One of the first things I found this morning as I walked back toward the front door after seeing her off to work was a fresh pile of dog poop in my yard. No, I don't have a dog. That horrible old man across the street has some however, and he lets them out a few times per day to poop. And sometimes that pooping happens in my front yard.
To deal with that I have invested in a poop scooper and a supply of those little plastic bags that fit in the device. And at least once a week I need to use it. A search of the front yard this morning found a few other piles I needed to scoop up. Damn.
Later in the day I decided to simplify my Internet life by making this blog my primary... thing.
So, an unpleasant chore followed by a good decision. I've had worse days.
#SeniorLiving #personal #blog
by Roscoe
In about five and a half months, if things go according to plan, she and I will have relocated 8,500 miles away.
I've lived in this city for about twenty of my 70+ years, and she's lived here for about 30 of her 60+ years, and we're ready to move on.
Mileage-wise, the distance from here to where we'll be living is pretty good: literally half-way around the world. But time-wise? The next five and a half months for us will pass very quickly. We're busy now setting up the logistics, making arrangements both at this end and at our destination.
We'll be travelling with round-trip tickets giving us 30 days there until our return flights, just in case we decide not to stay. BUT... we're pretty darned sure that we'll extend that visit for several years at least before coming back to America.
Nothing against America, mind you. We both love this country and intend to keep our citizenship here. But we're needed over there. And for a number of reasons that's where we need to be.
Given the immediacy of communications provided by the Internet these days, half-way around the world really isn't that far away. And five and a half months will be here soon.
#SeniorLiving #personal #blog
by Roscoe

Like most Saturday afternoons, this finds me watching XFL Football in my room while waiting patiently for Svengoolie.
#SeniorLiving #SevenTwoProject
by Roscoe

... my first prayer of the day recorded in my HabitShare app is The Canticle of Simeon, (Luke 2:29-32).
Usually my day's first prayer comes much earlier, but today I slept later than I normally do and got busy with chores and business matters almost as soon as the eyes opened. And it was hours before I could collect myself quietly.
There will be much more as the day wears on; more chores, more business matters, and certainly more prayer. It is, after all, the Lenten Season now.
#blog #SeniorLiving #SevenTwoProject
by Roscoe
... for tomorrow's arrival of house guests from Germany (daughter and her boyfriend will be with us for a month) I find myself busy doing what cleaning I can while staying out of her way. She and I have different approaches to how we want to get things done, though we share the same ultimate goal.
We muddle through, trying to avoid unnecessary and counter-productive points of contention. So far it's working moderately well.
#SeniorLiving #personal
by Roscoe
... will be reviewing some YouTube videos with Sylvia regarding how to set up our finances so that we maintain a financial footprint here in America while being able to easily and efficiently transfer funds to the Philippines as needed.
It will probably take us some time to fully digest the information we're finding. Then we'll want to talk with some bankers and decide which ones to use, both here and there. We've got about five months to have this all set up. Doable, I think, if we don't waste time.
#SeniorLiving #personal
by Roscoe

Tomorrow is Septuagesima Sunday and that makes this a perfect time to set up my 2020 Lenten Project. To help me hold to my Lenten discipline, I've downloaded the free Habitshare app to my Android phone (see the #screenshot above) and entered Daily Prayer as my first “habit” – a discipline I want to maintain throughout Lent.
Yesterday I caught a YouTube broadcast of Dr. Taylor Marshall with Dan Burke. Dan explained toward the end of that show how he and others used the social aspect of the #Habitshare app to help build and maintain good habits.
The social aspect of Habitshare, giving and receiving support from friends who also use the app, is one of its strong points. The app can be operated in a private mode, in which one uses it to record progress but chooses not to add friends, and not share any data with anybody.
Since I've just now set up my Habitshare, I don't yet have any friends to share it with. Do you have the Habitshare app on your Android or iPhone, and would you be interested in sharing a similar project with me? Let me know, okay?
#SeniorLiving #SevenTwoProject #Lent
by Roscoe

Much handier than spreading note cards over a big empty table top (which I don't have anyway) is VYM software. It helps me keep up with the details of a big project.
The big project in this case is my impending move to the Phillipines from South Texas later this year. I check the mind map generated by VYM at least once a day, in the morning when I set my daily chores, and often in the evening during my nightly review.
The Mind Map seen at the top of this post shows the state of the project as of today. The move itself will take place this Summer, most likely in August.
#SevenTwoProject #SeniorLiving #MindMap #planning
by Roscoe

We had a lot of fun at last night's party for the Knights of Columbus Assembly to which I belong. There was a good meal served, a chance to visit with good friends in a relaxed setting, music playing, raffles. She and I each won a raffle prize, by the way. Sylvia even got to do some line dancing.
#SeniorLiving #SevenTwoProject #fun #party #photograph
by Roscoe

... I'm finally ready to start transcribing.
Last week at our monthly business meeting the Recorder (Recording Secretary) was absent and I was asked to take the minutes of the meeting. Though that's a chore I don't particularly enjoy, (honestly, who does?), I agreed to do it.
While the meeting is in progress I do two things: I run a voice recorder app on my phone, and I take down notes with pen on paper. Then, when I can find a solid block of uninterrupted time in my home office, I'll: 1.) copy the recorded audio file onto my computer, 2.) open a template in my word processor, 3.) set my handwritten notes nearby for ready reference, and 4.) begin transcribing the minutes of the meeting into the word processor as I listen to the audio.
The photo above shows the tools all in place and ready for me to start. Sometimes I can breeze through the process and have an acceptable draft of the minutes ready to print in just a few short hours. Other times... well, I hope this will be one of the easy times. But with my glaucoma and cataracts acting up, this could take a few days.
#SevenTwoProject #SeniorLiving #health #personal #chores
by Roscoe