

This is a manually-curated collection of the recipes I've written here. Using the #recipe tag might find more, but they'll be in reverse order of publication. This will almost certainly be in some different order.

Note that many of these recipes will feed quite a few folks. I don’t throw huge dinner parties. Instead, when I cook up something like spaghetti sauce, I make enough for a few meals, and freeze the leftovers for when I’m feeling lazy. There are other notes on how I deal with leftovers in my colleciton of tips for cooking for one.

Also, some recipes will have a small grill icon to the right of them. Like this:Small BBQ grill icon Those recipes were written to be cooked on a BBQ grill, but can usually be adapted for indoor use, as well.









This recipe was originally in a cookbook my sweetie had which called out all sorts of Name Brand ingredients. It also called for making kebabs of the mix and grilling them. We decided we'd rather have a stir-fry or fry-up all in one pan. I ate mine with a slice of bread, but over pasta or rice would also work.

Prepared recipe in a black cast-iron skillet


  • 12 ounce smoked ring sausage (Hillshire Farms Smoked Turkey Sausage is what we used, but use what you like), cut into ½ inch pieces
  • 1 C dried apricots, halved
  • 1 can beer (12 oz)
  • ¾ C apricot preserves
  • 1 Tbsp mustard (we used dijon, but yellow will also work)
  • 1 tsp Worcestershire sauce
  • 1 tsp red chile powder (we prefer Chimayó )
  • 2 apples, peeled and chopped
  • 2 – 6oz cans sliced mushrooms, drained or ½ pound fresh mushrooms, sliced


  • Simmer sausage & apricots in beer in a large saucepan or skillet for 10 minutes
  • If using fresh mushrooms, add them about 5 minutes in
  • Combine apricot preserves, mustard, chile and Worcestershire sauce in a microwave-safe measuring glass, and heat briefly (enough that the preserves liquify) in microwave, then stir and set aside
  • Add apples & mushrooms to sausage mixture
  • Add sauce to sausage mixture
  • Simmer until apples are going soft and sauce has thickened to desired consistency.


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Peach-raspberry crumble, fresh from the oven

Side view of peach-raspberry crumble, cooling on top of the stove, with a mixture of juice and butter bubbling along the side of the baking dish.

Our neighbors had a bumper crop of peaches this year, so we got a couple dozen fresh peaches yesterday. We figured putting them in a crumble with some raspberries we already had in the house would be a good use.

Peach raspberry crumble, not yet baked.


  • A dozen fresh peaches
  • A pint of fresh raspberries
  • 1 Tbsp flour
  • A couple tablespoons of sugar
  • 150g all-purpose flour
  • 100g butter
  • 85g sugar

Peach raspberry crumble, in an 8x8 pan, without the crumble.


  • Peel the peaches and cut into wedges
  • Toss with a couple tablespoons of sugar and a tablespoon of flour and dump into a glass 8x8 baking pan
  • Put a pint of raspberries over the peaches
  • In a medium bowl, cut the butter into the flour.
  • When the butter/flour mixture looks like bread crumbs, toss the sugar over it.
  • Sprinkle the crumble mixture over the fruit
  • Bake for 35-40 minutes in a 400F oven,
  • Cool for a little bit before eating. Don’t burn your mouth!

A dozen peaches, peeled and cut into wedges, sitting in a stainless bowl.


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More a method than a recipe, these are my rough guidelines for ham salad.


  • Ham – two thin slices, or one thick slice, chopped
  • One hard-boiled egg, chopped
  • 1 Tbsp mayo (yes, you can use Miracle Whip®, but it’s better with mayo)
  • 1 tsp yellow mustard

Optional Ingredients

Add up to three of the following

  • 4″ stalk of celery – chopped
  • quarter-pickle “spear” – chopped
  • three or four pickle slices – chopped
  • three or four olives, without pit, and optionally with pimento – chopped
  • one ring pineapple – chopped
  • small chunk green pepper – chopped
  • roasted green chile – chopped
  • tablespoon grated parmesan cheese
  • one slice american cheese – chopped
  • small chunk (tablespoon or so) cheddar cheese – chopped
  • one carrot – chopped finely


  • Chop the ingredients, if you haven’t already
  • Drain the vegetable matter – you don’t want things soggy
  • Put the chopped things in a bowl big enough to hold everything and then some
  • Squirt in the mayo, and mix (go ahead and use your hand if you want)
  • Add salt and pepper to taste
  • If making a sandwich, smear it on the bread
  • If you don’t have bread, add about ½ cup cooked and cooled macaroni

You can double, triple or whatever multiple you’d like with this, but I find that I most often make about 2 servings, use half the result on bread for lunch, and the other half with a little pasta for dinner, and I’ve managed to clean up a lot of little odds and ends from the kitchen, while still having a tasty meal or two.

If you don’t have any ham, use two or three eggs and call it egg salad.


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rhubarb peach cobbler

I needed to rewrite this recipe for my own sanity. The one online at the Food Network has all the ingredients in one list, which is handy for shopping, but worthless for trying to make sure you haven’t forgotten something as you’re baking.

Ingredients (crust)

  • 2C all-purpose flour
  • 2Tbsp sugar
  • Zest from one lime
  • 1tsp salt
  • 4½oz butter (1 stick plus one Tbsp)
  • 1½oz lard (3Tbsp)
  • 1½oz ice water, in a spray bottle

Directions (crust)

  1. Place the dry ingredients in a large mixing bowl and mix them with a fork.
  2. Add butter and lard and cut into the flour mixture.
  3. Spritz mixture with ice water and mix with a fork just until it comes together.
  4. Place into gallon zip-top bag, roll flat, and place in fridge while you work on the filling.

Ingredients (filling)

  • 1# rhubarb, chopped into 1cm pieces
  • 1# peaches, cored, and sliced into 1cm slices, then chopped into 1cm pieces
  • 2Tbsp corn starch
  • Juice from one lime
  • 1C sugar

Directions (filling)

  1. Chop rhubarb and place in large mixing bowl.
  2. Cut peaches in half, removing pit, them slicing into 1cm slices, and chopping into 1cm cubes.
  3. Add sugar, corn starch and lime juice to bowl, and mix things with a fork so all the fruit is coated.


  1. Place a piece of aluminum foil on the bottom rack of the oven to catch any spills.
  2. Preheat oven to 375F.
  3. Grease a 9x9 inch glass baking dish with lard or butter.
  4. Take about ⅓ of the crust mixture out of the zip-top bag and crumble into the bottom of the baking dish.
  5. Dump the filling in on top of the crumbled crust
  6. Roll the remainder of the crust out inside the zip-top bag so it’s about the same size as the baking dish, then carefully slice open the bag along the seams and place the top crust on top of the fruit, pushing it down into the edges of the baking dish. If it didn’t break up like mine always does, slice it a few times so steam and juice can escape.
  7. Bake for an hour. Or 90 minutes if you used frozen fruit.
  8. Before removing from oven, broil (at the hottest setting) for a couple minutes to brown the top if needed.
  9. Let cool for 15-30 minutes before serving and enjoying. It’s hard to taste the deliciousness with a burned tongue.


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One pot, and you can throw everything in early and just let it fill the house with yummy smells if you’re pressed for time.


Prep Time: 15 minutes

Cook time: 3-7 hours


  • 1 lb boneless chicken thighs
  • 1-2C barbecue sauce
  • 1 15oz can cream corn
  • 1 C frozen sweet corn
  • 2C frozen roasted sweet potatoes
  • [optional] Small can Hatch Green Chiles,
  • 1 batch Corn Muffins with Chicos batter
  • 1 C water
  • salt and pepper


  • Cut chicken into bit sized pieces and throw into the crock pot.
  • Season with salt and pepper.
  • Top with corn, cream corn, sweet potatoes, optional chiles, and bbq sauce.
  • Pour 1C water over everything.
  • If making this in one shot, pour in the muffin batter over the top of everything.
  • Turn crock pot on “high” and cook for a cuppa-tree (2-3) hours, or “low” for approximately 6 hours.
  • Spoon muffin batter over top of boiling liquid, making dumplings, if you didn’t put the batter in earlier. Continue to cook on low for another hour or so.
  • Serve and enjoy!


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This is more my outline of how to make bread, rather than a specific #recipe. But it’s the outline of almost every yeast bread I make.


  • 3C flour, with at least one being wheat bread flour
  • 1T sugar (or honey, or molasses, or other sugary thing that will feed yeast – artificial sweeteners will not work)
  • 1T fat (butter, olive oil, bacon grease, shortening)
  • 1T yeast (when I was homebrewing, I would use slurry from the bottom of the fermenter)
  • 1tsp salt (you can go as low as ½tsp, but this is the amount that “tastes right” to me)
  • Other – an egg, some milk, cheese, ham, etc. they’ll all change the end product, and you’ll need to adjust the liquid to make it right, but you have to do that based on what kinds of flours you use, too.
  • 1-2C water – enough to make the dough right but a little wetter generally works better than too dry. The dough should stick to your hands if you handle it without flouring them first.


  • Put everything but the water into a stand mixer with a dough hook and add a cup of liquid.
  • Start the mixer on its lowest speed, and run it until the dough comes together. Add a little liquid if it looks too dry. Don’t panic if it looks too wet, because the flours absorb water, and you’ll almost certainly need to add a little more.
  • Turn the mixer speed up a notch. The dough should mostly pull clear of the sides of the bowl, forming a shiny ball. If none of it is sticking to the sides, add a bit (maybe a tablespoon) more water at a time.
  • Once you’ve got a good dough going, turn the mixer up to the third speed. This is where the mixer will start dancing around the counter. You want to go at this speed for maybe five minutes. You might need to add a little more water. I generally do.
  • Spray the dough (in the mixing bowl) with nonstick cooking spray and cover with a piece of plastic until it has doubled in size.
  • Prepare a pan or sheet with grease or flour to bake the bread on. Even a nonstick pan needs some flour or grease on it.
  • Put a little (maybe a tablespoon) of flour on a board or the counter and turn the dough out onto it. Fold the dough over a few times to knock some of the air out of it, then form a loaf. Sprinkle the top with any toppings, slice expansion marks in, and cover loosely with plastic wrap so it can rise again.
  • When the dough has doubled in size again, pop it in a hot oven. Generally 350-400 is the right temperature range, but I’ve baked in ovens as hot as 700F. Hotter gets done quicker.
  • Bake until the dough hits 190F internally. 20-40 minutes in a 350-400F oven, depending on the dough, loaf size, and shape. As little as 3 minutes in a blazing hot pizza oven if you’re making flatbread.
  • Cool on a cooling rack for at least 5 minutes, but 10 is better. Things need time to set and if you cut in too early, the bread can deflate and will look sad. Cut off a slice or six, and enjoy!

Bread on a cooling rack


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roasted root vegetables with sausage

Pretty simple & hearty.


  • Three medium-small turnips
  • One large parsnip
  • Two carrots
  • ¼ onion
  • One pound sausage
  • 1 tsp Rosemary
  • 2 Tbsp butter or bacon grease


  • Preheat oven to 400F.
  • Peel and cut vegetables into 2cm cubes and place in casserole.
  • Cut sausage into 1cm discs & add to casserole.
  • Bake for 45 minutes, then stir and add butter and rosemary
  • Bake for 15-30 more minutes, until turnips are tender.


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Based on Rachel Roddy’s recipe for linguine with white fish and citrus juice

Serve with a green salad – we like mango vinaigrette dressing on ours

Prep: 15 minutes Cook: 10 minutes Serves: 6-8


  • 6 Tbsp olive oil
  • ½ tsp orange oil
  • Zest of 1 lemon
  • 1 clove garlic, peeled and crushed gently
  • 2 small dried chiles or ¼ tsp chimayo chile
  • 12-18 olives, sliced (I use leftover ones that aren’t good for snacking anymore)
  • Salt & black pepper to season
  • 10-12 oz dry angel-hair pasta
  • ¾ lb white fish (cod works), cut into half-inch cubes
  • 4 Tbsp lemon juice
  • 1 heaping Tbsp dry parsley


  • Bring a large pan of water to a boil for the pasta.
  • Cut the fish into half-inch cubes.
  • In a large deep pan, put olive oil, zests, garlic, chile, olives and a little black pepper. Turn the flame to the lowest you can for now.
  • When the water boils, add salt, and put in the pasta. Set the timer for 2 minutes less than the shortest time called for on the box.
  • When the timer rings, scoop out 1C of the pasta water and turn off the heat.
  • Turn up the heat (to your normal sauté setting) on the oil, and put in the fish.
  • Stir the fish for 30 seconds, trying to get a little color on all sides.
  • Using tongs, transfer the pasta into the pan with the oil and fish. As soon as you have finished transferring all the pasta, turn off the heat, but leave the pan on the burner.
  • Swish the fish, oil and pasta around for a minute or so, until the fish is cooked.
  • Add the cup of pasta water, parsley, and lemon juice and give one quick stir or toss.
  • Serve immediately with tongs. There will be some liquid in the pan, but any leftover pasta will absorb it. If there is no leftover pasta, feel free to spoon it over the plates. A little Parmesan grated over it wouldn’t be wrong, either.
  • Enjoy!


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Based strongly on the Sweetcorn chowder with smoky chipotle oil recipe from Meera Sodha in the Grauniad, this took a New Mexican twist when I cooked it up.


  • Cooking time: 30 minutes
  • Idle time: 90-120 minutes


  • 2 oz vegetable oil
  • 4-6 spring onions, chopped finely, green bits and all
  • 1C chicos
  • 1 qt chicken stock (use vegetable stock if you want a vegan dish)
  • 400ml can coconut milk
  • 1 leek, trimmed, finely sliced, and rinsed
  • 1 clove garlic
  • small handful small yellow potatoes, or one large white potato
  • ⅓ bag roasted green chiles from the market, peeled, seeded and frozen, then chopped finely
  • 1 tsp lemon juice
  • 2 Tbsp corn flour
  • 2 Tbsp potato flakes
  • 1 can (15 oz) sweet corn, with juice


  • Sauté onions in a skillet with a little oil, 6-8 minutes, until they’ve gone a bit brown, past translucent
  • Put chicos, chicken stock, and coconut milk into crock pot and get it warming on high
  • Add onions to crock pot
  • Sauté leek and garlic in a little oil, until leek is translucent, and add to crock pot
  • Cut potatoes into 1cm cubes and sauté in a little oil until soft, then add to pot
  • Sauté chopped green chiles in a little oil in skillet, and add to pot
  • When pot comes to a boil (over 90 minutes with my crock pot), add corn flour and potato flakes, stirring well
  • After a few minutes, add corn and liquid from can and stir well
  • Taste and season with salt as needed
  • If you like your chowder thicker, put in a stick blender into the pot and blend some of the soup up
  • Serve and enjoy

Notes on ingredients

  • Chicos are corn, roasted on the cob in an horno, and then dried. They keep pretty much forever, and add a nice smoky flavor to food.
  • Green chiles are sold at farmers markets in New Mexico in the fall, roasted right there at the market. They’re typically sold in sandwich bags or quart ziploc bags. We buy the mildest ones available, bring them home and peel, seed, and freeze them into freezer bags (one per bag from the market). A third of one of those bags is enough in this recipe for us, but don’t let me tell you how spicy to make your food. If you must use canned, one of the small cans is probably a good starting place.
  • The simplest way I know of to get all the dirt out of leeks is to cut off the fine roots, thinly slice the leek, then put it in a bowl and rinse it with water. But if you’ve got a better suggestion, have at it! I didn’t use the green part of the leek in this recipe, as it was already plenty onion-y, but again, you’re welcome to use it all if you want.
  • If you want a little added protein in this, adding bacon would be a fine idea. I would use about a pound of bacon, chopped up and sautéed. Or a can of spam if that works for you.

#recipe #NewMexico #corn #soup

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