
This article moved to the XUMM Help Center:


The XUMM 0.6.0 update will be available in the Apple App Store & Google Play Store around November 16th, 2020 – while already published, it may take a couple of hours before the 0.6.0 update will be visible in the iOS App Store and Google Play store.

This major update contains significant improvements 😎 changes a few things and fixes some bugs 🎉

This release contains in-app automatic update checks, so you'll receive a message in the XUMM app when an update is available 🎉 Meaning this is the last version you'll have to get from the App/Play Store update page without notice.

Especially for this version we relied on a lot of help, input and debugging by XUMM users & community members. Thank you so so so much for helping us out, reporting issues, sending feedback & posting suggestions!

This version contains these suggestions form the XUMM Suggestion Board:

This is most likely the last XUMM Beta release, the next release will most likely be version 1.0, where the Beta label will be removed. But we already removed the balance warning last version, as XUMM security, sending & receiving has been thoroughly tested.


Change log:

Added & improved

  • Major makeover of the Event list, now showing account icons and active Ledger Objects (like Escrows and Checks) on dedicated tabs, with appropriate actions in the transaction detail screen.
  • Unactivated accounts will now show a button at the home screen to show the QR code for sending initial funding.Added support for alternate derivation paths when importing Mnemonic based accounts.
  • QR Scanner can now be used to scan just the Destination Tag (when sending) as well.
  • When cancelling a Check, the Check destination account will now be displayed in the Sign Request screen.
  • Added support for opening Explorer links with alternative browsers on iOS.
  • XUMM shows In-App update warnings from now on, when there's a new version available in the App/Play store.
  • Improved transaction search in the event list.
  • New “Transaction sent” (in case of successfully signed a request) confirmation screen.
  • XRP balance (home screen) now displays thousand separators, support for EU and US notation.


  • Android: the Settings panel now allows you to temporary enable taking screenshots and screencasts.
  • The device Clipboard will no longer be read from the home screen, instead the clipboard can be read opt-in from the Scan (Camera) dialog.
  • Improved some internals resulting in a much faster cold app start on Android and iOS.
  • Incoming Trust Lines (for issuers) in the Event list now explicitly show the Trust Line is incoming.
  • Account selection dropdown (Sign requests) is no longer a dropdown if there's only one account (read/write) to select.
  • Payments by 3rd parties partially consuming your DEX offer are now listed in the list as “Exchanged assets” instead of Payments (which was confusing, as the payment is from and to 3rd parties, but consuming your DEX offer).


  • Fixed a bug that may cause XUMM to display an error message at startup after migrating a backup (eg. new/replaced phone).
  • Fixed a bug where the Event list would stay white for Regular Key accounts after signing for another acount.
  • iOS: When long-tapping to paste in the Destination Tag field (when sending funds) the input would hide below the keyboard.
  • A bug preventing cancelling Check transactions to be signed is now fixed. You can now cancel Checks.
  • Fixed a bug that would calculate 5 XRP reserve for unused (limit: 0) Trust Lines.
  • Fixed a bug causing some Android devices not to show the account r-addres on the home screen.
  • Fixed a bug on causing some users being unable to store a Pin code during the onboarding, on some Android 7 / Android 7.1 devices.
  • Fixed a bug that (in rare occasions) could crash the app on Android.
  • Fixed a bug that would crash the app when scanning a PayID when adding a contact to the address book.

The XUMM 0.5.2 update will be available in the Apple App Store & Google Play Store around October 2nd, 2020.

This (minor) update will contains some improvements and addresses some minor bugs.

Depending on the settings on your phone, you'll either have to visit the App Store/Play Store and tap the update button, or XUMM will auto-update.

The next release we will add in-app automatic update checks, so you'll receive a message in the XUMM app when an update is available 🎉


  • Read Only accounts don't show the (confusing) “Request” button anymore at the home screen

  • Added “keyboard incognito mode” for Android

  • If the 'Account' field is specified in a Sign Request, that account is now preselected if present as Read/Write account

  • Allow importing mnemonics from a QR code

  • Add “exchange all funds” button in the “Other assets” (IOU) exchange screen


  • Exchange accounts can not be imported as Read Only account anymore. Added a check for destination tag requirements when importing Read Only accounts, and don't allow users to import a Read Only account with mandatory (or likely) destination tag requirement, to prevent confusion.

  • iOS FaceID / Fingerprint reader now falls back to OS passphrase/PIN on “Enter Password”

  • Improved QR destination address recognition

  • Updated push notification handling, and when an payload is already open (on screen) after scanning a QR, a notification for the same payload will be hidden

  • Changed “passphrase” to “password” for XUMM account encryption/decryption (to prevent confusion with mnemonics)


  • Sign Requests (by URL) are now picked up from the clipboard when opening the app from background (minimized) state as well

  • When you have an offer on the Decentralized Exchange, when a part of your offer is consumed, XUMM now shows only the affected amounts for the partial fill (instead of the entire consuming offer)

  • On rare occasions the wrong currency exchange (IOU) amount was displayed in the transaction history (right amount was exchanged)

  • Lots of decimal places are now truncated in the Exchange (IOU) screen

  • Fixed app crash on scanning a Coinbase destination QR code

  • Fixed Android app crash on empty asset list


XRPL Labs is proud to announce continued support from Xpring (by Ripple).

In early 2019, Xpring announced its investment in XRPL Labs, led by Wietse Wind, as part of a broader effort to support companies and projects building on the XRP Ledger. This investment resulted in XRPL Labs building and (beta) launching XUMM, more than an XRP wallet.

With Xpring supporting XRPL Labs with an additional investment to support the next three years of growth and development of its Xumm App & Platform, XRPL Labs will be able to focus on their road map, working towards adoption, XRP ledger accessibility & building the bridge between consumers, businesses & developers.

We are excited for the future, where we leverage this support to take XUMM to the next level of becoming the commercial XRP Ledger wallet and platform of choice.

Press release by Xpring (Ripple)

XRPL Labs is working on the transaction “HOOKS” amendment for the XRP Ledger. Supporting business logic integration for developers.

(More blogs have been published since this blog was published at the 30th of July 2020: https://dev.to/t/xrplhooks/top/infinity)

The XRP ledger is known and is being appreciated for its transaction throughput, speed and the low fees. Combined with available advanced transaction types like multi sign, escrows, payment channels and even a decentralized exchange (all on ledger, out of the box, without requiring smart contracts) the XRPL has a lot to offer businesses and (creative) developers.

At XRPL Labs we build XUMM (and other, smaller libs. and projects). While building a product & business leveraging just about all things the XRPL has to offer, we’re continuously looking at the XRP ledger from developer, consumer and business perspectives.

We realized that, while the XRP ledger already has a lot to offer, developers and businesses need a lot of flexibility, allowing them to not only build what is possible today, but to build what they can imagine tomorrow. For XUMM, we’re looking at tomorrow (and the day after, our three year roadmap and beyond)

Think about (just to name a few):

  • Auto saving on incoming transactions. Automatically park VAT, send a part of your received on ledger pay to your holiday savings account, …

  • An on ledger Tip / Gift platform (bot), to individuals, charities, opt in infrastructure (validator) rewards, etc. Using “Lite Accounts”, without account reserves.

  • “Lite Accounts” so businesses can assign & track loyalty points for all their customers, on ledger, without having to activate their account.

  • On ledger subscriptions to advisory lists like the XRPForensics list, to auto block incoming & outgoing transactions from and to scams, no matter the used XRP ledger client

  • Storing account based flags, like “did this user perform and passed KYC”

  • On ledger if/else (or more advanced) conditions on incoming or outgoing payments, based on your own logic, possibly using data provided by oracles

While envisioning multiple on ledger features (samples below) for XUMM, we quickly realized that most features would be best implemented on ledger, non custodial, as we (and many other developers and businesses) don’t have (or want to get) the appropriate licenses for handling user funds, custody, etc. And we were only talking about the features we could come up with. Imagine what would happen if other businesses, creative developers, use cases out there found their way to a flexible way to add on ledger business logic to transactions on the XRP ledger.

We decided to call our idea “Hooks”. Transaction Hooks. They are small, efficient pieces of code being defined on an XRPL account, allowing logic to be executed before and/or after XRPL transactions. These hooks can be really simple, like: “reject payments < 10 XRP”, or “for all outgoing payments, send 10% to my savings account” or more advanced. By allowing hooks to not only execute efficient logic but also to store small, simple data objects, one could define a hook like: “for incoming payments transactions, check if the sending account is in a list maintained by another hook, and if present: reject the transaction”.

We are currently thinking things through, drafting what an implementation would look like. We’re turning that into open source code and a proof of concept, then to develop a first version and run it on our own (private, after that: public) XRPL testnet. We’ll be focussing on everything required to protect the XRP ledger and its future: security, stability, performance & usability (in its broadest sense, for developers, business cases, …). There’s still much to think about and discuss before we will publish more details, like the fee model: how do we enable the Hooks feature without allowing Hooks to be abused to spam the XRPL? Or: what is the Hooks environment going to look like (WebAssembly?). Did we cover all edge cases we can think of, and does the solution & implementation we ended up with support all use cases we initially thought of? Does the solution we come up with scale?

While we will spend more time brain crunching, designing & coding, we’re really excited we get to work & collaborate with awesome people & technology, in a world where we’re all able to contribute & share ideas, improving & contributing to the open and decentralized XRP ledger. While we still need some time, we are already really excited about engaging with you, devs & businesses, testing, integrating, and hopefully: seeing validators vote for our “Hooks” amendment (to be), at some point in the future.

With the recent 0.5.1 release of XUMM, a first public non-beta “1.0” release will not take much longer. Security and transactions in XRP are already fully tested & ready for production.

Over the next couple of months, internal development testing & testing procedures will be improved, an App Translation Portal will be added to the XUMM developer console (more on that later) and the final improvements and bug fixes will be added to the final 0.7.0 beta release, to be expected at the end of Q3 2020. The final beta release will be quickly followed (early Q4) by the first non-beta “1.0” release, containing the last beta bug fixes & community translations.

For the remainder of 2020 and in the first quarter of 2021, most XUMM development will take place under the hood, while we work on all features to be included in the Q1 (2021) “2.0” release. This second, major release of XUMM will include more translations and a major addition: XUMM Pro(files).

XUMM Pro & Profiles

While you can simply continue using XUMM without subscribing to XUMM Pro & activating a XUMM profile, by going Pro and activating your own XUMM Profile you’ll be able to benefit from cool & useful features (outlined below).

Without XUMM Pro & an XUMM Profile, you will still be able to use all existing (and most of the future) XUMM features, like payment requests, signing 3rd party initiated transactions & sign requests, managing multiple XRPL accounts, easy access to the Decentralized Exchange, etc.

With a XUMM Pro subscription and Profile, you’ll go through KYC verification. XRPL Labs will use the reliable and trusted services of Veriff. With the XUMM KYC you will be able to:

  • Claim & personalize your own profile (name & slug) for payment requests & invoice payment in XRP and IOU’s

  • Show your verified name, profile icon & checkmark next to transactions and requests in XUMM and other XRPL ecosystem tools

  • Claim your xumm.me hosted PayID for multiple XRP ledger accounts

  • Recover your XUMM Profile (note: not your XRPL accounts! Keep your secrets safe!) in case of a lost device

  • Publish your KYC status (not your personal details, just the fact that you successfully went through KYC) so 3rd party apps can unlock features based on your account trustworthiness

  • Deposit to exchanges & FI’s in a future where Travel Rule Compliance information has to be attached (to PayID) transactions. This way XUMM can add Travel Rule Compliance information to your own on-ledger, non custodial account & transactions

We’ve given the Pro + Profile KYC requirement a lot of thought, but decided that, to improve trustworthiness in the XRP ledger / crypto ecosystem, we are doing the right thing by adding opt in KYC to claiming your XUMM Profile name. Scammers should not be able to claim your name, impersonate, hijack a PayID that would trick people into thinking they are you.

This, combined with the profile recovery feature & all other features that XUMM and other XRPL ecosystem developers will be able to offer to verified users in the future made us decide we are doing the right thing by asking for KYC. To cover the KYC costs & infrastructure we’ll be running for more XUMM features, the XUMM Pro subscription will be mandatory. We promise we’ll keep the yearly XUMM Pro subscription fee as low as possible, and we will not (not now, not ever) remove existing XUMM features for non-Pro users.

The introduction of XUMM Pro will allow XRPL Labs and the development of XUMM to become self-sustaining.

Mid term & long term roadmap

Some of the things we’re really excited about are adding FIAT on and off ramps to XUMM. We will not be providing these & custody ourselves (XUMM, XRPL Labs), but rather partner with experienced, trusted players. We are already talking to a few potential partners, but like all things done right, it’ll take some time before we’re ready to embed FIAT ramps from one or more partners into XUMM.

The stage after adding fiat on and off ramp will be adding a unified experience to XUMM for both non custodial on ledger accounts (like all accounts in XUMM today) and custodial accounts at XUMM partners. This will allow consumers to use our XUMM app & one unified user interface and user experience no matter where and how their funds are stored.

Another exciting development involves XRPL Labs sponsoring a new amendment for the XRP ledger nodes & validators. There are several interesting use cases for consumers and businesses that would benefit from on ledger functionality that doesn’t exist today. Instead of turning all ideas in to separate amendments, we’ll be working on a feature called (Transaction) Hooks, supporting on ledger business logic integration for developers. This will enable (on ledger, non custodial) features in XUMM and all other XRPL clients like:

  • Auto saving (eg. send 10% of all outgoing payments to your own savings account)

  • Auto tipping/rewards (eg. support a charity or infra providers like validators automatically)

  • On ledger subscriptions to advisory lists like the XRPForensics list, to auto block incoming & outgoing transactions from and to scams, no matter the used XRP ledger client

  • “Lite Accounts”: limited on ledger (potentially non custodial) balances for tipping, spending, etc. without an account reserve (but higher on ledger fees, for “hook execution”)

» Read more about the development of the (Transaction) Hooks amendment in this separate blog.

It’s a privilege to be able to work on all of the things just outlined and more for years to come. With and for all of you, together with awesome & creative developers, daring businesses we are certain we can build XUMM into the app & platform becoming the missing link between transacting on the XRP ledger, businesses, actual business use cases & global commerce. Our contribution to the Internet of Value.


» Get XUMM at the Apple App Store

» Get XUMM at the Google Play Store

Use XUMM today, with: XRP Toolkit and XUMM.community

Start building on the XUMM platform: Dev Docs, Dev Console

Hi all, I'm proud to announce I'll be the person behind the support & content channels for XUMM!

I'm Koen, and I'll be supporting XRPL Labs by answering your questions on Twitter with @XummSupport & other support channels, like the FAQ and 1:1 chat at support.xumm.app.

Don't worry: Wietse will still stay active! We'll be working together & alongside each other, while Wietse can focus some more on software and business development :)

My cryptocurrency adventure started back in 2017. We all remember the big boom where the prices went to the moon and back. I bought a ghetto mining rig. Well, a part of it. The GPU's were pretty hard to find. After two months they finally arrived and the Ethereum/Monero minning started. After a nice amount of mining it was time to liquidate the earnings into fiat to expand the mining operations. Quickly I discovered a problem with these currencies it was agonizing slow and the transfer fees where as high as 20$. I looked around for other currencies that didn't have these problems.

I found XRP shortly after. I loved it so much that I began to learn Javascript so that I could interact with XRP directly. This was it the future of payments, fast and cheap without these heat blowers in my room (although in the winter it was very nice).

I started to kill my time coding with the XRP Ledger making my own wallet and playing with an Arduino like microcontroller (ESP32) to use with XRP. What I found out is that I like to develop and be part of this new technology. Especially after attending the big XRP meetup in Amersfoort with a great community. That is why I joined XRPL Labs to work on XUMM to contribute to the use case of the cryptocurrency space.

I am going to help the XUMM team with questions from the users and to help you report bugs or features to the team.

We're happy to announce the release of the next version of XUMM to 0.5.1, containing well over 50 improvements and fixes. Although the version number indicates this is to be a minor release, the effort and changes are more like a major release.

There are some important changes and fixes added to this release after we already communicated the version number. We have listened to your feedback and we will continue to do so. We appreciate your effort for making XUMM a better app everyday.

Special thanks go out to @nixerFFM and @saschofield52

Bookmarks for suggestions, support & development progress:


  • Transaction detail page redesign

  • Added Support for checks

  • Memo icon in events page if a transaction contains a memo

  • Show local date & time (timezone) for transaction details page and show account info like this

  • “Discreet mode”: hide account address and balances on app start (remembers last state & setting to start hidden by default)

  • Improved liquidity check for IOU asset, added liquidity check before buying & price quote based on requested amount to exchange

  • Improved exchange rate accuracy for exchanging IOU assets

  • Added support for branding (logo, name) for non-shortlisted IOU's (tokens)

  • TrustLines with negative balances (self issued IOU's) now show in the XUMM home screen (obligation) and are available for sending (self issued tokens 🎉) – eg. using https://xumm.community/easy-iou

  • Added support for DepositPreauth

  • Show year in events page if it is not the current year

  • Added labels to XRP accounts in settings page

  • Show received value for currency exchanges & the currency code in events page

  • Show received XRP with an Account Delete transaction

  • Improved secret numbers validation on generating new XRP account

  • Allow signing with all accounts for “sign in requests” (eg. unactivated accounts, like “regular keys”)

  • Change labels for OfferCreate transaction

  • Show destination for AccountDelete event

  • Tapping the XUMM app version (Settings, Advanced) will popup the release notes

  • Improved “maximum amount reached”-message for sending IOU currencies, updating the value to the max. spendable amount

  • Hide balance section on Account home screen if the account is not activated

  • Explanation for unactivated accounts regarding the 20 XRP reserve (when importing/adding an account)

  • Improved user flow (and on screen information) when importing rekeyed accounts like Toast vanity addresses (using “Regular keys”)

Bug fixes

  • Improved XRP ledger (node) connectivity
  • Copy an address with privacy mode copies only dots
  • When scrolling down in the Event list (transactions), when opening a transaction and navigating back to the list, the list offset changed.
  • Sign button on request not reachable on iOS
  • Numpad fix for iOS

  • Submitting signed transaction by QR code resulted in a blank page

  • Scrolling stopped within switching an account after certain number

  • Support for 21:9 aspect ratio phones regarding UI behaviour

  • Regular key account showed as an read only account, changed to Read/Write

  • Fixed iOS 10 error when scrolling within changelog

  • Backspace first PIN digit didn't work on all devices

  • Account reserve list & balance calculation inaccuracy solved

  • On Android when clicking multiple times on share link the app will no longer open multiple share dialogs