's not possible to predict the future with certainty, and it is remotely possible that the current pandemic will end in a few months and the world's economy will spring immediately back to life and all travel and visa restrictions will then immediately return to their former states, I really don't think that will happen.
All things considered, it seems more realistic to postpone the vacation/move for at least another six months or a year or longer. Sylvia and I spoke about that last night, and she realizes the necessity of that rescheduling.
#SeniorLiving #PhilippinesVacationMove #plans
by Roscoe
viewR&R Wednesday
22 April 2020 ~ 09:45
Today I'm feeling much better than yesterday, thank God. I was hit by some obnoxious stomach bug that gets to me every couple of years or so. I'm tempted to call it some kind of flu, but I had what my doctor calls a “super” flu shot three months ago. Whatever.
Tuesday morning found me waking with abdominal cramps and constipation. That was followed eventually by diarrhea after taking meds to deal with the former. And I had to stay very close to the bathroom even through Tuesday night.
Even now, mid-morning on Wednesday, I'm not 100% recovered. But I am clearly MUCH better than I was. And if past performance is any guide, tomorrow or Friday will find me fully back to my old self. I'll just schedule this as a Rest & Recovery day.
#SeniorLiving #health #flu
by Roscoe
viewAs a good week ends...
18 April 2020 – 12:50
... I find much to be happy about.
The new litte computer, despite being quirky as all Chromebooks are, is finding a comfortable, productive place within my family of devices.
The promised $1,200 stimulus money arrived on Wednesday of this week and boosted my personal budget in a most welcome way.
And the American economy, particularly that of my current home state of Texas, is showing signs of returning to life. That may be the happiest news of the week.
Next week holds its own promises and challenges. I look forward to them.
by Roscoe
viewConversation at the mailbox
16 April 2020 ~ 11:30
It was a pleasant, sunny afternoon when I walked out to check my mail yesterday. Pulling out the few letters and magazine that had arrived, I saw my neighbor approaching on the sidewalk. An older lady, she was walking her two little dogs as she does daily.
“Good afternoon,” I called out to her.
“How are you holding up under this lockdown?” she asked me.
Wondering how best to answer her, I chuckled and said as she passed by, “You know, things could be a lot worse.”
She laughed a little and said, walking away toward her house, “Actually, my life really hasn't changed much at all.”
For those of us older folks, long retired, especially those of us who have structured our living and financial situations prudently, and who are well plugged into the Internet, this whole pandemic shutdown thingy really isn't that big of a deal.
#SeniorLiving #pandemic #lockdown
by Roscoe
viewOne down, two to go
11 April 2020 ~ 11:00
Two days ago I mentioned I was waiting on three things: arrival of a new computer, arrival of my federal stimulus money, and a sign of the American economy coming back to life. After UPS delivered my computer yesterday, I'm now waiting on those other two things to happen.
After repeated assurances by VP Mike Pence, I'm confident that the $1,200 federal stimulus money will appear in my checking account next week. I'll be checking daily as is my custom and I'll be happy when it shows up.
Signs of the economy coming back to life are clearly on the horizon. Two things will happen next week: President Trump will announce the formation of a working group to give guidelines for restarting the economy, and the Governor of my state will announce guidelines for reopening businesses in Texas. I'm waiting now to see what next week will bring.
Better days are coming, and that gives me reason to smile.
#SeniorLiving #computer #economy
by Roscoe
09 April 2020 – 15:45
Three things I'm waiting for on this Thursday afternoon: my new computer, the direct deposit money from the federal government, and the American economy to start coming back to life.
I've not bought a brand new computer for... heck, it's been eight or nine years. But I have a 2020 model Chromebook on its way now. According to UPS it should be delivered tomorrow. According to Amazon it should be delivered next Tuesday. Whenever it shows up I'll be happy to see it.
Regarding the individual stimulus money from the feds, the latest information I've come by is from the Fox Business Channel yesterday. They sat the IRS is speeding up operations and expects to deposit the money in our checking accounts by Monday or Tuesday of next week. By habit, I check the balances of my bank accounts daily, so I'm hoping to find good news there then.
And while it will surely be a number of months before the economy is going full speed again (it being impossible for an economy as big as America's to spring back to life all at once from this near total shutdown) sources “in the know” say we can expect to see signs of its recovery by this weekend. That will be so very nice to see!
As for now, I'm waiting.
by Roscoe
viewHitting closer to home
07 April 2020 – 14:30
A few minutes ago I received an email letting me know that a friend of mine has just tested positive for the CCP-flu, and is in the hospital on a ventilator. Darn!!
He's younger than me and in pretty good health otherwise, so I have reasonable hope for his recovery. But still... Darn!!
#SeniorLiving #pandemic
by Roscoe
viewThis afternoon I was surprised to see...
05 April 2020 – 13:45
... the long line of shoppers waiting to be let into the HEB Store on Austin Highway. Aided by cute little markers either painted or glued onto the sidewalk, everyone in line was keeping a safe, six-foot distance from everyone else. And I took my place at the end of the line.
As shoppers in the store completed their purchases and left by a big exit door, an employee there would keep count and call over to another guard at the entrance that he could now let a batch of us in.
The system worked well. Shopping in the store was less stressful than I've found it really recently. And the shelves were better stocked. There were only two items on my list that I couldn't find. And neither of them were “critical.”
And so the adventure continues.
#SeniorLiving #pandemic #chores #shopping
by Roscoe
viewSo now I'm a masked man.
03 April 2020 ~ 13:00
At least I can be a masked man when I have to be, when situations require me to mask due to CCP-flu pandemic regulations.

Sylvia made this mask for me as well as a matching mask for herself. Thank you, Sweety.
Since she and I are both senior citizens, and since our local health-related restrictions are becoming stricter, we will probably need our masks on those infrequent times when we have to be out in public.
#SevenTwoProject #SeniorLiving #mask #pandemic
by Roscoe